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More shootings in the U.S.

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On 8/4/2019 at 2:14 PM, P.K. said:

The Sky morons invented "rolling" news and so all the others, including the BBC, now have to have similar.

They have to fill those 24 hours a day with something. And not even you AT could possibly claim what's happened isn't "newsworthy" or whatever.

Have you stopped thinking in retirement you plonker?

Of course it will appear on the list...but not first. NOT FIRST. Wake up and read the post properly before you respond.

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2 hours ago, Albert Tatlock said:

Have you stopped thinking in retirement you plonker?

Of course it will appear on the list...but not first. NOT FIRST. Wake up and read the post properly before you respond.

Rolling news is world news. How on earth have you failed to realise that?

So the most important news that day is about some thickos who are going to stay in their flood- threatened homes thus endangering the rescue services, God forbid, who will have to risk all to try and save them in the worst case scenario rather than the rise of right-wing terrorism creating havoc and murdering innocents...!

Are you really so stupid as to think that you paying your licence fee means you can demand that first and foremost the BBC must report British so-called "news"....?

Obviously way past time you retired....

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