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Illinois shooting: Six dead in 4 July parade shooting near Chicago - BBC News


Six people have been shot dead at a 4 July Independence Day parade near the US city of Chicago, city officials say.

The event in the city of Highland Park was suddenly halted about 10 minutes after it began, when several shots were heard.

Police officials said they were still searching for a white man, aged 18-20, described as "armed and dangerous".

City authorities said 24 people had also been hospitalised.

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These events are heartbreaking. 

People I know in the US are actually now actively working on leaving the country as they are just tired with everything. Not only the likes of incidents like this but the whole abortion issue recently. These are middle aged people so I don't know how widespread this is, but do know there has been a general surge of enquiries about leaving the country through media reports. 

I couldn't even bring myself to read the story about the 2 year old left orphaned despite clicking on it earlier. 

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I'm fairly 'pro-gun' and had a licence up until recently, when I turned it in because of kids/time etc and I'll hopefully pick it back up again once they're grown and I have some spare time again.  Assuming that we're not all relegated to being vetted for pea shooters by that point. 

But there is zero reason for anyone to own an assault rifle.  There is nothing that you can do with one in a sporting or hunting environment that you couldn't do with a bolt action rifle and/or a handgun. 

The second amendment was written when (if you were lucky) you could shoot 4 rounds a minute. 

Even seemingly rational educated people are agreeing with the mantra that the answer to too many guns is more guns.  

I don't think I have heard of any 'active shooters' being taken down by a civilian with a carry permit! 

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