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Road Tax Increases

Tempus Fugit

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And while I'm mentioning the yellow signs has any one got a picture of one ?


I'd quite like to photshop it to say something like "Accident black spot. 6 injuries in three years out of 3,000,000 vehicles. Go on, enjoy yourself and drive like lunatic - you have more chance of winning the lottery than being injured"


Heh, I'll find you one dude :-)


Anyone seen the new sign on Minorca Hill, Laxey? It's a digital readout of your speed, that changes from flashing up the speed you're doing to a happy face if it's under 20mph and a frown if you're over (I imagine, never actually been over 20 so far, but I'm trying!).


These useless articles cost money, so pay up we must.


I'm not arsed about road tax/petrol tax myself, I think of driving as a luxury that only fairly well off people do, and taxing that heavily is far fairer than a tax on essentials like food, tampons or ciggies.


Incidentally, does anyone know Phil Braidwood's stance on the Speed Limit scenario? Not sure whether to celebrate the useless Shimmin's removal or not...I'm sure there's a site somewhere that has all the manifesto's on, but google can't find it.

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since the wear on the road is IIRC given as the 4th power of the axle load a 30 ton axle load truck should pay about 1 Million times as much as my little car does to equate the wear we both impose on the road. - however I'd happily settle for a 1000x ratio for this component of the costs.

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Alternatively they could have not put the signs up and saved some money!!  ;)  I wonder how many accidents there will be from people driving along and trying to read the signs!!


Silly huge signs on the wrong side of the road, with a grey side merging with the bushes and trees and sticking out over the edge of the carriageway, I wonder how long before someone clips the sharp edge of one of them with a box van wagon or bus.


It would have been more worthwhile repainting worn road markings, or fixing the Anagh Coar traffic lights (which have been dodgy/on/off/dim for weeks), or putting lights on all four corners of the Groves Road junction instead of just three, or just cutting the trees and hedges so you can see the damn things in the first place.


With the state of the roads, is it no wonder there are so many 4x4's :lol:


Maybe the new broom will not just lean on his shovel and get some action !

(remember the 8 months it's supposed to take for a couple of roundabouts at Braddan).

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Whining gets, not happy with low tax rates?

You wanna try £93.50 for 6 months for a 1600cc...and the good old MOT £30 before you even start.


Pescriptions £6.90


Council tax £800 for a one bed flat.


You put your lot in, we voted for our lot, :)


You feel free to moan about yours, we'll moan about ours. :(


You can drive 874 miles in a line, we fall off the end at 32 !

You can do 70mph, we can do 180 :D


The only trouble is that your lot affect us as well :angry:


What benefit do low tax rates have when a day trip takes three days to do, one day on the boat getting there, one day there, and another day on the boat getting back, and a few hundred quid extra on the way with two nights in a hotel, and you're home for tea !.

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How much do Government employees/civil servants get in parking allowances

When I worked for them I got nothing, my wife still does get nothing. I'm pretty sure that the majority of civil servants get nothing. I think it was from about your 4th promotion that you tended to get a parking space or parking allowance as the equivalent private sector employee at that level would also get a parking space.


Mind you most civil servants also don't get annual bonuses, uniforms provided, reasonable working conditions, strong union, free flights to/from UK etc etc. And they get paid less than the private sector.


Basically unless your above a HEO grade its a pretty xxxx deal.


When I was there I worked like a dog for 14 years for little reward except knowing I'd done my job well, and I'd say 90% of civil servants are the same - especially the ones in healthcare.


Sorry for spoiling your point with reality.

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