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Mea In Trouble Never

Billy One Mate

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I want to see the day that Jeremy Paxman interviews Peter Karran.


The furrowed Paxman brow.

The look of disbelief in those all seeing eyes.

The smile almost breaking out into a laugh as the PK lexicon tumbles out.


But mainly bewilderment.


Indeed that such an honest person made it to become a Politician.



Go peter, Go!

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Just spent ages trying to work out why the quotes wont parse correctly and, like Obs, failed to discover why. I've replaced them all with code tags as that is a similar sort of formatting and makes things a ton clearer. Hope it helps.


Will try and get the quotes working later, it's bugging me :)

I'm glad it bugged you too - it bloody bugged the hell out of me!

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Manx News - Archived Item

Chief Minister dismisses calls for external inspection

Wed 7th Aug 2002

The Chief Minister has dismissed as "bizarre" Onchan member Peter Karran's suggestion that the Island's capital projects need to be inspected by the United Kingdom's National Audit Office.


Mr Karran has suggested the NAO be brought in to inspect the costs of four major schemes because he feels there needs to be greater accountability for the spending of public money, and he says there is concern over the escalating costs of major projects.


But the Chief Minister, Richard Corkill, says he has no misgivings over the control of spending of taxpayers funds, and praises the work done by those dealing with the capital schemes.


Mr Corkill says the Public Accounts Committee - of which Mr Karran is a member - is the body which scrutinises the work done by Government, and if it wishes to call in the NAO, it can do so - but he will not:


Manx News - Archived Item

Onchan MHK wants UK National Audit Office to investigate IOM Capital Expenditure

Wed 7th Aug 2002

The Government is to be challenged to bring in the UK National Audit Office, to investigate capital expenditure on its major projects.


The Onchan MHK, Peter Karran, says it would "allow the public to see the commitment of the Corkill Administration to open, truthful and transparent Government".


Mr Karran, who was at the centre of a 140 page report into claims he made in the House of Keys about the business activities of a Manx firm, says he proposes to introduce a motion to the first sitting of Tynwald after the Summer recess, in October.


He also says such a move would be apt, in view of recent comment by the Chair of the Public Accounts Committee as to that body's limited powers of scrutiny.


Referring to comments made by Mr Corkill in a Manx Radio interview, Mr Karran says they show the importance the Chief Minister attaches to free speech and transparent Government.


Saying that he appreciates how frustrating it is to be "misunderstood", he believes his proposal "would enhance Mr Corkill's public reputation for commitment to transparent Government." 

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Manx News - Archived Item

Karran's actions "dangerous and irresponsible."

Mon 8th Jul 2002

The Treasury Minister says the actions of Onchan member Peter Karran are dangerous, destabilising, expensive and irresponsible, and will have a damaging effect on the Island's economy.


Allan Bell has been a witness at the continuing inquiry into the irregularities at the Mount Murray development, an inquiry Mr Karran called for.


In Tynwald and Keys over the past few months, Mr Karran has been asking a long series of questions about Government dealings with the private sector and the legitimacy of certain transactions.

Mr Bell says Mr Karran is being fed information from people with a hidden agenda, and his allegations have already led to one business deciding not to locate on the Island for fear of being accused of wrong-doing in a parliamentary question.


Mr Bell says the implications of Mr Karran's actions are disturbing 


Alex Downie and Peter Karran had previously clashed over allegations that Peter Karran had abused the Parliamentary Privilege with respect to allegations he had made (about planning and loans - wrt to the film studio).


Manx News - Archived Item

MHK charged of abusing his position

Fri 12th Jul 2002

Onchan MHK Peter Karran has accused the council of Ministers of trying to "gag" him, and adopting a "shoot the messenger" approach.


At a special sitting of the House of Keys, he was defending comments he made at Question Time on June 25th, when he made accusations about a company which has created the Island's first film studio.


He was facing charges of abusing his position of privilege as a member of the house after making allegations that he, so far, has failed to substantiate.


