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7 minutes ago, pongo said:


It's an excerpt not a rewrite.

And I included canned laughter so that you could tell it was funny. Like they do on the telly. Or like a smiley.


If you want to make a point, highlight my words and use them against me.

Don't fill a box with words to make it look like they were posted that way. Very childish.

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10 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

By stopping non essential vehicles from parking in Douglas. Won’t happen of course because it will become a “vote loser” 

Aha, STOPPING people from driving into Douglas. I see. Won't happen because it is stupid more like. Don't get me wrong, Park and Ride is a great thing, I use them in the right places away, Nottingham for example has a great scheme, but it won't work here because it is too small.

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37 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Aha, STOPPING people from driving into Douglas. I see. Won't happen because it is stupid more like. Don't get me wrong, Park and Ride is a great thing, I use them in the right places away, Nottingham for example has a great scheme, but it won't work here because it is too small.

So you’re part of the problem then...

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9 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

So you’re part of the problem then...

You're a fucking idiot. What is the point of me driving from Castletown to Richmond Hill to get a bus into town when I can just get the bus in Castletown? Park and Ride in the Isle of Man consists of leaving your car on the drive and getting the bus. 

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9 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

You're a fucking idiot. What is the point of me driving from Castletown to Richmond Hill to get a bus into town when I can just get the bus in Castletown? Park and Ride in the Isle of Man consists of leaving your car on the drive and getting the bus. 

it used to consist of parking next to pulrose and seeing if your car had been broken into when you came back later.

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9 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

You're a fucking idiot. What is the point of me driving from Castletown to Richmond Hill to get a bus into town when I can just get the bus in Castletown? Park and Ride in the Isle of Man consists of leaving your car on the drive and getting the bus. 

Or parking at the hospital or business park and getting the bus into Douglas

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20 hours ago, Declan said:

What makes you think anything will be built on the bus station before then? 

I was thinking after my post that the downside of my vision is people being addicted to cars. Especially since the infrastructure has been built to fuel that addiction. But it’s not like all the private cars will disappear overnight, some will probably carry on till they die.

There’s no reason the cars can’t be duel control for those who like driving. No parking fines, no popping out of work to change a disc, just get in the car at the door of your office, switch to manual mode and drive off. 

Cars aren't an issue on the islands roads. Most of the time the majority of roads are virtually empty, except for a few hours in the morning and evening. Congestion really isn't an issue even in Douglas, at most it's a little inconvenient occasionally but nothing like across where you can be stuck for hours only travelling a few feet at time.

Let's keep the harebrained schemes of the future for high tech cities with real congestion issues. Biggest traffic problems here are potholes and tractors. Oh and cyclists. Bloody cyclists.

Edited by Lxxx
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16 hours ago, dilligaf said:

If you strip back all the bollocks on so called social media, he has done a very good job.

Maybe not many see it now, but the old time served expression " you don't know what you've got till it's gone" will be raised in times to come believe me.

he's pissed millions up the wall.....

another uk reject......

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15 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

Aha, STOPPING people from driving into Douglas. I see. Won't happen because it is stupid more like. Don't get me wrong, Park and Ride is a great thing, I use them in the right places away, Nottingham for example has a great scheme, but it won't work here because it is too small.

should be interesting if you need the boat....


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15 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

You're a fucking idiot. What is the point of me driving from Castletown to Richmond Hill to get a bus into town when I can just get the bus in Castletown? Park and Ride in the Isle of Man consists of leaving your car on the drive and getting the bus. 

You need to wash your mouth out. You seem incapable of rational thought so I'll just park this here and leave you to froth at the mouth... :whatever:

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I seem to be talking to two absolute buffoons. I'm still waiting to hear HOW exactly Neil Down thinks park and ride can work on the Isle of Man. So far he has offered that last time it was tried it was in the wrong place, which everyone knows; and that there is a big car park at the Old Horses place, which is also something that everyone knows. As Ive stated, I'm a fan of park and ride schemes but cannot see a sensible way of it working here. So come on Neil Down, flesh it out a bit, offer us your wisdom, provide a sensible workable idea, I'll happily change my view if it is any good. Or just resort to low quality insults like usual.

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16 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

I seem to be talking to two absolute buffoons. I'm still waiting to hear HOW exactly Neil Down thinks park and ride can work on the Isle of Man. So far he has offered that last time it was tried it was in the wrong place, which everyone knows; and that there is a big car park at the Old Horses place, which is also something that everyone knows. As Ive stated, I'm a fan of park and ride schemes but cannot see a sensible way of it working here. So come on Neil Down, flesh it out a bit, offer us your wisdom, provide a sensible workable idea, I'll happily change my view if it is any good. Or just resort to low quality insults like usual.

Trouble with the Horses Hone car park would be ease of access or egress for lots of traffic directly onto a main road

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