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23 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

You can tell when MF has reached a "critical mass" when the likes of Tommy Robinson is lauded as some sort of "hero".

Next we'll seeing people demanding the release of the Britten First leaders.

britten first?

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12 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

You can tell when MF has reached a "critical mass" when the likes of Tommy Robinson is lauded as some sort of "hero".

Next we'll seeing people demanding the release of the Britain First leaders.

Tommy Robinson is doing what he thinks right in confronting a threat to not only the UK but the entire Western democracy.  He is facing continued confrontation from those who either don't understand the threat of who hate our society to such an extent that all they want is to see it being damaged no matter what.  Then there's the Snowflakes of course ---.

As for Britain First, that group arose because any form of Nationalism or putting Britain first (hence the name) is condemned but increasing number of people are more than fed up with seeing the nation being overrun by immigrants who are a COST to the economy and who have in one case established colonies that are now linking together.  Then there is the dreadful abuse of children that has been increasing while being ignored by the police and social services not to mention the horrific increase in FGM, something that is immediately obvious during many medical examinations but has gone on being ignored.

As it stands the law prevents any fight back against what is taking place and so it is inevitable that increasing numbers of people are taking to the streets because there is no other way for them to confront the evil that has been not only allowed but encouraged to throw.

It's going to get worse. 

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1 minute ago, RIchard Britten said:

This is laughable when coming from someone who defends Tommy Robinson and Britain First.

no one is defending them, just the right to speak.....

your mate hooky hands could say any bile he wanted......

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7 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

This is laughable when coming from someone who defends Tommy Robinson and Britain First.

Richard, dear heart, there's no defending of their actions, just a comment on why they might have done what they have done.  

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8 minutes ago, twinkle said:

maybe the snowflakes can "understand" this,but, it may be a little much for them.


It's almost as if Generation X, the Millenniums, and other Snowflakes have become institutionalised. Maybe a case of mass Stockholm Syndrome.

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I've just picked this little comment up from an article,its sentiments I agree with 100% warts an all especially the last para.


"An apocryphal story tells about an exchange between a Prussian and an Austrian officers during WWI where the German says “The situation is serious but not desperate” and the Austrian replies “The situation is desperate but not serious”. The Austrian view is the wise one and is the one that applies to the Brexit process.

It is true that Brussels will do its utmost to cripple Britain and send the fear of god into the remaining members of the EU. It is also true that May, as the weaker party in the negotiation has very little room for manoeuvre and won’t get much even if she had any political talent. But the fact is that Brexit will happen, Juncker cannot stop that, and even if we are still bound in many ways and have been ritually humiliated, the fact of the separation will remain and the spell of the inevitability of the EU will be broken, people in Europe will know there is another option and that makes a whole world of difference. Britain will survive and prosper after Brexit, people in Europe will see that and from then on the EU will need to convince its citizens that being a member is beneficial to them and that is a really tall order.

The wind is against the EU in other ways, being bullied will only stiffen the resolve of most Britons as seen in Tony Blair’s own Institute for Global Change Brexit survey, where 70% of respondents favour Brexit at any cost. Every time Juncker humiliates May, he is burning his own bridges.

The Brexit process will be painful and unsatisfactory but once out, Britain will be a reminder to Europe that you can choose between your own institutions and those run by a distant bureaucracy. Let’s see how cocky Juncker feels then".

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The irony...in a thousand to three thousand years we'll all be the same race again. Globalisation, mixed marriages, increased protection against uV etc.

Half of us wiped out by viruses...because hundreds of millions of years of history proves - that nature does not tolerate excess.


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