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Iom Dance

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people just aren't going out. numbers are down across the entire board for clubs and many promoters just got sick of the hassle from venue managers, other promoters and people slagging them off. Thats my opinion, FOF have had to put up with a lot of the above over the years but it's through a lot of continuing support that we have got through and are luckily still going.

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i wouldn't worry. It's just a trend, by the winter or may as long as next summer dance music might reinvent itself. I think everyone got bored with trance by 2002 now people have got bored of that disco revival thats just been on... god forbid if the next trend is retro eighties... still atleast it means that doctor and the medics might get re released. :)


for now choose a group from NME and listen to the album until that horrible phase dies out. Though if you want to try out bands take a listen to some that are over here. You might be shocked.

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I think the problem is no-one is organising nights that people want to go to! People get bored of the same old thing week after week.


Diversity is the key, take the complete stone roses gig the other week, alot of the 'clubbing crowd' where there and everyone had a great night.


Change is good folks!

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We need a night that cuts across different types of dance... I want to listen to hip hop, house, indie (dancey stuff), electro, funk and soul. Everything and anything with a bit of soul.


The Roses gig was super ace brilliant, that was my kind of night. I think the crowd was wicked - no knob heads. I didn't have to side step any fights all night which was quite something form my experience of the venue.


Also I think a cool bar that consistently plays tunes would be very nice, the lounge is ok but it's a bit to lilac for me... I like this place back home not sure about the site though:




I also really liked those Northern Soul nights, I was to young 1st time round but they were banging...

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Well, we do our best - we listen to what people say and act accordingly... I recently conducted a survey amongst a group of our regulars and asked for suggestions as to what we could do different. To my surprise, the only thing they wanted to change was the admission price and drinks prices.


I am pleased to say that the management are listening and will act in the next few weeks. As for the music - they were all happy and absolutely did not want it to change [much to my surprise I might add!]


For the past 5 odd years we have seen many ups and downs in the local Club scene - but the only people who can keep it alive are... guess who? Yes, you guessed it - YOU.


No doubt things go in cycles - everyone has their opinion as to why things have quietened down - as for us - we will just keep hammering away - trying to put on at least one quality night a week....


My thanks go out to our regulars who support us week in - week out. Whether its the music, the crowd or just to see a boring old fart like me making a fool of himself - long may it continue! ;)

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my personal view point is that full on fridays was good a couple of years ago, obviously due to the crowd and the DJ's. The Cave days where the days when everything was new and fresh and there wasnt as much b*tching, even in the early years of studebakers and first year or so in breeze things where still good but it seems to have lost it abit, which I doubt is down to the promotinal team in breeze I think it maybe just down to people moving on and growing out of it. Most people I speak too, speak very highly of the early days of the Cave maybe in future the current crowd at Breeze might think the same way?? time will only tell


I would say the more diverse the music the better, but I wouldnt say bands is the answer! The people who go to see bands are not generally die hard dance music supporters. Trance hit its peak in around 1999, this is the time when the quality of production was alot higher as every DJ seemed to be playing it around this time, the competition for better trance music was alot greater at this time


It does seem as if many local DJ's are now trying their hand at playing in the UK as there isnt much of a scene left in IOM.


I think current promoters should keep their faith in what they are doin and try keep the dance music scene going, even if its on a much smaller basis. It would be great to have a regular place to go to on a Saturday night which played good dance music, which has a very good loyal crowd who are there because they are into the scene and not because its where everybody else is goin.


Unfortunately the Life and other nights have died off, maybe its time for someone else to have ago and learn from everybody else's mistakes and make the scene buzzing again. Or is there any point??


We have had 80's re-unions at summerland for the old saturday night cave crowd, we have also had the classics in Venue maybe its time for new music of 2005 to hit IOM.


It just seems the more nights we have on and more radio exposure with Energy, the less sucessful the nights become which is pretty strange

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Quote "Now thats an idea!!! doubt there would be a club available but am sure it would work especially offering a wide variety of dance music, even if the DJ's played for free. At least the night wouldnt get repetative as there would be sooo many DJ's to chose from."



If you wish for something hard enough they say it may come true! :D


.........ssshhhhhhhh! Don't shout too loudly, there are some people out there who might just grant your very wish! ;)


Watch this space and for those of you on the dance scene grapevine, this may well be the answer to our prayers.... sssshhhhhh!!!!! :ph34r:

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I was also wondering what has happened to all the dance nights. The last one I went to was Funktonic up in the Bamboo Lounge... If someone or a group of us organised an event where a number of different styles were involved, then that would hopefully gain more interest, and would definately be interesting seeing those of us who play house playing alongside those who played Trance, Hard House, Techno and such like...

I've started playing quite different stuff these days from what I used to play... Ive strayed away from the funky, vocal house, and started playing more bassy, techy, jackin' house, with bits of french sounding stuff, but haven't had the chance to play anywhere as of yet since i've been back from Uni... If anyone wants to try and sort a night out where a load of different DJs can play together, and we can try and create a real buzz surrounding the night etc etc, then gimme a PM or something! I'd be very interested in doing something!

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