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The Berxit lies and betrayals

Barrie Stevens

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13 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

I blame it on bad diet and lack of excercise. If you look after yourself you feel good about yourself, because you feel good about yourself you enjoy life and appreciate your environment. Conversley, there’s something in human nature that means that people who can’t feel good about themselves start to feel bad about others too. They become sponges for conspiracy theories, hate and general misanthropy. The only time the two tribes seem to converge is when the fit, social people pop in to the pub for a bit of refreshment and find the miserable gits skulking round the doorway drawing on their fags, or propping up the bar while claiming to be part of some master race. Lazy thinking and lazy bodies seem to go together. 

i'm confused.. which one are you claiming to be?

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2 hours ago, P.K. said:

Crime is on the rise in proportion to cuts in the police force. Record numbers of homeless. Record numbers of food banks and those using them. NHS in a funding crisis. Education in a fundiing crisis. Local goverment in a funding crisis. 

None of which has anything whatsoever to do with Brexit and everything to do with "austerity" cutbacks. Why else do you think the IOM & Appleby circus allowing the likes of Hamilton to dodge paying his just dues on his jet caused such a furore in the UK? It made me ashamed to admit my nationality for the first time ever!

But those suffering from austerity cutbacks probably don't vote tory so fuck 'em a la Margaret Thatcher.....

100% down to mass eu immigration.......

uk has no austerity.......

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I don't understand why remoaners are allowed to get away with the "350m to the NHS lie" accusation over and over again

Whilst we can dissect the sematics post-op to argue whatever, the inference of the message was clear. "Stop paying this EU money which can then be used to save the NHS". If that wasn't the case, why did they do it along with its familiar NHS symbol and drive the bus around the country? 

You have to hand it to them though, it was a brilliant tactic and that plus the idea that all our country's ills could be sorted by getting rid of foreigners mainly won the day.  Both were lies and I think most of us on here damn well know it. It took Farage until after the vote result he so wanted to distance himself from the message. What a gent.....:huh:

So when "will of the people" is trumpeted, remember how many were led by these lies.

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3 hours ago, P.K. said:

Crime is on the rise in proportion to cuts in the police force. Record numbers of homeless. Record numbers of food banks and those using them. NHS in a funding crisis. Education in a fundiing crisis. Local goverment in a funding crisis. 

None of which has anything whatsoever to do with Brexit and everything to do with "austerity" cutbacks. Why else do you think the IOM & Appleby circus allowing the likes of Hamilton to dodge paying his just dues on his jet caused such a furore in the UK? It made me ashamed to admit my nationality for the first time ever!

But those suffering from austerity cutbacks probably don't vote tory so fuck 'em a la Margaret Thatcher.....

The cut short period of austerity was and remains essential, initially to redress the Blair / Brown smoke and mirrors game of artificially increasing the UK GDP by issuing Gilts and using the money to buy votes while the increased GDP resulted in the costs of servicing government debts were kept down by the artificially raised GDP.

Then came the Open Borders disaster.  Millions of "people" swarming into the UK to take advantage of the unsustainable benefits of various kinds bringing with them a cost FAR in excess of any very limited benefit they brought with them and the EU making a bad situation terrible.

When it comes to food banks, these are absolutely unnecessary because the benefits paid to the non-working legally in the UK  are more than enough to maintain hearth and home and those in the UK illegally IMO can go hang.  If those that scrounge off foodbanks didn't waste what they get from the UK hard working tax payers on luxuries and especially on line gambling the food banks could and should be closed. 

NHS cutbacks, police cutbacks, in fact all cutbacks in utilities and services are entirely due to the disaster that the Blair/Brown villainy left behind and that Cameron didn't have the balls to address and the EU rules that thus far have prevented us to take the measures needed to improve the UK.

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26 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:

Whilst we can dissect the sematics post-op to argue whatever, the inference of the message was clear. "Stop paying this EU money which can then be used to save the NHS". If that wasn't the case, why did they do it along with its familiar NHS symbol and drive the bus around the country? 

You have to hand it to them though, it was a brilliant tactic and that plus the idea that all our country's ills could be sorted by getting rid of foreigners mainly won the day.  Both were lies and I think most of us on here damn well know it. It took Farage until after the vote result he so wanted to distance himself from the message. What a gent.....:huh:

So when "will of the people" is trumpeted, remember how many were led by these lies.

Many of the countries ills would be significantly reduced by a great deal with a bit of social cleansing.

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45 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:


So when "will of the people" is trumpeted, remember how many were led by these lies.

A lot was said in both campaigns. Remember Project Fear? Nothing, but nothing compares with the lies and half truths that took us into the "Common Market" in the first place, so if there were lies in the campaign to come out there is a certain justifiable symmetry.

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Of course I remember project fear and there is no inference that I support all what was said, because I definitely don't.  

That aside, many of the gov's predictions haven't come true due to, imo (if I am still allowed to have one) because:

1) Mark Carney took immediate action post result

2) There has been a  general upturn in the worldwide economy.

3) A time-limited period of a reduced value £ whilst staying in the customs union and single market.


I think that Osborne could have considered 1 & 3 as possibilities but 2 was not predicted by anyone.

Finally I think that getting predictions wrong is not quite the same as knowingly manipulating some people's baser instincts by planned lies (remember the doctor's waiting room ad?).


The 1970s lies are a different discussion altogether although they do have some relevance. That said, arguments designed to make voters think that all are immediate ills are EU based will clearly carry a lot more weight.


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55 minutes ago, Bobbie Bobster said:


Must be disappointing not to get the desired reaction when you're trying so hard.

But I'm not.  

I'm deadly serious.  

There are millions of people illegally in the UK and they really should be sought and expelled. The UK border agency try to find and expelled those who have not one iota of right to be here but are terribly hampered by EU legislation, human "rights" legislation, abuse of the asylum legislation, and lack of secure accomadation to keep these burglars between being seized and slung out.

I'm not looking for a response, I'm absolutely serious, and more and more people are demanding the same.


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5 hours ago, P.K. said:

Local goverment in a funding crisis. 

None of which has anything whatsoever to do with Brexit and everything to do with "austerity" cutbacks.


Here you are, PK. Local government chiefs are always crying poverty and blaming "austerity" cutbacks. Have a look at the link and follow it through to the spreadsheet which identifies a host of local council functionaries - and that's all they are - drawing salaries, many of which are in excess of that of the Prime Minister. They are not in business, they take no risk and they are parasites on their often hard pressed ratepayers.

The same is true throughout the public sector and particularly so in education management. If council chiefs and other public sector administrators want to know where the money has gone they should take a look at their own and their colleagues penchant for self-enrichment at the public expense before sacking front line staff on the minimum wage. Perhaps when they have rectified this national scandal, more heed might be paid to their funding "plight". This is taking the mickey on a grand scale.

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2 hours ago, ballaughbiker said:

Whilst we can dissect the sematics post-op to argue whatever, the inference of the message was clear. "Stop paying this EU money which can then be used to save the NHS". If that wasn't the case, why did they do it along with its familiar NHS symbol and drive the bus around the country? 

You have to hand it to them though, it was a brilliant tactic and that plus the idea that all our country's ills could be sorted by getting rid of foreigners mainly won the day.  Both were lies and I think most of us on here damn well know it. It took Farage until after the vote result he so wanted to distance himself from the message. What a gent.....:huh:

So when "will of the people" is trumpeted, remember how many were led by these lies.

the nhs has already received more than £350 million extra per week since the referendum......

so your point is baseless......

sadly the nhs choose to spend it on massive wage rises for themselves......

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