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The Berxit lies and betrayals

Barrie Stevens

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8 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

But what cost are you personally willing to pay?


Together with a very great number of others I've already paid a HUGE cost resulting from being in the EU 

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2 minutes ago, Rog said:

Together with a very great number of others I've already paid a HUGE cost resulting from being in the EU 

Typical leaver bullshit.

You said:


We just want our country back.

At ANY cost.

Well, step up or shut up, what price are you willing to pay to achieve it?

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5 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Typical leaver bullshit.

You said:

Well, step up or shut up, what price are you willing to pay to achieve it?

As I wrote, together with a millions of others we've already paid billions of pounds and a devastated and broken society as a result of EU membership.

We've paid already and paid in many ways.

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Just now, Rog said:

As I wrote, together with a millions of others we've already paid billions of pounds and a devastated and broken society as a result of EU membership.

We've paid already and paid in many ways.

So by that bullshit logic, so have all the people who voted to remain, so that they could enjoy the benefits of EU membership.

So following your bullshit logic to its next "logical" step, who is left to pay this "at any cost" cost?

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2 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

So by that bullshit logic, so have all the people who voted to remain, so that they could enjoy the benefits of EU membership.

So following your bullshit logic to its next "logical" step, who is left to pay this "at any cost" cost?

Close, but no ceegar.  The people who voted to remain do not value the huge loss we have suffered as a result of EU membership. Our loss of border control, our loss of sovereignty, the uncontrollable immigration, and so much more.  They also overlook the monetary loss as a result of EU membership and so much more.

Any costs as a result our restoration of sovereignty and freedom following our escape from European domination will have to shared - assuming there will be any loss, the increasing probability is that the EU will implode in one hell of a mess that thankfully we will be well clear from.

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7 minutes ago, Rog said:

Close, but no ceegar.  The people who voted to remain do not value the huge loss we have suffered as a result of EU membership. Our loss of border control, our loss of sovereignty, the uncontrollable immigration, and so much more.  They also overlook the monetary loss as a result of EU membership and so much more.

Any costs as a result our restoration of sovereignty and freedom following our escape from European domination will have to shared - assuming there will be any loss, the increasing probability is that the EU will implode in one hell of a mess that thankfully we will be well clear from.

 I am sure that JW has already rubbished 90% of the things you claim we have "lost" somewhere else on the forum, so I wont bother going over that ground again.

You want something "at any cost" but refuse to explain what "contribution" you are going to make.

Sounds like you want other people to pay for it and support your way of life.  Other right wingers (like you) have a name for it...but I'll let you work that out for yourself.

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2 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

 I am sure that JW has already rubbished 90% of the things you claim we have "lost" somewhere else on the forum, so I wont bother going over that ground again.

You want something "at any cost" but refuse to explain what "contribution" you are going to make.

Sounds like you want other people to pay for it and support your way of life.  Other right wingers (like you) have a name for it...but I'll let you work that out for yourself.

Richard, I've explained already.  Together with millions of others we are more than adequately in CREDIT.

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18 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

And as I have pointed out, your logic is flawed. 

Who is going to pay?

No Richard, my logic is very far from flawed. As to who will pay, if indeed any monetary payment becomes necessary which is very questionable, the whole of the British people - but some of us are well in credit.


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