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Plans for lord street


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2 hours ago, Declan said:


So the proposal not to allow outside dining on North Quay can't go ahead because of concerns about car parking. When a large carpark sits unused at the end of the Quay, because the DOI are refusing to let it be used for parking.

I was talking to a business owner in the area last night and the closure of that carpark has had a detrimental impact on his business.

Meanwhile, a brilliant idea that will make better use of the space on North Quay is scuppered by parking problems. I've never understood why they allow cars along there at all since the regeneration.

I'm assuming that the DoI are reluctant to allow parking there for fear that the planned development turns into, a car park!

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2 hours ago, Donald Trumps said:

Yes, it's almost as tho' cars are permitted there so that no one can make creative use of the space that might otherwise be provided

So do I get this right? We had a car park on the site that the DOI got the parking fees on. Then we sold this site on to a private developer for a peppercorn amount to be developed but then the private developer asks the DOI for permission to use it as a car park which the private developer presumably will collect the fees on until the site is developed? Nope, definitely doesn’t sound dodgy at all. 

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1 hour ago, Andy Onchan said:

You couldn't make it up.... you really couldn't!

You couldn’t really. 
Not only do they want their cake, they want to eat it and for the taxpayers to pay and subsidise as well, whilst they make profits.

Im surprised at long last, that the DOI have made a play from the H&B songbook where conditions, caveats and covenants are used to stop anyone from establishing themselves again. 

I did find it amusing that Kane Limited are in discussion with DOI in the hope that terms and conditions are lifted. Do they think that whispering sweet nothings are going to do the trick? 

I can’t see anything being built, except a tower of bullshit, of which Manx Companies are experts at creating. Shit has happened but we all have to pay for this, not just one developer!

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3 hours ago, Max Power said:

I'm assuming that the DoI are reluctant to allow parking there for fear that the planned development turns into, a car park!

The developers obtained this land, of which in all honesty we will never know, the price paid - for all, it may have been given away for £1 by our dear civil servants. I’m sure that Government would have given sweeteners to get things off the ground. It’s time now for Government to grow a set and tell the developers either they start the development within a few months, or they can forget permission. If they don’t like it, tough, but I think that now playing hard ball is the only thing that they may understand. I would certainly say that I doubt they are very patriotic to the Island, as much as they make out. They only care about how much money they can make - either out of taxpayers, car parking fees or Government largesse. What have they actually brought to the table?


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Let's be fair, the companies building the hotel, Travel Lodge and the Cinema operator are probably reeling at the Covid-19 effects. The whole thing is unlikely to be started before we are out of the mess we are in. Builders etc are probably reluctant to send staff here to be messed about by restrictions and we don't really know how this will pan out.

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This outline for the development https://www.gov.im/news/2018/feb/15/25m-hotel-and-cinema-complex-planned-for-north-quay/

lists a 7-screen cinema. Seven screens, seven nights a week, 52 weeks of the year? How many towns in England the size of Douglas have a 7-screen cinema?

I doubt this was a serious proposal - no doubt there are other aspects of the proposal that are also not serious.

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Chris Thomas had an interesting question on this topic:


What the legal basis is of the handover of the former Lord Street bus station site to Kane Limited in May 2020; and if he will make a statement on any agreement to secure and assure the site’s redevelopment?

The Department of Infrastructure entered into an Agreement for Sale with Lord Street Development SPV Limited (the Developer/buyer) and Kane Limited (the Guarantor) on 22nd December 2017 to sell the former Lord Street car park.

The Agreement for Sale contained a provision that the parties would simultaneously on completion of the sale enter into a separate agreement relating to (1) the development of the former Lord Street Car Park and (2) an agreement for the Department to lease back part of the site designated to be a new information centre together with a requirement to provide new public toilets and bus stands/shelters.

The sale was conditional on acceptable planning permission being granted and this has been obtained. The agreement to sell the Lord Street car park contained an obligation to enter into a use restriction which will bind current and future owners and restricts use of the land.

Completion of the sale took place on 4th May 2020 and the separate agreement was entered into.

The separate agreement contains a contractual obligation on the Developer to build bus shelters, public toilets and an information centre. There is a requirement for these parts to be completed within 26 months of the date of the agreement (4th May 2020). On completion of this part the Department will enter into a lease. The terms of the lease have been agreed (as far as practicable) and are contained in the separate agreement.

Notwithstanding the above, the separate agreement contains a contractual obligation on the Developer to complete its development of the entire site within 36 months of the date of the separate agreement, that is 4th May 2020.


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2 hours ago, NoTailT said:

That bloody Bradley bloke must be miffed his Gov influences haven't worked here.

They should just hand it back to DOI till they're ready to build, let them operate the damn car park to help Gov coffers.

There should have been a buy back clause, that if the site was not developed for say 12 months, then ownership reverts to the taxpayer for the same purchase price.

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