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Moorehouse Strikes Again

Manx Bean

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On 1/15/2019 at 8:52 PM, gettafa said:

I'm, being somewhat extreme and idealistic but things are only going one way on the already crowded roads.

If you want a car make sure you have somewhere to  park it.  What's wrong with that? The days of assuming you can park on the road outside your house as of right are long gone.

If you are going to employ people and they need a car for their work make sure they have somewhere to park. Ditto.

That’s unrealistic expectation will not attract investment.  All new builds should provide parking whether business or residential though 

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1 hour ago, piebaps said:

LOL - he's batshit crazy.

1. MMR is not compulsory

2. How would DESC know? Medical records are strictly confidential.

Medical records can be legally accessed for a wide number of reasons, including public health and many countries either insist on compulsory vaccination or that children much have received it to enter communal education.   That article explains why 'herd immunity' is so important to prevent disease outbreaks.  Incidentally many of those affected by such outbreaks will be those who have got vaccinated, because no medial treatment is 100% effective.  So exceptions probably already exist in law to do this or could be easily arranged.

(Incidentally I'm not sure that I'd describe Moorhouse as 'batshit crazy'.  It sounds a bit energetic for him).

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22 minutes ago, LightBulb said:

But why, if the kids in the school are vaccinated, surley it dosent matter if a kid who is not vaccinated comes into the school, he can`t pass it onto anyone else who is vaccinated.

And that...is yet another reason why Moorehouse is considered a complete fuckwit.

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26 minutes ago, LightBulb said:

But why, if the kids in the school are vaccinated, surley it dosent matter if a kid who is not vaccinated comes into the school, he can`t pass it onto anyone else who is vaccinated.

That is extraordinary logic. 

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3 hours ago, LightBulb said:

But why, if the kids in the school are vaccinated, surley it dosent matter if a kid who is not vaccinated comes into the school, he can`t pass it onto anyone else who is vaccinated.

Because some kids have preexisting conditions that mean they can’t be vaccinated. They are also the kids most at risk if they do get measles etc. 

Also vaccination isn’t 100% effective. 

So it’s best to have everyone vaccinated who can be to reduce the number of people that can spread the diseases. 

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On ‎1‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 7:16 PM, Manx Bean said:

With all the serious shit that needs to be dealt with by this Government, I'm stunned someone isn't employed to stop asking dumb questions. I bet his constituents are so pleased that they voted this clown in for 5 years...



With all the questions he asked this week it is good to see he has not changed his MO

He seems to have a bit of a thing for the DOI. Lots of mental questions aimed at DOI?? What's the story??

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4 minutes ago, Boris Johnson said:

With all the questions he asked this week it is good to see he has not changed his MO

He seems to have a bit of a thing for the DOI. Lots of mental questions aimed at DOI?? What's the story??

He left DOI after Baker arrived, funny that some of the answers to his questions said basically you were a member of doi when decision made so why didn’t you ask then

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There's an ongoing dispute between the DoI and Castletown Commissioners regarding the bus stops in the square, maybe he's gone to bat for them? Also he's entirely correct to raise WHAT THE FUCK the DoI are playing at on Malew Street, where they have done some repair work over the last couple  of weeks.

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6 minutes ago, Banker said:

He left DOI after Baker arrived, funny that some of the answers to his questions said basically you were a member of doi when decision made so why didn’t you ask then

Departmental membership and the gagging that applies as such.

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8 minutes ago, Banker said:

He left DOI after Baker arrived, funny that some of the answers to his questions said basically you were a member of doi when decision made so why didn’t you ask then

But maybe he did and now wants to make information public.  One of the more typical  complaints that you hear from Government Departments is that rather than asking questions out in the open, it should all be kept to private discussions (can't have the plebs finding out).  So it is here (#49):


The Hon. Member for Arbory, Castletown and Malew (Mr Moorhouse) to ask the Minister for Home Affairs —

What legal restrictions there are on people parking on the red strip which goes across the road outside the Parish Hall in Ballabeg; what enforcement measures have been taken against those parking on the strip; what evidence identifies the line as a potentially safe place to cross; and what other examples there are of similar crossings?

Road traffic law in terms of parking enforcement does not extend to "red strips" on a road or other highway, unless statutory measures to restrict parking or waiting are in place. Given that the Constabulary has not had any discussions with any party about the "red strip" it cannot answer the part of the question about the use of the "red strip" as a safe crossing point. The Constabulary does not hold information about other "similar crossings."

It is noted that the Honourable Member for Arbory, Castletown and Malew was a member of the Department of Infrastructure at the time and should therefore have been aware of this decision. The expectation being that if the Honourable Member had concerns he could have raised them at the time within the Department. 

Even ignoring the fact that this is from the DHA, so they can't really say who knew what in the DoI (let's face it none of them appear to know anything), maybe Moorhouse wanted to have some official version he could show his constituents.  The snootiness with which the public (and politicians who don't do what they are told) are regarded is remarkable.

And the answer also reveals another aspect of the DoI - their contempt for the law.  They are pretending that they are implementing proper  traffic measures that turn out to have no legal force at all (not for the first time).  The DHA, who are supposed to be the guardians of law and order, seem quite happy with this.

(And of course while Moorhouse is a bumbling joke, he's clever enough to start asking questions about lots of different places in his constituency the year before the election.  And to bale out of the DoI).

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33 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

[...]  Also he's entirely correct to raise WHAT THE FUCK the DoI are playing at on Malew Street, where they have done some repair work over the last couple  of weeks.

And here is the DoI's deeply meaningful reply:


The Hon. Member for Arbory, Castletown and Malew (Mr Moorhouse) to ask the Minister for Infrastructure —

If he will publish the most recent report into the drainage on Malew Street Castletown?

I can confirm a recent visual survey has been undertaken including a walkthrough of the site on Malew Street. A site meeting between Department and MUA officers was scheduled for Thursday 13th August 2020, to discuss the findings of the recent survey and look at options. As this is a visual survey and not a technical report there is no document available to publish.

In other words they went and had a look at it.  And that's all they have ever done (To be fair, Moorhouse should really have asked the MUA).

(One very amusing insight into DoI incompetence this time is that have mucked up their formatting - and I suspect put the replies in too late for the Hansard staff to fix things.  Which means all these replies come with the form at the bottom to say which civil servant(s) wrote them.  Note also that the CEO is supposed to sign off all replies, but the Minister, who they technically come from, doesn't)

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