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The Berxit lies and betrayals

Barrie Stevens

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Interesting Guardian piece on the lies that were told, the back tracking, obfuscation, surrenderingt and reality of what Brexit will mean..The EU is going to get a bargain. Much will effectively stay the same except the troublesome UK will no longer be able to vote and put a spanner in the works...and apparently will continue to pay in to the budget indefinitely...Give it a read anyway.

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I just want out of the EU and I don't give a tinkers cuss about the cost.  

Freedom and self determination never comes cheap.

Theresa May really should have invoked the leaving process the day after the result of the referendum, come to that we should have quit the EU with no negotiation and no transition period and then dealt with what followed as it cropped up.

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3 minutes ago, Rog said:

I just want out of the EU and I don't give a tinkers cuss about the cost.  

Freedom and self determination never comes cheap.

Theresa May really should have invoked the leaving process the day after the result of the referendum, come to that we should have quit the EU with no negotiation and no transition period and then dealt with what followed as it cropped up.

The point is that when you look at the compass you will not actually be leaving. Just reducing to country cousin status. Give the Guardian piece a little bit of a read it is like revision..

As for abrupt exit, what a way to run a railway! You want to do trade deals with the world but kick off by breaking the agreements you already have..  Nice on the CV eh?

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7 minutes ago, Rog said:

I just want out of the EU and I don't give a tinkers cuss about the cost.  

Freedom and self determination never comes cheap.

Theresa May really should have invoked the leaving process the day after the result of the referendum, come to that we should have quit the EU with no negotiation and no transition period and then dealt with what followed as it cropped up.

So you do not have your dog in the fight then?

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11 minutes ago, Barrie Stevens said:

The point is that when you look at the compass you will not actually be leaving. Just reducing to country cousin status. Give the Guardian piece a little bit of a read it is like revision..

As for abrupt exit, what a way to run a railway! You want to do trade deals with the world but kick off by breaking the agreements you already have..  Nice on the CV eh?

The EU has become an enemy to Britain. 

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13 minutes ago, Barrie Stevens said:

So you do not have your dog in the fight then?

Our second hand (rehomed) elderly border collie hasn't got a **** left in her much less a fight! We said that we'd never ever have a border collie again or even any dog but when the vet came to see our old cat and brought the old dog with him - well what can you do? Typical of the breed she's 99% heart and 1% brain (when it suits her!)

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44 minutes ago, Rog said:

Our second hand (rehomed) elderly border collie hasn't got a **** left in her much less a fight! We said that we'd never ever have a border collie again or even any dog but when the vet came to see our old cat and brought the old dog with him - well what can you do? Typical of the breed she's 99% heart and 1% brain (when it suits her!)

Well Brexit is about borders! So why not a Border collie? And Brexit is also about Laissez-faire by which I mean free trade and not some sentimental movie about a dog.....

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Barrie, the article is in the Guardian, so I think we can assume it will have been written with a significant pro-EU mindset.  While we're on the subject of dogs, I have an Australian Collie who I suspect has a greater level of intelligence than yer average Grauniad scribbler ;)

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2 minutes ago, The Phat Tog said:

Barrie, the article is in the Guardian, so I think we can assume it will have been written with a significant pro-EU mindset.  While we're on the subject of dogs, I have an Australian Collie who I suspect has a greater level of intelligence than yer average Grauniad scribbler ;)

How very wrong.

The figures on how the UK so-called "newspapers" blathered on about brexit leading up to the referendum showed that The Grauniad was one of the few, well, ok, the very few, well, ok, one of the two of them who had pretty much balanced out pro and anti with the majority being neutral.

Maybe if you actually read The Grauniad you would realise just how wrong you could be...

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2 minutes ago, Barrie Stevens said:

Well Brexit is about borders! So why not a Border collie? And Brexit is also about Laissez-faire by which I mean free trade and not some sentimental movie about a dog.....

But most of all BREXIT is, or should be, about restoration of UK sovereignty, control of our borders and who lives in the UK and who will be kicked out, the end of pouring billions into the corrupt EU, and escape from the disgusting ECHR that the loathsome Blair signed us up to, and now the threat of being drawn into an EU armed force. I hope that the EU implodes in the near future, and that BREXIT is the catalyst that sets it off and the ECB going down the pan is a thing that is long overdue.  The EU is a busted flush

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19 minutes ago, P.K. said:

How very wrong.

The figures on how the UK so-called "newspapers" blathered on about brexit leading up to the referendum showed that The Grauniad was one of the few, well, ok, the very few, well, ok, one of the two of them who had pretty much balanced out pro and anti with the majority being neutral.

Maybe if you actually read The Grauniad you would realise just how wrong you could be...

I started reading the Guardian (a) it was free (b) The Telegraph went bonkers but is owned by the weirdo Barclay Bros (c) I rather agree with the Guardian on this anyway in the sense that I think they are more balanced and fair. As for Brexit well it will happen no going back now so just take your chances..

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