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The Berxit lies and betrayals

Barrie Stevens

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Thinking about it the Manx civil service has much in common with the European Commission.

The stated role of the EC is as "The EU's politically independent executive arm".  

Note that bit, politically independent so no need to answer to the EU electorate!

"It alone is responsible for drafting proposals for the new European legislation and it implements the decisions of the European Parliament and the council of the EU.".

Decisions of the European parliament?


Rubber stamped more like or driven through by Herr Merkel

And people wonder why we want shut of that lot and want our sovereignty returned pretty damned quick. 



What does the Commission do?

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2 minutes ago, P.K. said:

It's called democracy....

Very true, but when we are faced with a thing that by power of its democratic basis is continually to our disadvantage it's time to get out which is precisely what we are doing.

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Time will tell all.

Personally I hope Brexit will be a massive success.

Because I don't know of anyone who actually wants a lower standard of living.

And I don't give a flying what colour my passport is....

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13 minutes ago, Rog said:

Very true, but when we are faced with a thing that by power of its democratic basis is continually to our disadvantage it's time to get out which is precisely what we are doing.

This kind of thing always strikes me as a bit chippy - as in "chip-on-shoulder". As if people somehow imagine that the British government and British representatives would be somehow less able to argue the position - because everyone is against them. Or as if Britain is incapable of joining in or being at the heart of a thing.

Real snowflake stuff IMO. I sometimes wonder whether it's connected with people feeling somehow inferior or not part of the club.

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7 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:

It suits the brexit narrative to make out we are victims.

There's that certainly.

But I also sometimes wonder (cautiously) whether it isn't also somehow connected to a sort of class thing. The self-made man and Captain Mainwaring types for example. Not knowing what cutlery to use etc. And getting stroppy.

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2 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:

It suits the brexit narrative to make out we are victims.

We have been and continue to be. That apart the majority of people in the UK who voted in the referendum just want OUT. 

I do wonder to what extent the Remoaners are suffering from some form of Stockholm Syndrome, or live in the delusion that we all are equal and that all societies are equal and patriotism and national pride are in some strange way offensive.

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4 minutes ago, pongo said:

There's that certainly.

But I also sometimes wonder (cautiously) whether it isn't also somehow connected to a sort of class thing. The self-made man and Captain Mainwaring types for example. Not knowing what cutlery to use etc. And getting stroppy.

Not a class thing, though there are long thousands of scum who have slimed their way into the UK, but a patriotic thing.  It's about being proud of our achievements as a nation, about our refusal to let a bunch of foreigners dictate to us how we should live, what rules and laws we have to obey, and demand billions each year. 

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3 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Do you know the difference between national pride and nationalist pride?

Under pressure the two eventually become the same, and the EU certainly has provided the pressure.

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