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Lucky Escape

Neil Down

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2 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

Which part of "apply" and "get" don't you understand?

of course you have to apply otherwise you wouldn't get an appeal,they ain't telepathic:lol:  but a refusal at this stage doesn't stop you getting a oral hearing....

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4 hours ago, ballaughbiker said:

Me too. That said, it sounds like your secret apologist liberal side,  kept hidden for so long, is making a bid for freedom :)

Not sure about the perceived equivalence of dodgy accountants and someone who might one day make life or death decisions either. Airline pilots might have some common ground but the scenario you describe of them 'cracking up' seems very rare. 


It is not so much an equivalence of consequence I was trying to illustrate. More of causation, in that those of high intelligence and/or in professional or highly responsible positions are all still human and just as liable, or perhaps even more liable, to break as anyone else. When the surgeon sews you back up, or the pilot lands you safely at your destination, you neither know nor care what horrors he or she may return home to that evening. Isn't life strange?

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When the surgeon sews you back up, or the pilot lands you safely at your destination, you neither know nor care what horrors he or she may return home to that evening. Isn't life strange?

Speak for yourself. I have direct personal experience of both. 

There are bound to be those who have such issues of course but long gone are the days when either example group is not continually audited in various ways starting from initial training to retirement. This sad case has likely been intercepted very early.

I suppose you could say that recognition of the various forms of human frailty has been the driver of this evolution from the days of bombastic, bullying, Bentley driving surgeon of the 50s and 60s 'comedy' films.

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Not quite sure what you are arguing there BB with "speak for yourself I have experience of both". So do most of us I would reckon.

All I am saying is that they are not superhuman and they are subject to the same fallibilities in their lives as everyone else, as demonstrated in the subject article. Sometimes it seems to be a case of "shock, horror, he/she is brilliant, so how could he/she do something so bad?" It doesn't follow that excellence in academia or profession is mirrored in personal life and choices.

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It doesn't follow that excellence in academia or profession is mirrored in personal life and choices.

How true

Edit: In fact it sometimes seems that those who are very successful professionally have less than ideal personal lives. A generalisation of course but it often seems to be the case.


 So do most of us I would reckon.

I very much doubt that. I was not taking about being on the receiving end. 

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11 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:

How true

Edit: In fact it sometimes seems that those who are most successful professionally have less than ideal personal lives. A generalisation of course but it is often the case.

I very much doubt that. I was not taking about being on the receiving end. 

Then I am even more puzzled as to what point you are making. I've clarified more than once now. My contention was that these people are only human. It is easy for others to assume they are infallible and indestructible, which is far from the truth. I read an article recently about an eminent surgeon involved in pioneering, experimental surgery and he readily admitted that he needed the validation that his work gave him to function as he was basically a very insecure person. All of us have our own unique internally programmed drivers.

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