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Mea In Trouble Never

Billy One Mate

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I want to see the day that Jeremy Paxman interviews Peter Karran.


The furrowed Paxman brow.

The look of disbelief in those all seeing eyes.

The smile almost breaking out into a laugh as the PK lexicon tumbles out.


But mainly bewilderment.


Has Paxman ever interviewed John Prescott?


A bit off the (excellent) topic like, but the guy down our street had his picture taken with John Prescot when he was here. There was about ten minders and they all got out the way in Strand stret for the picture. I think hes been interviewed by that Paxsman anyway, probably loads of time. Furrowed brow - good phrase like

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Another stand from Peter the great


He does seem to often ask good questions. Here is another (OT) thing he was asking questions about:


Manx News - Archived Item

E-Habitant responds to accusations

Wed 27th Feb 2002

The Chief Executive Officer of E-Habitant is defending his company against the continuing accusations being levelled against it in the House of Keys by Peter Karran.


Mr Karran asked six questions on E-habitant, its parent Invisimail and related issues on Tuesday, questioning beneficial ownerships and the Government's involvement in the company.


Damien Fozard says he is disappointed questions about the legitimacy of share dealings and the involvement of the Department of Trade and Industry are being asked, when, he says , everything is entirely legitimate.


Mr Fozard says the company has taken advantage of Government grants by applying through the normal channels, and such grants are available to any organisation that can prove the appropriate business case.


And he says the questioning has had an impact on the business


The following year:


Manx News - Archived Item

Now you see me, now you don't - Invisimail's disappearance leaves Tynwald Members unable to access email

Thu 22nd May 2003

Tynwald members have apparently been left high and dry by the collapse of the firm running their e-mail service.


Offices of the firm Invisimail, have been siezed by the Coroner .


Steps are being taken to get into those offices.


The future of the firm, Invisimail, has been in question for some time.


It received support from the government for its e-habitant venture, designed to move internet use on the Island up a step.


But illness for one of its key members of staff is seen as one contibutor to a gradual decline.


This led to them moving out of the Peel Road offices.


Now a Coroners notice is attached to the door of the offices in Myrtle Street, billed as their Research and Development centre.


A letter has been passed to all Tynwald members warning them of the situation that has arisen.


It says that e-mail sent to members from the time they last checked their in-box is still being held on the server located in offices of Invisimail.


The Coroners permission had been given to gain access to the server and to each members account, printing off new messages and addresses stored in their address books.


It was then proposed to delete all stored mesages from the server for the purposes of confidentaility".


They may in fact find the server is elsewhere, under the care of host, Manx Telecom.


The letter goes on to ask members to pass over their e-mail address, username and password, "as a matter of urgency".


Attempts to contact the firm at its Liverpool offices has so far met with no success. 

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Manx News - Archived Item

Government is properly scrutinised says Chief Minister

Sun 11th Aug 2002

The government and Tynwald are properly scrutinised, by the Public Accounts Committee and the process of internal and external audit, according to the Chief Minister.


Richard Corkill has been responding to claims from the Chairman of the PAC - Ayre member, Edgar Quine - that his committee needs more resources to enable it to keep a watch over public spending.


But Mr Corkill repeated his belief that the various systems in place to ensure the taxpayers money was being put to good use were working well.


He says Tynwald has shown its satisfaction with the PAC, and the private sector keeps an objective eye on government finances, too: 

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Manx News - Archived Item

Questions are damaging to confidence says Chief Minister

Mon 1st Jul 2002

The Chief Minister says aspects of the questioning of the government by Onchan member Peter Karran is affecting confidence in the government.


In recent weeks, Mr Karran has posed a series of questions about the legitimacy of keeping some information secret because of commercial confidentiality.


He has been given leave to introduce a bill which would allow for closer scrutiny of some government spending.


The Chief Minister, Richard Corkill, says Mr Karran's questions are constantly implying that there is something to hide, which he says is simply not the case.


And he fears it will affect businesses here who may find their legitimate commercial confidence undermined. 

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  • 1 year later...

I was Googling 'E-Habitants' and this thread appeared in the results.


Considering the current threads regarding Peter Karren and him being 'a pain in the ass' to the establishment I thought I'd bump it for those who missed it first time round, or like me remembered the events but had forgotten about the thread.


