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Moorehouse Strikes Again

Manx Bean

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Anyway, we now have the answer:


The Hon. Member for Arbory, Castletown and Malew (Mr Moorhouse) to ask the Minister for Home Affairs –

What protection a homeowner has to ensure that a delivery person does not enter a home without their prior knowledge and consent?

It is extremely difficult to provide a meaningful answer to such a general question.

In general terms; there would not necessarily be any criminal offences committed in these circumstances because there may not have been any criminal intent in the actions of the delivery person. Trespass of this kind is not of itself a criminal offence. There may however be civil law issues and remedies e.g. for trespass. Compliance with civil law and the enforcement of its remedies does not fall under the responsibility of my Department so I am therefore unable to comment in this respect.

Perhaps the answer might be to ask the delivery person to leave and, if they refused, to then call the police.

I'd actually missed that Moorhouse had asked two very similar questions on this topic (see page 18 - page 17 is left blank, presumably they are reduced to silence by the size of intellect implied in his questions):


The Hon. Member for Arbory, Castletown and Malew (Mr Moorhouse) to ask the Minister for Home Affairs–

If a person enters a home without prior knowledge and consent, whether it is acceptable to remove that person; and how this should be done?

In order to answer this question I have requested advice from the Attorney General’s Chambers and this advice is as follows:-

Reasonable (and therefore by implication, proportionate) force may be used in the defence of one’s property, which includes the issue of a trespasser. The owner of a home can use as much force as is necessary, provided it is reasonable and proportionate, either to prevent entry in the first place, or to remove once having entered.

The manner by which the reasonable force is applied would vary from case to case depending on its specific circumstances

.Which seems to summarise as "It depends" and reinforces the point that the questions should really have been asked of the AG in the first place.  I don't think it means that gettafa can actually murder a leaflet deliverer though, even if it is for pizza.

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I could murder a pizza right now. (boom tish)

When a Tynwald member asks the AG (not just this fella) a question the answer has generally been wishy-washy and "it depends". I remember a few years ago an AG's answer was actually wrong, on a couple of occasions. But our politicians won't question further.

Edited by gettafa
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I delivered phone books for some extra cash a couple of years ago, one of the instructions was to not leave them outside if possible so I often opened peoples porches or whatever and chucked them in. You do feel a bit uncomfortable opening peoples doors, but you get used to it. Glad I wasn't doing it in the mysterious burglary year.

Our postman a few years ago asked us to sign a form which effectively gave him permission to sign for our post and we told him the front door was open, just chuck stuff in. Really useful, especially on the run up to christmas. Saves lots of trips to the southern sorting office. 

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35 minutes ago, gettafa said:

I could murder a pizza right now. (boom tish)

When a Tynwald member asks the AG (not just this fella) a question the answer has generally been wishy-washy and "it depends". I remember a few years ago an AG's answer was actually wrong, on a couple of occasions. But our politicians won't question further.

you ask a lawyer a question, and you get an answer "depends"? 

Who would have thunk it?! :D

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6 minutes ago, Derek Flint said:

The answer to this inane question can probably be found on a police FAQ website. 

What an utter, utter waste of the Houses time. 


Similar to the 'how much to send a letter' question having the answer on the PO website. It's like they're having a competition. Who can come up with the most pointless question of national unimportance.

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2 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

Similar to the 'how much to send a letter' question having the answer on the PO website. It's like they're having a competition. Who can come up with the most pointless question of national unimportance.

Did one of the nitwits in there declare a "who can ask the stupidest question"?

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5 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

I delivered phone books for some extra cash a couple of years ago, one of the instructions was to not leave them outside if possible so I often opened peoples porches or whatever and chucked them in. You do feel a bit uncomfortable opening peoples doors, but you get used to it. Glad I wasn't doing it in the mysterious burglary year.

The one I mentioned was in the mysterious burglary year. 

We do kind of feel that phone books are official and organised, but when there is a shit-kicker hoodie delivering nondescript pizza flyers and entering your home, it is a different thing. It's a superb way to 'case' a place or area though isn't it.




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Now you've done it Gettafa, Moorehouse has a question down for next weeks Tynwald.........

'' When is it acceptable to Murder a Pizza''? Would a Pizza having Cauliflower on it be sufficient reason? Would Chili con Carne be reason? Or would a good thrashing be adequate?

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10 hours ago, Derek Flint said:

What an utter, utter waste of the Houses time. 

Bit harsh there Derek.

According to the "Three Monkeys" theory eventually one of them will ask a relevant question.

Sure it probably won't be worth the salary and on current form the answer is likely to be less than illuminating but at least it will be some kind of milestone....

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