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The Berxit lies and betrayals

Barrie Stevens

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6 hours ago, woolley said:

If you stand tall in the world that is precisely how you bring up decent kids who have a chance of living their lives in peace.
If you dream of a world where everyone loves each other and take your guard down, abdicating the responsibility to someone else, that is when you are in trouble. And incidentally, in so doing you bring up generations who have no pride in their country and come to despise it. We are well down that road and need to turn it around.

Did you ever study history? Were you paying attention? Clearly not.

Dear me. Another assumption that couldn't possibly be more wrong. Your obsession with blaming "liberals" for everything is clearly warping your common sense. Assuming you have some of course. But then "standing tall" is everything Brexiteers are about. That and blue passports....

History shapes tomorrow.

"Si vis pacem, para bellum"

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4 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Dear me. Another assumption that couldn't possibly be more wrong. Your obsession with blaming "liberals" for everything is clearly warping your common sense. Assuming you have some of course. But then "standing tall" is everything Brexiteers are about. That and blue passports....

History shapes tomorrow.

"Si vis pacem, para bellum"

Dear me. Do you have to start so many posts as though you are having a nervous breakdown?

Your last two sentences are spot on. Pity about the tripe before them.

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6 hours ago, quilp said:

I just detest the sarcastic, sneering, down-the-nose snobbery and hard-cheesery rhetoric you and others have consistently employed to diss Brexit and those who voted for it. If it's not the alleged lack of intelligence or integrity it's accusations of people being too old to know better! Directing your ire at the dithering of an obviously totally unprepared government and Opposition would be better served. You know, the same government which, with breath-taking naivety, never once imagined the 'plebs' had the temerity to vote against the establishment. And while it dithers in the process, humming and harring over this model or that, the truth is the 'progressive left' are also lacking clarity on what they want from Brexit.

You commented on the welfare of "folks" and families, alleging this group or that will be worse off for Brexit and a reduced quality of life. How do you know this? Are they better off now, under the current system?

Remoaners, by being in Brexit denial, are (perhaps) unwittingly ceding ground to a vision of Brexit that will only worsen the inequalities that led to Brexit in the first place.

Sorry, missed this amongst all the bs chaff. Will reply tomorrow.

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2 minutes ago, woolley said:

Dear me. Do you have to start so many posts as though you are having a nervous breakdown?

Your last two sentences are spot on. Pity about the tripe before them.

So don't accuse me of not knowing my history!

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fact is it doesn't matter

Fact is you don't want it to matter probably because it's inconvenient data that hardly bolsters the reductionist viewpoint. 

Not sure what relevance Clinton's vote has in all this btw....perhaps you could explain.

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7 hours ago, quilp said:

I just detest the sarcastic, sneering, down-the-nose snobbery and hard-cheesery rhetoric you and others have consistently employed to diss Brexit and those who voted for it. If it's not the alleged lack of intelligence or integrity it's accusations of people being too old to know better! Directing your ire at the dithering of an obviously totally unprepared government and Opposition would be better served. You know, the same government which, with breath-taking naivety, never once imagined the 'plebs' had the temerity to vote against the establishment. And while it dithers in the process, humming and harring over this model or that, the truth is the 'progressive left' are also lacking clarity on what they want from Brexit.

You commented on the welfare of "folks" and families, alleging this group or that will be worse off for Brexit and a reduced quality of life. How do you know this? Are they better off now, under the current system?

Remoaners, by being in Brexit denial, are (perhaps) unwittingly ceding ground to a vision of Brexit that will only worsen the inequalities that led to Brexit in the first place.

Very good post mate eloquently put .

 All the remoaners seem to have is a financial argument  of which even that is unproven  although I'll concede that the employers have got richer.

Meanwhile Britain is awash with  crime  (I think 13 murders already in London this week?) university educated kids working in McDonalds , the streets full of homeless people  and beggars and no way of taking steps to  clean up the mess until we exit.

Can't come quick enough for me.

 This is the Utopia that these clowns want to keep us tied to ?

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12 hours ago, pongo said:

Wearing Israel like a badge doesn't give you a free pass IMO when it comes to trolling in support of fascists.

And yes. 


Maybe you would care to explain that strange comment?

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9 hours ago, ballaughbiker said:

Fact is you don't want it to matter probably because it's inconvenient data that hardly bolsters the reductionist viewpoint. 

Not sure what relevance Clinton's vote has in all this btw....perhaps you could explain.

not inconvenient at all......

remoans complaining about the vote system after is just bitterness.....

same as clintons supporters......

you wouldn't complain if you had won......


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9 hours ago, homarus said:

Very good post mate eloquently put .

 All the remoaners seem to have is a financial argument  of which even that is unproven  although I'll concede that the employers have got richer.

Meanwhile Britain is awash with  crime  (I think 13 murders already in London this week?) university educated kids working in McDonalds , the streets full of homeless people  and beggars and no way of taking steps to  clean up the mess until we exit.

Can't come quick enough for me.

 This is the Utopia that these clowns want to keep us tied to ?

can't keep on importing poverty from the eu and expecting to keep services........


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