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"An apocryphal story tells about an exchange between a Prussian and an Austrian officers during WWI where the German says “The situation is serious but not desperate” and the Austrian replies “The situation is desperate but not serious”. The Austrian view is the wise one and is the one that applies to the Brexit process.”

Newsflash shit for brains. Germany /Austria lost WW1. You look at Brexit and see an analogy with the losing side of WW1 and still think it’s a good idea???

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I see you’ve deleted your little outburst dear Quilp. Maybe you’ve had a quiet moment in the ablutions with a sock and calmed down a bit.

Or maybe you’ve realised you’ve been made a fool of yourself and now realise it was your Twitter and Facebook feeds tapping into your inner fears and prejudices that led you to imagine; places you’ve never been to are no-go zones, the EUSSR is about to conscript you for a war on bendy bananas, only the noble Boris Johnson can stop the evil Michel Barnier from imposing Sharia law, only Jacob Rees Mogg can save the NHS, the Salisbury attempted murders were a false-flag operation to discredit Putin, we need a hard Brexit so Liam Fox can be given full reign to impose trade terms on the rest of the world, ‘they need us more than we need them’ etc, etc. You must feel such a fool. Cheer up old pal, you weren’t the only one.


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On 19/03/2018 at 8:17 PM, Freggyragh said:

"An apocryphal story tells about an exchange between a Prussian and an Austrian officers during WWI where the German says “The situation is serious but not desperate” and the Austrian replies “The situation is desperate but not serious”. The Austrian view is the wise one and is the one that applies to the Brexit process.”

Newsflash shit for brains. Germany /Austria lost WW1. You look at Brexit and see an analogy with the losing side of WW1 and still think it’s a good idea???

FWIW Germany did not lose WW1.  

An armistice was agreed (you'll probably need to find out what that means) that included that a negotiated peace would be established based on the principle of each nation to agree the details of the going forward peace would be "an equal amongst equals'.

In spite of this the Allies closed ranks and renagued on this and the resulting Treaty of Versailles ended up as a kangaroo court that imposed the most awful and unfair punishment on the Axis powers and Germany in particular.  It was the appalling acts by the Allies that was the root cause of WW2.

But then, Freggyragh, you'll know all this eh?

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The Armistice of Compiègne only took place after Germany agreed to withdraw from all occupied territories, call off the u-boats and force the Kaiser to abdicate. The terms of the armistice were written by Foch, military leader of the Allies. The terms specifically mentioned Allied occupation of the Rhineland, the surrender of all German aircraft, warships, u-boats, artillery, tanks and small arms, the release of Allied prisoners of war and interned civilians,  but not German, and that there would be reparations to pay.

If you think that wasn’t a lose for Germany you probably still believe in brexit. 


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5 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

The Armistice of Compiègne only took place after Germany agreed to withdraw from all occupied territories, call off the u-boats and force the Kaiser to abdicate. The terms of the armistice were written by Foch, military leader of the Allies. The terms specifically mentioned Allied occupation of the Rhineland, the surrender of all German aircraft, warships, u-boats, artillery, tanks and small arms, the release of Allied prisoners of war and interned civilians,  but not German, and that there would be reparations to pay.

If you think that wasn’t a lose for Germany you probably still believe in brexit. 


It wasn't a loss for Germany, you've not looked up to see the terms that the allies agreed to. That's the thing with t'interweb, despite what some folk think it's necessary to tranch the various sources of information in an orthogonal manner to get to anything close to reality. Try Google-ing "Pierian spring".

And yes,  the majority of those who voted to leave in the referendum did, do, and continue to believe it was and is a VERY good move because it is.  The tragedy is that May did not go down the path of a hard exit.


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Step back from what you’ve just written and have another think. Do you really think Germany did not lose WW1?

I said that Germany lost WW1. It did. I didn’t say that Germany formally surrendered. There was no need to formally surrender, the terms of the armistice meant that Germany totally surrendered its military capacity, control of its borders and agreed to pay reparations for the war. 

Your logic is all Greek to me. Typical leaver, can’t see the wood for the trees. Get back to your Cambridge Analytica twitter feeds. 

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10 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

Step back from what you’ve just written and have another think. Do you really think Germany did not lose WW1?

I said that Germany lost WW1. It did. I didn’t say that Germany formally surrendered. There was no need to formally surrender, the terms of the armistice meant that Germany totally surrendered its military capacity, control of its borders and agreed to pay reparations for the war. 

Your logic is all Greek to me. Typical leaver, can’t see the wood for the trees. Get back to your Cambridge Analytica twitter feeds. 

You're a fervent EU supporter. It is an undemocratic waste of time and money. Why do you think it's a good idea?

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10 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

Step back from what you’ve just written and have another think. Do you really think Germany did not lose WW1?

I said that Germany lost WW1. It did. I didn’t say that Germany formally surrendered. There was no need to formally surrender, the terms of the armistice meant that Germany totally surrendered its military capacity, control of its borders and agreed to pay reparations for the war. 

Your logic is all Greek to me. Typical leaver, can’t see the wood for the trees. Get back to your Cambridge Analytica twitter feeds. 

LOL!   Another one who distorts reality.   Hint - look into "armistice" and what lead up to it

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9 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

It’s a pooling of resources that saves a fortune.

It's a stripping of resources and self government from the UK that has cost us a FORTUNE with no benefit worth a toss.

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