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School Facebook Sites

La Colombe

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They all seem to have them. But who administers them? And in light of the deeply sinister implications of the creepy data harvesting that is so under the spotlight at the moment, can parents be reassured that the administrators are fully clued up on the extremely complicated range of settings that are apparently so confusing, and trust that their personal data is in safe hands? 

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2 minutes ago, La Colombe said:

They all seem to have them. But who administers them? And in light of the deeply sinister implications of the creepy data harvesting that is so under the spotlight at the moment, can parents be reassured that the administrators are fully clued up on the extremely complicated range of settings that are apparently so confusing, and trust that their personal data is in safe hands? 

Indeed. Very worrying.

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3 hours ago, La Colombe said:

Right. And that addresses the op how? 

Stupid begets stupid begets stupid.

Schools are supposed to be teaching/educating our children about social media and all that.

And you have some generic  fool in every school (I imagine them with a tweed jacket and leather elbow patches but I may be a few generations out in that detail) saying, "Hey, let's have a school Facebook page".

I dispair.

And I blame thatTony Blair and his sidekick Campbell.

Edited by gettafa
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Growth at all costs, even if it means a few deaths along the way. It's an ugly truth alright, even if they are playing it down somewhat. Is this the sort of company that should be hosting Isle of Man schools information platforms? I ask again, who administers the schools' pages and how informed are they about the data harvesting implications? 

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Anyone who uses Facebook and other social media deserves all they get

Well I mostly agree but being on fb is only a big risk if you put your whole life and personal info on there. I think it's usually for showing off purposes although the political manipulation opportunities are endless. 

If you don't have so called friends that limits the possibilities no end but no risk whatsoever=no facebook whatsoever.


Must be the taxman's favourite alternative information sources.

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La Colombe is highlighting issues relating to Facebook in general and maybe some people might choose not to have a Facebook account as a result.  

But whether a school has a Facebook group or not is immaterial because it will only affect those who have already made the decision to join Facebook. 

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1 hour ago, ballaughbiker said:

Well I mostly agree but being on fb is only a big risk if you put your whole life and personal info on there. I think it's usually for showing off purposes although the political manipulation opportunities are endless. 

If you don't have so called friends that limits the possibilities no end but no risk whatsoever=no facebook whatsoever.


Must be the taxman's favourite alternative information sources.

When people tell me they have hundreds of "friends" I ask them how many would come out and get them if they were broken down at the side of the road in the early hours of a foul morning. It usually makes them think. I have a page on FB, but good luck to them if they think they can monetise the info contained therein.

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2 hours ago, ballaughbiker said:

Well I mostly agree but being on fb is only a big risk if you put your whole life and personal info on there. I think it's usually for showing off purposes although the political manipulation opportunities are endless. 

If you don't have so called friends that limits the possibilities no end but no risk whatsoever=no facebook whatsoever.


Must be the taxman's favourite alternative information sources.

A few years ago over here, there was a presentation by some MI5 bod or other. and Facebook was described as  "a spooks wet dream"

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