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whinging "journalist"


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21 hours ago, twinkle said:

WHY is this guy still in a job,is it because he's an leftie journo who after his unfortunate run in with terrorists left him disabled the BBC (Brussels biased corporation) was unable to lay him off?,I've watched his reports a few times,and its really embarrassing to watch,this is why I very rarely watch the BBC anymore its bias is blatant and "poor" journo's abound,BECAUSE they are afraid (like the clowns over here) to fire ANYONE.now he's whinging because a clown mislabelled his wheelchair and he had to wait for it to be recovered for him, FFS wasn't he insured when he was injured?.


Wow.  Hateful attitudes Twinkle. I understand that you feel you have licence to voice them under anonymity, but don't you feel worse about yourself for doing so?  Don't be an arsehole.

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59 minutes ago, guzzi said:

Wow.  Hateful attitudes Twinkle. I understand that you feel you have licence to voice them under anonymity, but don't you feel worse about yourself for doing so?  Don't be an arsehole.

Oh well. Twink rarely watching that most trusted of news outlets, the BBC, is not only his/her/its loss but imho it's become a decent indicator of just how deeply entrenched the prejudices of some people are.

Taking a pop at the disabled is also pretty low I think.

ETA - takes all sorts I suppose....

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And we will assume that if and when Twinkle has cause to travel through airports...and experiences any delays/issues/inconvenience....he is calm, understanding, polite to all authorities involved and happily takes it all with a happy go lucky spring in his step ??!!!!!:P

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5 hours ago, guzzi said:

Wow.  Hateful attitudes Twinkle. I understand that you feel you have licence to voice them under anonymity, but don't you feel worse about yourself for doing so?  Don't be an arsehole.

He's not really anonymous though.  He was outed as Hill Shepherd, lost his arse as he wasn't willing to stand behind his bile, then re rolled as Twinkle.  A classic Internet hard man (coward)

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1 hour ago, woody2 said:

why do they make him stand on the bbc news channel.......

IF one looks at the BBC and the quality/ethnicity of its presenters it has more disabled presenters than frank gardner and one in particular presents the weather channel occasionally,then there's the over representation of blacks and P's there's far to many of them on this channel.

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20 minutes ago, PottyLisa said:

First re-read Twinkle's post, then re-read China's and have a little think.  I'm sure it'll come to you, there's nothing particularly cryptic about it.

saying the bbc has to many black presenters is racist?  what about saying it has to many white presenters? is that racist also.....

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