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Mea- Now I've Seen Everything

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I think this is the icing on the cake.



MEA execs took £50,000 trip to Australia




Over 50 thousand pounds was spent on sending two MEA executives to Australia.


That was the response to a question asked in Tynwald by MHK Hazel Hannan. She wanted to know about any visits made in the last five years.


The chief executive officer and the chairman were invited to present a paper at the world energy congress. The company paid staggering travel costs of over 35 thousand pounds and accommodation costs of over £11,000.


Marketing cost were £850, while other expenses came to over £5,000.

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Had a look at the cost of flying to Australia. How the heck did they come up with 35K for two people return ???????? Does not make sense



Prices of £3K per person for first class travel to most Australian cities appears to be the norm. The flight off the Island must have been expensive, about £14K each. :lol:

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Had a look at the cost of flying to Australia. How the heck did they come up with 35K for two people return ???????? Does not make sense



  Prices of £3K per person for first class travel to most Australian cities appears to be the norm. The flight off the Island must have been expensive, about £14K each. :lol:


Using BA and flying from the Island I managed to come up with a cost of a few pounds under £7,000 per person travelling first class fully flex.

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You mean a bit like this picture of the main man himself in this week's Manx Independent (page 9).


At first glance that am a bottle of champers!!





Don't woory, the guy gets sleeping lessons of those certain people on Athol Street!!!!!












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The following is from a Document sent to me regarding the blanked out lines in the PKF report and is from the leaked draft report.


Rumours abound that the blank pages or blackened lines in the PKF report refer to that the DTI (Downie) was instructed by Tynwald to get the MEA internet/fibre optic link going but Chief Minister at the time Corkill overuled this and ordered all such authorisation to go through the CMs office. Such action would be illegal under the Manx constitution.


Apparently the press are aware of this but do not know how to progress it. Donald Gelling stated in Tynwald that he did not know what was hidden behind the blanked lines but later tripped himself up in Tynwald when he told Corkill that Corkill knew what was hidden. Corkill was complaining about the blacked lines in the report to throw a red herring.


Downie is staying silent on this because he is a lodge member with Miles Walker who is Chaiman of Manx Telecom.


Above is from the document recieved and I have left the authors name out, and I have no reason to doubt the contents.


Is this the reason why Tynwalds Ministers voted to stop Mike Profitt and the Board from given evedence at the Bar of Tynwald, they would of blown the lid off the promiss by Government to light up the cable ;);)

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Probably sounds about right. I'd heard rumours that MT weren't too keen about the MEA lighting the cable and that they had certain people in government on their side. Hopefully the truth will emerge, but thats a big hope.

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If I had been involved in some of the deals that have been exposed and in so doing brought suspicion that individuals allegedly belonging to a Manx Masonic Lodge, and so by such associating bringing great discredit to the whole Masonic movement (as they surely have), I would be sleeping a little less easy of late.


I would also be relieved that there is no Whitefriars Bridge on the Island.


There remains a great deal of – let us simply say speculation – as to the murderers of Roberto Calvi and if they were indeed Mafia, or as has been strongly suggested by reason of the nature if his crime and the details surrounding his death, members of P2, the Masonic lodge of which he was a member, may have beeen intimatly involved.


Certainly there are aspects of his death that would strike a resonance with other Masons, especially the choice of Whitefriars bridge and the weights placed in his pockets -----.

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