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The Berxit lies and betrayals

Barrie Stevens

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29 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:

True but we would not be facing such a regulatory, legal and financial mess if that was the case. Innit?

the uk isn't......

your condition has actually got a medical name, but i can't remember what it is......

so we'll go with snowflake......

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11 hours ago, homarus said:

 All the remoaners seem to have is a financial argument  of which even that is unproven  although I'll concede that the employers have got richer.

Meanwhile Britain is awash with  crime  (I think 13 murders already in London this week?) university educated kids working in McDonalds , the streets full of homeless people  and beggars and no way of taking steps to  clean up the mess until we exit.

Can't come quick enough for me.

 This is the Utopia that these clowns want to keep us tied to ?

Crime is on the rise in proportion to cuts in the police force. Record numbers of homeless. Record numbers of food banks and those using them. NHS in a funding crisis. Education in a fundiing crisis. Local goverment in a funding crisis. 

None of which has anything whatsoever to do with Brexit and everything to do with "austerity" cutbacks. Why else do you think the IOM & Appleby circus allowing the likes of Hamilton to dodge paying his just dues on his jet caused such a furore in the UK? It made me ashamed to admit my nationality for the first time ever!

But those suffering from austerity cutbacks probably don't vote tory so fuck 'em a la Margaret Thatcher.....

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19 hours ago, quilp said:

I just detest the sarcastic, sneering, down-the-nose snobbery and hard-cheesery rhetoric you and others have consistently employed to diss Brexit and those who voted for it. 

I just detest the deployment of "clever" soundbites as though they are somehow a substitute for reasoned debate.

Because they are not.

I'm short of time today but suffice it to say that when I voted in the referendum difficult problems like the NI border and The Good Friday Agreement were simply not on the event horizon. Which from where I am absolutely typifies how the complications and ramifications of brexit were simply never given a mention. However brexiteers winning the vote means, however unconfortable it might be for some folks, that lies like the £350m to the NHS, "take back control", trade deals are a piece of piss etc etc were believed BY THE MAJORITY. They either couldn't or wouldn't see through them for what they were.

That's not my fault by the way.

It's also not my fault that the brexiteers ringing in to LBC make themselves sound really really stupid. It makes for good radio though.

It's also not my fault that projection after projection makes brexit look like a shit sandwich.

It's also not my fault that we have a lame-duck administration doing the negotiations.

Etc etc etc

Sorry for breathing....

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20 hours ago, quilp said:

I just detest the sarcastic, sneering, down-the-nose snobbery and hard-cheesery rhetoric you and others have consistently employed to diss Brexit and those who voted for it. If it's not the alleged lack of intelligence or integrity it's accusations of people being too old to know better!

Totally agree. And I say that as someone who has yet to see any worthwhile benefit of Britain leaving the European Union. 

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That fake news about the £350m was quickly debunked. As were other fallacious claims. Yet thereafter, even with a sophisticated and choreographed big budget 'Remain' campaign, the disgusting, xenophobic, thick as pig-shit, daily-wail-reading plebs still voted with their hearts and were duly rewarded. 

20 minutes ago, P.K. said:

...However brexiteers winning the vote means, however unconfortable it might be for some folks, that lies like the £350m to the NHS, "take back control", trade deals are a piece of piss etc etc were believed BY THE MAJORITY. They either couldn't or wouldn't see through them for what they were.

That's not my fault by the way.

It's also not my fault that the brexiteers ringing in to LBC make themselves sound really really stupid. It makes for good radio though.

It's also not my fault that projection after projection makes brexit look like a shit sandwich.

It's also not my fault that we have a lame-duck administration doing the negotiations.


Sorry for breathing....

What's this, "it's not my fault" thing?

"...Brexiteer's ringing in to LBC make themselves sound really stupid. It makes for good radio though."

More casual intellectual snobbery...

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20 minutes ago, quilp said:

What's this, "it's not my fault" thing?

"...Brexiteer's ringing in to LBC make themselves sound really stupid. It makes for good radio though."

More casual intellectual snobbery...

P.K. and, on the other side, Woody are just trolling. I don't know why anyone gets sucked in to it. 

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2 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

Excessive junk food, a sedentary lifestyle, gullibility, ignorance and a massive inferiority complex, I’d say. 

And unless you're addressing the remoaners you could not be more wrong.  

Imposition of a guaranteed to fail multicultural society, legislation to emasculate national pride, ethnic pride, patriotism are just the start of the things that people are responding to in the only way that they can. 

Throw in the establishment of growing colonies of immigrants with nothing in common with the indigenous British and especially English population and who do not and want not and will not integrate with the laws and customs and values of the supposedly host nation then add the grooming and abuse by people in these colonies of our children made even worse by the direction of the "religion" that they follow.

And anyone wonders why groups of right thinking people are starting to fight back?


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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

I just detest the deployment of "clever" soundbites as though they are somehow a substitute for reasoned debate.

Because they are not.

I'm short of time today but suffice it to say that when I voted in the referendum difficult problems like the NI border and The Good Friday Agreement were simply not on the event horizon. Which from where I am absolutely typifies how the complications and ramifications of brexit were simply never given a mention. However brexiteers winning the vote means, however unconfortable it might be for some folks, that lies like the £350m to the NHS, "take back control", trade deals are a piece of piss etc etc were believed BY THE MAJORITY. They either couldn't or wouldn't see through them for what they were.

That's not my fault by the way.

It's also not my fault that the brexiteers ringing in to LBC make themselves sound really really stupid. It makes for good radio though.

It's also not my fault that projection after projection makes brexit look like a shit sandwich.

It's also not my fault that we have a lame-duck administration doing the negotiations.

Etc etc etc

Sorry for breathing....

I don't understand why remoaners are allowed to get away with the "350m to the NHS lie" accusation over and over again. Have a look at the bus in the link. The wording is "We send the EU £350 million a week let's fund our NHS instead." Nowhere does it say "let's spend the entire amount on our NHS". The article is interesting too, as it examines the use of the gross figure spent on the EU in campaigning and illustrates that it is merely an old political campaigning ploy used in elections over the years at which nobody ever batted an eyelid.


Then there is the "EU staff leaving the NHS in droves" scare stories that should not be taken at face value.


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I blame it on bad diet and lack of excercise. If you look after yourself you feel good about yourself, because you feel good about yourself you enjoy life and appreciate your environment. Conversley, there’s something in human nature that means that people who can’t feel good about themselves start to feel bad about others too. They become sponges for conspiracy theories, hate and general misanthropy. The only time the two tribes seem to converge is when the fit, social people pop in to the pub for a bit of refreshment and find the miserable gits skulking round the doorway drawing on their fags, or propping up the bar while claiming to be part of some master race. Lazy thinking and lazy bodies seem to go together. 

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I agree, there’s nothing wrong with using social media to push political messages. Mind you, I’d de-friend anyone who did - whatever the message. 

Some of the outrage stems from the way info was collected - Facebook birthday posts and the like, which is a lesson to the public about sorting their security settings.

The blackmail / honey trap stuff etc, was the major cause for concern, though to be fair, Trump has proved that even ‘Christians’ don’t really care about sex scandals anymore.


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