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Mea Megathread


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They're referring to Donald Gelling as Chief Minister "David Gelling" - bit of a clunker for the BBC!!!!!


I would expect better from them!


I don't. They were telling us yesterday that "until recently it was illegal to be gay on the Isle of Man"


Depends on how you term "recently" I suppose.


I don't think it's ever been illegal to be gay, only to do bumsex with another man!

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What most are forgeting is Donald Gelling was not the CM at the time of the loans, it was Ned, Gelling has been left to sort the mess out

True, but are they also forgetting that the Don promoted Ned to look after the island's finances and virtually assured that he was to be his successor?

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BTW. Was Manx Radio's version of the BBC feature edited to exclude John Moss'  references to chimney sweeps?


Yes, it was indeed. And also the words 'David Gelling'. :)


So it wasn't an accurate report about what was actually said? I wonder why they didn't play the item in full.


Lets hope that what John Moss said will be transcribed for the newspaper. And maybe he can say it again for Manx Radio. And perhaps someone will repeat his words in parliament.

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They're referring to Donald Gelling as Chief Minister "David Gelling" - bit of a clunker for the BBC!!!!!


I would expect better from them!


I don't. They were telling us yesterday that "until recently it was illegal to be gay on the Isle of Man"


Depends on how you term "recently" I suppose.


I don't think it's ever been illegal to be gay, only to do bumsex with another man!


Exactly, it's fairly sloppy journalism by the BBC, same as getting the name of our CM wrong.


I heard the bit about "it happening on his watch" and was hoping DG would say it started on the previous CM's watch but he resigned 'cos he was arrested by the police :D

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I've heard ad nuseum about how electricity is so expensive: is this really so?


Attached is a price comparison between the Isle of Man and the UK. Yes electricity is 3% more expensive, but this is much less so than other comparable items like Gas 170%, telephone calls 29%, broad band 100%, petrol 31% etc.




People only complain about price rises, but check out the inflation report for June




General prices have increased by 100 to 119.3 since 2000. Electricity has risen to 119.7.


Gas is at 172.8, Oil 185.1.


So electricity isn't that much more expensive than the UK and has hardly increased by more than inflation over the last 5 years .... but lets not let facts get in the way about a good moan!

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So electricity isn't that much more expensive than the UK and has hardly increased by more than inflation over the last 5 years .... but lets not let facts get in the way about a good moan!


Power on the Island does seem to be expensive compared to, for example, London.

We arrived on the Island last year and I still have some utility bills to check. my last bill from Powergen was 7.5 pence per unit. We didnt have economy tariffs as out heating system was gas. Anyone with the economy tariff would do much better.

I am not, repeat not, complaining about the cost of power.

Perhaps a more valid comparison would involve measuring the total benefits / costs associated with living in this lovely Island rather than just singling out a few commodities. I do know that we are much better off in terms of disposable income than we ever were in London.

However, I would guess that people on low fixed incomes find life a struggle because the cost of the basic things is higher.

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Couldn't agree with you more! Yes, there are a number of things that are unpalatable, but if you take the overall I think it is quite cheap to live here; and in that I mean the lack of stress, the lack of suspicion [help, I can't spell that] (apart from the MHKs et al, but I really think the conspiracy theory has gone into overdrive) and the wonderful landscape!


I joined this forum a little over a week ago, and it has saddened me so much to read the endemic dissatisfaction; why? I lived for 17 years in the UK, in big cities or con-urbations (which is what London is) and I never felt a part of IT, whatever IT was!


But yes, those with fixed incomes may find it very difficult and I hope the Govt will find a way to alleviate that; they must, so I think they will! All said and done, the IOM does look after its own quite well.

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I think the forum is being steered here.


No one is complaining about the price of electricity. (Yet!)


I think the issue is regarding the unauthorised loan of over £100,000,000.


Like wise it was not good enough to say "but can't you see what a wonderful hospital you've now got" when it cost many, many £MILLIONS more than it was originally budgeted for.


Like wise the Government Buildings, IRIS, Peel Harbour Bridge . . . Oh, we haven't got to them yet.



ps gtbb. Give it time, give it time.

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Lisner, No one is steering me!! I am quite capable of steering myself!


The fact that some capital project runs over budget, in itself, is not a cause for a wringing of hands and gnashing of teeth. Many, many such projects in the UK run way beyond their budget. Just because the same happens here does not indicate to me the gross mismanagement, incompetence and even dishonesty that many contributors allude to.


I also agree that the unauthorised borrowing by the MEA IS of concern, but I believe that, having found this situation, the Govt handled it in the best way limiting the potentially devastating impact on the whole economy. That is not to say that how this arose should be swept under the carpet; far from it, but no matter who is to blame they will not be able to reimburse the money borrowed so the matter has to be managed! That seems to me to be what the Govt is doing.


And as for giving it time until my rose tinted specs drop off, I have been back three years and, if anything, they have grown rosier and rosier! Now find a way to knock that!!

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Glad to be back I think that when you are comparring us to the UK you should also compare our size with that of the UK. Yes I agree some projects in the UK do seriously go over budget but THIS IS NOT THE NORM. On the Island of a population of only 70,000 (a small town in the UK) over expenditure on Capital Projects is THE NORM.


Take off your rose tinted glasses and get real. We cannot continue to operate in this way and must be prudent with the taxpayers money or else one day there will not be surplus which will bail out such problems as the MEA.

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