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Outsourcing dirty tricks - cambridge analytica

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9 minutes ago, woody2 said:

how was info from 2014 any good in trumps election campaign......

Voter profiling to formulate strategy. The info is not purely age, marital status, etc. If they did what they're accused of its very sophisticated. And I get that the term snowflake gets you off but this has bugger all to with liberal millennials, it potential affects all demographics.

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2 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Voter profiling to formulate strategy. The info is not purely age, marital status, etc. If they did what they're accused of its very sophisticated. And I get that the term snowflake get you off but this has bugger all to with liberal millennials, it potential affects all demographics.

like russias interference in the referendum.....

less than a quid in the end....

it make sod all difference to the outcome......

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10 minutes ago, woody2 said:

like russias interference in the referendum.....

less than a quid in the end....

it make sod all difference to the outcome......

Maybe, maybe not. There is no way you or I could actually know that.


I could see the Russians being interested in the outcome of the US election, less so in the Brexit referendum.

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2 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Maybe, maybe not. There is no way you or I could actually know that.


I could see the Russians being interested in the outcome of the US election, less so in the Brexit referendum.

if so, they would of wanted clinton or lefty sanders.....

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7 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

I could see the Russians being interested in the outcome of the US election, less so in the Brexit referendum.

Kremlinbots from the Internet Research Agency in St Petersburg were massively involved in trolling social media in support of Brexit.

Putin's Russia is about undermining European unity - it wants to deal with nations on its borders which argue with each other. Not with Nato or the  EU. Even the UN is seen as globalist from a Putin faction perspective.

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3 hours ago, pongo said:

Kremlinbots from the Internet Research Agency in St Petersburg were massively involved in trolling social media in support of Brexit.

Putin's Russia is about undermining European unity - it wants to deal with nations on its borders which argue with each other. Not with Nato or the  EU. Even the UN is seen as globalist from a Putin faction perspective.

How the hell do you know that the Kremlin was involved in this? Were you there? Or did the Western establishment tell you this? Last time I checked, nobody was about to leave NATO. NATO is the power treaty that defends Western Europe and has been for the past 70 years. The EU does not have a defence dimension, thank goodness (can you imagine!!). At least not a credible one, despite their ridiculous aspirations.

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5 minutes ago, woolley said:

How the hell do you know that the Kremlin was involved in this? 

How the hell do you know the Kremlin wasn't involved in this?

Words are cheap n'est ce pas?

As to the NATO (OTAN in France) defending Europe that's strictly against Russia. Modern Europeans, especially in Germany, view the EU as a stabilising influence on the European countries after war after war after war. Neverending it seemed.

Confusing the two is a very bad but understandable mistake.

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11 hours ago, Lxxx said:

I agree there is an underlying theme to this. Which is to try to explain away Trump and Brexit, two 'populist' bloody noses, as being somehow gained by illicit means other than just the populace having enough with the way their countries are being run and actually having the audacity to vote to do something about it.  

Of course it is. A massive witch hunt. It is patently obvious with all of the nonsense allegations coming out week after week.

11 hours ago, Lxxx said:

They'll get him in the end. You can't take on an entire system of institutionalised corruption but it's entertaining to watch them squirm.

Correct. Trump is not the best tactician in the world and comes out with some crazy stuff on the hoof, but he is not a fool. He is well aware of the forces ranged against him.

10 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

He is the epitome of institutionalised corruption.

This must be a tricky one for you. You do realise what and who is behind the anti-Trump witch hunt? It is all to do with him breaking the cardinal rule that the USA must always be at loggerheads with Russia. He came to power challenging that, and it is upsetting those powerful vested interests who make and sell all of those horrible weapons of war that are killing your friends in the Middle East and helping to radicalise the kids out there so that Angela Merkel can bring them to Europe to cause mayhem. Those forces want to get even with Trump. You notice how they have already boxed him in on Russia with recent events. I guess from your politics this is a fight you'd want both sides to lose if possible.

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21 minutes ago, P.K. said:

How the hell do you know the Kremlin wasn't involved in this?

Words are cheap n'est ce pas?

As to the NATO (OTAN in France) defending Europe that's strictly against Russia. Modern Europeans, especially in Germany, view the EU as a stabilising influence on the European countries after war after war after war. Neverending it seemed.

Confusing the two is a very bad but understandable mistake.

PK, you are a card.

Of course I don't know, but Pongo was asserting Kremlin involvement as a matter of fact which is unknowable. It is just as likely to have originated as misinformation elsewhere in the world. Forgive me for being picky, but after cash for questions, dodgy dossiers, allegedly illegal wars, scientists mysteriously dying, politicians expenses fiddles, phone tapping, the entire upper crust and his wife as well as the media and entertainers seemingly involved in child abuse and authorities covering up Pakistani abuse of white girls for reasons of political correctness I do tend to be more than a little reluctant to believe that the establishment always tells the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

As for NATO (OTAN-in-France-but-we-are-not-in-France-so-NATO), the treaty has indeed held Europe together in military alliance. Of course they were training to fight a common enemy but in doing so they also protected each other. Also of course, nuclear weapons have concentrated the mind since 1945 and have done as much as NATO to keep the peace. The EU does not register in this. After all, it's a trading bloc isn't it? It isn't? I fear we've been misled.

Thank you for letting me know about the Germans' views on the EU being a stabilising influence after war after war. That's really big of them seeing as they have form for starting the wars. Actually, beyond German borders the EU is now being seen as an instrument of German hegemony and that is certainly not healthy. Get around Southern Europe as I do and take some soundings there.

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5 hours ago, woolley said:

PK, you are a card.

Of course I don't know, but Pongo was asserting Kremlin involvement as a matter of fact which is unknowable. It is just as likely to have originated as misinformation elsewhere in the world. Forgive me for being picky, but after cash for questions, dodgy dossiers, allegedly illegal wars, scientists mysteriously dying, politicians expenses fiddles, phone tapping, the entire upper crust and his wife as well as the media and entertainers seemingly involved in child abuse and authorities covering up Pakistani abuse of white girls for reasons of political correctness I do tend to be more than a little reluctant to believe that the establishment always tells the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Dear me.

What with "scientists mysteriously dying" and so forth it seems to me that you should be reading a decent newspaper.

Might I suggest The Grauniad. See the recent poll below which puts it as the most trusted UK newspaper. Plus it lacks all the "sensationalist" bollocks you've posted above.

On 16/03/2018 at 10:54 AM, P.K. said:

From a recent (UK) survey in answer to the question:

Of all the news sources (TV broadcaster, radio, newspaper, magazine or website), which ONE source are you most likely to turn to for news you trust the most?

The top 5 answers were:

57% - BBC

11% - ITV

5% - SKY

4% - The Grauniad

3% - Channel 4

With The Daily Wail, The Torygraph, The Times etc etc all scoring 1% which struck me as odd as I didn't think they would score as high as that....


What do you mean by "Southern Europe" please?

Incidentally, the last time I looked the UK hasn't been invaded for the last thousand years or so. Unlike most of Europe multiple times. Hence in my experience they see aspects of being European that are different to our own.

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