Definitely worth a read again from page 1

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Considering the current threads regarding Peter Karren and him being 'a pain in the ass' to the establishment I thought I'd bump it for those who missed it first time round, or like me remembered the events but had forgotten about the thread.


Definitely worth a read again from page 1


I'm glad you did. It adds weight to the fact that he ain't as stupid as other people think he is.



I quote:


"Richard Corkill, says Mr Karran's questions are constantly implying that there is something to hide, which he says is simply not the case".




"The DTI minister, Alex Downie, says Mr Karran has got his sums wrong, and that the way the bond is being financed has enabled significant investment in the power infrastructure without forcing prices up".




"He (Karran) says paying just the interest at the moment and putting off repaying the final amount until after the term of the loan is only going to lead to greater problems in the future."


Hindsight is a truly wonderful thing.

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Forgive me for thinking someone is trying to pull the wool over everyone's eyes.

That someone,has made a fairly good fist of pretending there has been a problem with the MEA bond

and that Peter Karran, alone, has been shrewd enough to identify the problem.

You all need to wake up and smell the coffee as far as Mr Karran is concerned.

He has a long record of wasting public money with his badly constructed questioning

and his inability to understand the answers he is furnished with.

Mount Murray is the obvious example but, staying on topic, lets keep with MEA.


First off, it is not the bond which is causing MEA to have problems.

MEA problems have been exceptionally well aired and Im sure you might recall they centre about

the status of certain loans procured by a SPV set up by the MEA and the ability of the MEA

to repay those loans. Totally separate issues from that of the bond.


Fact: Mr Karran voted in favour of MEA raising finance for its infrastructure by means of the bond.

Fact: Some time later he asked a series of questions as to how the bond would be repaid.

Fact: The arrangements for meeting repayments against the bond were fully debated in Tynwald

prior to Mr Karran voting in favour of it [the bond]

Conclusion: Mr karran didnt understand what he was voting for but decided to anyhow.


Fact: Mr karran was furnished with detailed and comprehensive answers to his questions by the MEA via DTI.

Fact: Mr Karran continued to ask questions about the bond and, notwithstanding the answers he was given,

continued to ask the same questions again and again. This resulted in his well publicised spat with the


Conclusion: Mr Karran did not understand the information he was supplied with.


He has uncovered nothing about MEA. It was treasury who broke the news about the SPV's loans not Peter Karran.


Peter the Great? I think not.

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Forgive me for thinking someone is trying to pull the wool over everyone's eyes.


I think its only you who is trying to prove a political point (which intrigues me?)


Nobody said the guy was a genius, but we saw few people asking questions even after the event.


You seem to be in the school that thinks public enquiries are a waste of money, I happen to believe that public enquiries that fail to have the guts to reach a conclusion are a waste of money. There is a difference. Public enquiries are a feature of good governance and at exist to focus the minds that openness and honesty need to be part of the democratic process in all dealings.


The original tread was supportive of PK, other people have different views.

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I think its only you who is trying to prove a political point (which intrigues me?)

Nobody said the guy was a genius, but we saw few people asking questions even after the event.


The point I am trying to make [as you put it] is the starter of this thread has attempted to pull the wool over people's eyes.

Following the statement from Alan Bell regarding MEA loans it is my recollection there was a very detailed debate. Take the trouble to refer to Hansard and you will discover the majority of members made a full contribution to that debate. It is not the case that Peter Karran has been a lone voice looking after the interests of the Island. On the contrary not only did the majority of Tynwald make a good contribution but Mr Karran's questions, on the face of it, were well wide of the mark and had little relevence to the problem that had been uncovered.

If Peter Karran and his supporters want to embark on electioneering on an internet forum, for example by starting threads such as this one, they might do better by sticking to facts. The more so when the topic relates to a subject which has already been well aired in the public domain.

I believe he is a good constituency worker and does his best to help people with problems such as housing.

It might be argued that isnt really the task of a MHK but I for one would applaud him for those efforts.

It might be argued his efforts outside Tynwald for example in furnishing assistance to his constituents, are the main reason he attracts so many votes. That does not make him an effective politician.

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I think Peter Karran can do without Lone Wolfs Patronising comments, it would be interesting to know who exactly is an 'effective politician' given the state of the current Govt. and the many smells emenating from it !!


I am certainly not patronising "Peter The Great". I am critical of him and anyone else who sets themself up as "the voice of the people" without any credentials.

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