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Mea Megathread


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No idea... Thats the bizarre thing. I'd imagine the 'most' profitable method would have been for the MEA to retain the FOC and the technology and put it to market themselves (or via a subsidiary). Ahh... Now we're left with the situation where the Treasury must decide to sell or lease the assets. And as I pointed out earlier, as the ex-MEA staff have left I'm not sure who has the expertise to negotiate a good deal.

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I posted a similar post two months ago, but the stats are still pointing in the same direction so I'm going to say it again.


People are continually complaining about electricity price rises, but check out the inflation report for August.


August Inflation Report


General prices have increased from 100 to 119.8 since 2000.


Electricity has risen to 119.7.


Gas is at 172.8, Oil 197.8, Coal and solid fuels 122.3


So electricity has actually increased by less than inflation over the last 5 years.


Yes, electricity has risen a lot in the last year due to massive fuel price increases … BUT over a more comparable, longer period of time electricity in real terms is actually CHEAPER now than it was in 2000.


I am sure that people will post that the price increases are due to the huge mess the MEA is in over the "illegal loans" … not so … Eddy Teare has been quoted on Manx Radio as saying the recently announced price rises are “nothing to do with the MEA’s debts”


Check out


Manx Radio Report


Why is this, because of the finance package arranged by Treasury. A financial package that I still absolutely maintain could have been provided via the private sector at no cost to the IOM tax payer. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again somebody with some power should be asking what the MEA were actually doing in 2004 … were they really just sitting around waiting for TinkerBell to ride in and rescue them; or were they arranging private financing to ensure the MEA sorted out its own finances?


So what is the reality of the MEA scandal … electricity at a lower level in real terms than in 2000 and a financial package from Treasury which the Chairman admits has meant that price rises are not due to the debt problems … and this Treasury bail out is something the private sector could have provided at no cost to the tax payer.


This seems a little odd to me? Anyone else agree?

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Taxpayers and MEA customers must be the same people ? So I guess however the deal was brokered the same people would end up paying for it.

Setting that aside if power prices are sensitive to fuel costs it looks like we may be in for a rough ride. My husband keeps an eye on all sorts of price movements at his work, hedge fund stuff, and says all the fuel forward price curves are really high. He has never seen them so high before .. and while its good business for the banks and hedge funds .. it isnt so good for the people who end up paying the bills.

Buy some shares in an oil company I think !!

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