West Douglas MHK, Alex Downie's motion sought to have Mr Karran referred to the House Consultative Committee, but an amendment from the South Douglas member, David Cretney, was preferred.


Under this, the Speaker of the House, Tony Brown, will hear the evidence and call a further meeting of the House of Keys to deliver his verdict.


During a heated debate, Mr Karran received some support from Mrs Hannan, Mr Quine and Mrs Cannell, but most members chose to attack him over the way in which he has posed questions about private companies on the Island.


The Speaker said that he wished to deal with the matter swiftly and hoped to recall the House of Keys for a further sitting before the end of July. 


Manx News - Archived Item

Manx Labour party say Karran acting independently

Tue 9th Jul 2002

The Chair of the Manx Labour Party, Lynda Ramsay, says Onchan MHK Peter Karran is acting independently, with regard to the questions and comments he has been making in recent months.


Yesterday Treasury Minister Allan Bell said Mr Karran's comments on Government dealings with the private sector are "dangerous, destabilising, expensive and irresponsible", claims that Mr Karran strongly refutes.


Mr Bell also suggested that the Manx Labour Party may be helping Mr Karran with the questions he's been asking, but Mrs Ramsay says that isn't the case. 

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These are all excellent and informative posts - and the thing that stands out most is the low level of support Peter Karran has received. Apart from Hannan, Brenda Cannell and Quine (all 'outsiders' in terms of government) it seems that the rest are either trying to preserve the rapidly-decaying reputation of the government or else keeping their heads down in the hope that mud simply won't stick to them.

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I want to see the day that Jeremy Paxman interviews Peter Karran.


The furrowed Paxman brow.

The look of disbelief in those all seeing eyes.

The smile almost breaking out into a laugh as the PK lexicon tumbles out.


But mainly bewilderment.


Has Paxman ever interviewed John Prescott?

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I agree that Karran is honest as the day is long, and always tries to do what he feels is in the best interests of the Manx people.  I just don't think he's that smart (which is a shame)


I've always voted for Peter, but then I also always voted for Corkill because I thought he was more "presentable". A mistake that won't be repeated...

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Perhaps a good idea would be for all on the forum to print off a copy of these quotes, copy them, keep one for yourself and give copies to as many people as poss, then when the time for the election arrives and they visit your home asking for your vote, you can invite them in and go through the quotes with them and ask for an explanation. Mind you by that time you'll probably be doing it by candle light because either the the Government will be broke or you will!!


Well done for taking the time to find all the quotes. Only hope Manx Radio do pick this up. FCMR if they don't read out your e-mail, ring in to Manninline and ask, on air, if they've received your e-mail and why, if they have, they aren't being read out for discussion - it is a topical item.

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Perhaps a good idea would be for all on the forum to print off a copy of these quotes, copy them, keep one for yourself and give copies to as many people as poss, then when the time for the election arrives and they visit your home asking for your vote, you can invite them in and go through the quotes with them and ask for an explanation.  Mind you by that time you'll probably be doing it by candle light because either the the Government will be broke or you will!!


Well done for taking the time to find all the quotes.  Only hope Manx Radio do pick this up.  FCMR if they don't read out your e-mail, ring in to Manninline and ask, on air, if they've received your e-mail and why, if they have, they aren't being read out for discussion - it is a topical item.



Just to let you know I personally handed in a copy of all these quotes together with a letter to Manx Radio this morning and that I will be contacting the Manninline on Sunday.

I cant afford to lose a tenner to BOM :lol:

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Thanks for doing that FCMR. I posted the quotes (which seemed ironic) as an attempt at a positive response to my recent doo dar with Grumble and Stu Peters re Manx Radio and, in particular, whether they could be tougher about doing news.


Manx Radio could make a great little series of sharp, imaginative and even funny programmes / extended reports based around these and other (not very) old interviews, statements and reports. There's more than enough excellent material. And probably more.


(And doesn't there seem to be a pattern of vilifying Peter K for being basically right about a fair bit of stuff).

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