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Hostages taken at French supermarket


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9 hours ago, twinkle said:

the bastards been fucking shot,fantastic news,i hope the bullet was well placed. between the eyes.

Probably between the aisles.

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7 hours ago, pongo said:

Austin  has recently been terrorised by a wave of Christian terrorism. It's the same kind of thing.

I think you’ll find that because he’s white and Christian he isn’t a terrorist... he’s a “challenged young man”.

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17 hours ago, pongo said:

Quilp is making a fair point about this not being funny. Not the day it happened.*

Austin has recently been terrorised by a wave of Christian terrorism. It's the same kind of thing. But I'm okay with living next door to the Methodists.

* I enjoyed Spike Milligan as Hitler and Basil Fawlty goose stepping. But it wouldn't have been funny if they had done it the same day one of the camps had been liberated. There needs to be a bit of distance.

Christian terrorism?  Not so, any more than the Westboro lunatics are Christian.  Hate, violence and any form of terrorism is in no way Christian. There are too many groups who claim to be Christian or cherry pick from the KJV as an excuse for their actions.  This is unlike the case with Islam where the Qur'an supported by Hadith specifically dictates the use of violence.

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20 hours ago, Rog said:

The issue is the absolute evil where our civilised democracy is concerned in the teaching and dictates of Islam.

Would that be the same civilised democracy that gave us Bush and Blair: 

"I'm driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, 'George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan.' And I did, and then God would tell me, 'George go and end the tyranny in Iraq,' and I did."

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8 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

Would that be the same civilised democracy that gave us Bush and Blair: 

"I'm driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, 'George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan.' And I did, and then God would tell me, 'George go and end the tyranny in Iraq,' and I did."

It is the same civilised democracy that saw Bush and Blair kicked out of office when their dishonesty and idiocy that their pre-election lies hid from view and that had resulted in their election.

More importantly, in fact of the real importance, is that our laws can be established and/or repealed as society evolves and is not set in concrete according to the dictates and ranting of a demonstrable liar and terrorist 1300 or so years ago.

Our democracy results in laws being made or repealed according to social evolution unlike Islam in which if society needs to evolve it is not a case of islamic laws changing to match, instead society must be smashed back into submission.

I wonder how many people know that the word "Islam" means to submit.  Submit to what?  The hate filled ranting and dictates of a nasty lying  warmonger in a war torn part of the world that was in socioeconomic collapse at the time he invented the horrid thing that he did.

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7 minutes ago, Rog said:

It is the same civilised democracy that saw Bush and Blair kicked out of office when their dishonesty and idiocy that their pre-election lies hid from view and that had resulted in their election.


Mr Bush served two terms. The 22nd Amendment limits a Presidency to two terms. He wasn't "kicked out of office".

Nor was Mr Blair "kicked out of office". He resigned at a time of his own choosing. Long after he had promised to go.

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2 hours ago, pongo said:


Mr Bush served two terms. The 22nd Amendment limits a Presidency to two terms. He wasn't "kicked out of office".

Nor was Mr Blair "kicked out of office". He resigned at a time of his own choosing. Long after he had promised to go.

It was a democratic decision to place a limit on the number of terms a US president could serve, a democratic decision could have ammended the Constitution. The existence of democracy allows that choice to be made.

Blair is a prime example of abuse of democracy, but even that demonstrates that it is the flexibility of democratic process that allows occasional abuse.  (Blair was without any doubt the most awful Prime Minister that the UK has EVER had bar none)

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13 minutes ago, Rog said:

It was a democratic decision to place a limit on the number of terms a US president could serve, a democratic decision could have ammended (sic) the Constitution. The existence of democracy allows that choice to be made.

The fact remains that Mr Bush was not "kicked out of office". Which is what you are mistakenly arguing. He left office after completing the maximum two terms. Nor was Mr Blair "kicked out".

Even Nixon wasn't "kicked out".

Today Bush seems like a great statesman compared with Trump.

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Just now, pongo said:

The fact remains that Mr Bush was not "kicked out of office". Which is what you are mistakenly arguing. He left office after completing the maximum two terms. Nor was Mr Blair "kicked out".

Even Nixon wasn't "kicked out".

Today Bush seems like a great statesman compared with Trump.

I rather like Trump.

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8 minutes ago, quilp said:

He's also chairman of the Gatestone Institute. His contributions and views are well documented in the archive. Pro-Israel, opposed to a two-state solution.



That's got SFA to do with his religious beliefs.

Well maybe his claimed religious affiliation is to some extent at odds with what he's getting up to but not a great deal wrong with most Lutheran churches.

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