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Plans for lord street


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On 6/5/2020 at 9:12 PM, Mr Helmut Fromage said:

Hmmm - today I was approached and asked did our business wish to rent car parking spaces on Lord St site approx 50 available - month to month contract - and I quote "probably about 9 months at least"...........

More expensive than Shaws Brow or Chester St contract parking by 10%

No ground being broken in the near future then.



Once again. Not gonna happen. 

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So a couple of hundred available public parking spaces have now been replaced with ... contract only parking?

If it wasn't for the virus and everyone working from home, there would currently be a significant daily parking problem in Douglas.

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13 hours ago, The Dog's Dangly Bits said:

Is the start of that project possibly linked to the end of the bulk of promenade and associated works disruption?

Almost certainly not if you think about it - not least because, if it was, the various PR people associated with the Prom scheme would be telling us all about it.  What's actually happened is that a public car park, which had a mixture of contract and public spaces (for shoppers etc) has been replaced with a private contract-only one.  So, while the Prom scheme reduces the number of temporary spaces for shoppers and so on, this is further reducing them in the same part of town.  Presumably the businesses in North Quay will be particularly badly hit.

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23 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

So, while the Prom scheme reduces the number of temporary spaces for shoppers and so on, this is further reducing them in the same part of town

Much more importantly it reduces the number of spaces available for those coming into Douglas for work, meetings etc. And there was already a shortage of parking.

Perhaps post-virus the number of people regularly needing to travel into Douglas for work will be reduced anyhow thanks to increased remote working. That would be a positive - but bad news for those renting out office space.

Edited by pongo
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I don't suspect parking is going to be a problem in Douglas for a while.

IMO - Most offices are likely to stick to the majority working from home, with only essential staff or those finding it difficult to work from home actually going to the office. Social distancing is very difficult to manage in offices - covering shared entrances/exits, toilets, shared coffee areas etc. etc. Then there is the business continuity aspect of not suddenly wanting to find 50% of your staff ill if we got hit with a second wave.

I also think it quite likely that a good few businesses will start handing back some of their contract parking spaces after the contracts expire - if they have not started doing so already.


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24 minutes ago, pongo said:

Much more importantly it reduces the number of spaces available for those coming into Douglas for work, meetings etc. And there was already a shortage of parking.

Actually in theory that's the one thing it doesn't do - especially if they've increased the number of spaces by making them smaller.  You could even argue that they're providing replacement spaces for workers for the ones lost in the new Peel Road development of the Council flats.  Whether of course people will want them in that location is another matter. 

And those who just want to come into Douglas for business meetings (covered by my 'and so on') will certainly be inconvenienced.  I suspect the North Quay restaurants, hoping to open soon with their outside spaces, will find their potential clients for business lunches etc hit hard as well.

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19 minutes ago, The Dog's Dangly Bits said:

Far too early to call that.  Most large organisations will want staff back in. WFH has been a plaster fix for the short term.  Long term companies need their staff onsite and properly overseen with the right IT support and equipment.

Not really - our company is one doing precisely what I said.

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7 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

Not really - our company is one doing precisely what I said.

As are a couple that I am aware of. They will be running at between 50-70% staffing levels in their offices pre covid. The others will work at home, whilst being able to attend offices when required. Those companies are actively looking to reduce office space. There will be opportunities for development if planning is really serious about encouraging mixed residential use in what was previously office or retail units. If done well it could make a real difference to Douglas town centre.

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I’m sorry about this but this car parking issue has confused me. I thought the handing over of the Lord Street former Bus Station site, was for the site to be redeveloped? 

Is Lord Street Fmr Bus Station Being redeveloped? If so, when?

Have the developers actually got the funding?

Or will be be between 5-10 years usage as a contract only car park, until such time as the site either gets sold on, or the unlikely chance that the work proceeds?

Edited by 2112
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25 minutes ago, 2112 said:

I’m sorry about this but this car parking issue has confused me. I thought the handing over of the Lord Street former Bus Station site, was for the site to be redeveloped? 

Is Lord Street Fmr Bus Station Being redeveloped? If so, when?

Have the developers actually got the funding?

Or will be be between 5-10 years usage as a contract only car park, until such time as the site either gets sold on, or the unlikely chance that the work proceeds?

It's very dodgy.

The developer is Kane Ltd, who no one has ever heard of, and the main man is a guy who seems to run this https://www.businessisleofman.com/ which suggests a fair degree of cosyness.

Edited by TheTeapot
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