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Outsourcing dirty tricks - cambridge analytica

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3 minutes ago, Lxxx said:

Of course. In today's world we have a number of digital touch points daily and if someone really wanted to target a specific individual I'm sure it can be done easily if you put in a bit of effort but you don't want to spoon feed this information out there.

With the kind of almost AI level algorithms being used by companies like Cambridge Analytica, they can probably find the information quicker than you giving it to them.

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FAKE NEWS. This latest fake news story is all based on some pink haired little dweeb with a nose ring, an obvious Hillary supporter, who previously worked for the company prior to Trump even running for public office. He claims he came up with the "psych war" software. Yeh, and I invented the internet last week. What a clown. A classic fantasist and the media are going to have egg on their faces (yet again) when it all comes out how bogus this all is. Can't be taken seriously.

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1 minute ago, woke said:

FAKE NEWS. This latest fake news story is all based on some pink haired little dweeb with a nose ring, an obvious Hillary supporter, who previously worked for the company prior to Trump even running for public office. He claims he came up with the "psych war" software. Yeh, and I invented the internet last week. What a clown. A classic fantasist and the media are going to have egg on their faces (yet again) when it all comes out how bogus this all is. Can't be taken seriously.

I agree there is an underlying theme to this. Which is to try to explain away Trump and Brexit, two 'populist' bloody noses, as being somehow gained by illicit means other than just the populace having enough with the way their countries are being run and actually having the audacity to vote to do something about it.  

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People preferred Trump to Clinton. It's that simple. Even a lot of Democrats who had been Bernie supporters ended up voting for Trump as they just hate the vile cow, especially after she stole the nomination from Bernie. Not to even mention all the crooked things she's involved in with her rapist husband.

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There's been no evidence of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. However, it's a matter of record that the Clintons have received Russian money. When is Mueller going to investigate the Clinton Foundation?

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2 minutes ago, woke said:

There's been no evidence of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. However, it's a matter of record that the Clintons have received Russian money. When is Mueller going to investigate the Clinton Foundation?

No evidence, yet Trump keeps sacking people investigation the Trump Campaign...

Suspicious much?

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6 minutes ago, woke said:

People preferred Trump to Clinton. It's that simple. Even a lot of Democrats who had been Bernie supporters ended up voting for Trump as they just hate the vile cow, especially after she stole the nomination from Bernie. Not to even mention all the crooked things she's involved in with her rapist husband.

Well, strictly and statistically speaking, more people preferred Clinton.

The Electoral College system preferred Trump.

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1 minute ago, RIchard Britten said:

No evidence, yet Trump keeps sacking people investigation the Trump Campaign...

Suspicious much?

You are aware that it was Trump himself who gave the green light for investigation and Trump himself, as president, can arbitrarily call off the investigation.

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4 minutes ago, woke said:

There's been no evidence of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. However, it's a matter of record that the Clintons have received Russian money. When is Mueller going to investigate the Clinton Foundation?

TOTAL WITCH HUNT! SAD! Tune into the excellent Fox & Friends now.

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Just now, RIchard Britten said:

Well, strictly and statistically speaking, more people preferred Clinton.

The Electoral College system preferred Trump.

Not if you factor out all the voter fraud for Clinton which has subsequently been revealed. Also, the Electoral College exists because the United States is not a single republic, but a union of individual state republics. The people who criticise the Electoral College don't seem to be able to grasp this simple yet very important point.

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5 minutes ago, woke said:

There's been no evidence of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. However, it's a matter of record that the Clintons have received Russian money. When is Mueller going to investigate the Clinton Foundation?

Selling uranium to Russia isn't enough of a national security threat apparently.

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Just now, woke said:

You are aware that it was Trump himself who gave the green light for investigation and Trump himself, as president, can arbitrarily call off the investigation.



"On May 17, 2017, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed Mueller, a former Director of the FBI, to serve as Special Counsel for the United States Department of Justice (DOJ). In this capacity, Mueller oversees the investigation into "any links and/or coordination between Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump, and any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation".[14] As special counsel, Mueller has the power to issue subpoenas,[15] hire staff members, request funding, and prosecute federal crimes in connection with the election interference.[16]

The appointment followed a series of events that included President Donald Trump's firing of FBI director James Comey and Comey's allegation that Trump asked him to drop the FBI investigation into former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.[17]"

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