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School Facebook Sites

La Colombe

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14 hours ago, La Colombe said:

I can't understand why people sign up to Facebook so readily and in such numbers. Ok, I can understand the use of the service they provide, but why are so many so generous with their personal data? I'm undecided about M.Z. He's either a victim of his selling out to ruthless venture capitalists or he is actually some sort of monster. 

not as daft as the idiots that plug in a listening device and allow amazon to record everything..... 

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Well, there's a thing!  Wetherspoons to shut down it's social media accounts.  

" "I don't believe that closing these accounts will affect our business whatsoever," chairman Tim Martin said. " 

 I wonder if closing down the island's school social media accounts would have any effect whatsoever on educating their charges? 

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1 hour ago, La Colombe said:

Well, there's a thing!  Wetherspoons to shut down it's social media accounts.  

" "I don't believe that closing these accounts will affect our business whatsoever," chairman Tim Martin said. " 

 I wonder if closing down the island's school social media accounts would have any effect whatsoever on educating their charges? 

You'd have more success trying to remove mobile phone use for the under 20's.

Kids these days appear to have lost the art of conversation and text each other. Also resulting in a terrible down trend in the use of the English language

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This whole thing is like a snake eating itself and then being sick and then eating the sick.

Before anyone uses that there internet they need to know what that there fucking internet is. Maybe there should be a simple test or exam or something before they can mosey about on their mobies on the internet and Facebook and that.

For anyone to whinge like a thick fuck that their data is being used because they put their data on the internet is a thick fuck.

It's self explanatory and the whinging is self-defeating.

And Facebook is the epitome of thick fuckism.

Is Facebook really the be all and end all, the purpose of computers and the internet and all this digital stuff going on (answer is yes)

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Most people trust those in authority to look after things like this. It's a bit unfair to blame the victims. Cannabis is illegal to protect the innocent, high taxes are applied to discourage the naive from smoking, drinking or eating too much sugar. This is one thing the government should be nannying the people on. But they don't 

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41 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

Most people trust those in authority to look after things like this. It's a bit unfair to blame the victims. Cannabis is illegal to protect the innocent, high taxes are applied to discourage the naive from smoking, drinking or eating too much sugar. This is one thing the government should be nannying the people on. But they don't 

You're right of course and it is a decent reaction to my hyperbolic post.

But do we really want the Government to nanny the internet? Does anyone in Government (ie Civil Service) really have any more clue than gormless teenagers spreading their lives over their mobile phone?

There needs to be 'common sense' and a good dose of 'Darwinism' employed here.

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