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We sank our own battleships...

RIchard Britten

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So the 6 Type 45 Destroyers belonging to the Royal Navy are "duff".  All 6 are (costing approx. £1 billion each) are going to require approx. £160 million worth of repairs and refits to replace the diesel engines....because they over heat in warm water, which is exactly the kind of water we keep deploying them into.

As if the already neutered UK Navy didn't have enough issues already.


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14 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

So the 6 Type 45 Destroyers belonging to the Royal Navy are "duff".  All 6 are (costing approx. £1 billion each) are going to require approx. £160 million worth of repairs and refits to replace the diesel engines....because they over heat in warm water, which is exactly the kind of water we keep deploying them into.

As if the already neutered UK Navy didn't have enough issues already.


Linky thing?

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32 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

Do you work for IOM Newspapers by any chance


Most new systems have early teething problems. As they are due for service duties in 2021 there is still time to rectify.

Thing is, things that are meant to put people in harms way to carry out the act of warfare, can't really afford to have "teething problems"...especially ones that are going to cost millions of pounds to rectify and keep them from duty for many months at a time.

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1 hour ago, RIchard Britten said:

So the 6 Type 45 Destroyers belonging to the Royal Navy are "duff".  All 6 are (costing approx. £1 billion each) are going to require approx. £160 million worth of repairs and refits to replace the diesel engines....because they over heat in warm water, which is exactly the kind of water we keep deploying them into.

As if the already neutered UK Navy didn't have enough issues already.


I have seen it reported in detail by a now deceased correspondent or "insider" writing in "Private Eye"...As I recall there was political interference with the procurement policy on engines and generators.

The Navy wanted something more costly but modern and which would have incorporated US technology. The politicians ordered the "same old" engines and generators as before in order to keep the work in places where there would otherwise have been jobs and thus votes lost.

So the ships have what was known to be systems unsuitable for warmer waters and it was known that the demands placed on them could cause tripping and outing of power. In other words, they put systems designed for older warships into new warships demanding vastly more electrical power.

The other problem was that by the time someone made a decision the "warranty" had expired and thus their Lordships of the Admiralty have had to pay cash to have remedial work done.

This we are told was made more complex by the composite design of the ships being as so many are now in prefabricated sections not designed for opening up and working on. They were built on the assumption of needing hardly any heroic maintenance.

I am not sure about this but I think it means that to gain access to the engines etc you have to open the ship up like doing bowel surgery on a patient and then cut and shunt the whole lot back together. Additionally, modern warships I believe are made of shells of stressed metal like aircraft and at speed behave rather like fast aircraft...As we saw in the long distant "Cod Wars".. Bang 'em and they spring apart but can turn on a sixpence hence the stressed shell.

In my day the engine rooms were hot, sweaty, greasy, noisy and staffed by strange men you hardly ever saw...Now they are like cars all sealed units and computer diagnosis and one or two chaps go down there with ear defenders but usually in smart overalls with no grease in sight. Like a lot of merchant ships now...electric propulsion..

Anyway, the above is what I recall from "Private Eye"  

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13 minutes ago, woke said:

Make peace, not war. :cat:

What is the point of these battleships for the UK? The UK is a midget in comparison to the world's major military powers.

They're not battleships, they're destroyers and the point is that we will need very much more rigorous defence of our maritime border in order to protect us from the endless invasion by criminals once we get our own land back from the EU control. 

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Just now, Rog said:

They're not battleships, they're destroyers and the point is that we will need very much more rigorous defence of our maritime border in order to protect us from the endless invasion by criminals once we get our own land back from the EU control. 

Yeh, I'm sure we need military destroyers to stop people who overstay their visas. We couldn't possibly just send the police around to arrest them.

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1 minute ago, woke said:

Yeh, I'm sure we need military destroyers to stop people who overstay their visas. We couldn't possibly just send the police around to arrest them.

It's not just the overstayers, nor even the illegals, both can and must be rooted out and deported or interned, it's the stream of those who are criminals by definition by attempting to break into the UK that must be stopped by whatever means works.

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2 minutes ago, Rog said:

It's not just the overstayers, nor even the illegals, both can and must be rooted out and deported or interned, it's the stream of those who are criminals by definition by attempting to break into the UK that must be stopped by whatever means works.

"by whatever means works"...That sounds a very "final solution".

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