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London murder rate overtakes New York's


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1 hour ago, guzzi said:

  London has not been able to do the same because of central government imposed restraints on funding. 


home office doesn't have control of police budgets or the number of police officers.....

crime dropped massively under bojo, why hasn't it continued under this muslim mayor......


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13 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

I think it is obvious he sees the contradiction.

It is all part of the "persona" of that profile.

Another thing you don't understand but in this case more misinterpret to suit your wants.

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12 minutes ago, guzzi said:


Richard Britten Yes, of course he does,  but perhaps what I should have asked is whether he considered it odious to juxtapose the two.

No, Richard has got it wrong AGAIN.

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14 minutes ago, Barrie Stevens said:

I lived there in the mid 1980s and delivered the Salford City Reporter free paper around the Jewish area of Higher and Lower Broughton. It was mainly white then Salford.

The main "foreigners" were the Jews who had been there since many generations. I was however disappointed to meet many Jewish people and realise that despite their customs and appearance ie clothing, hair style, they could field just as many delinquents as any other group.

Might dress like Topol in "Fiddler on the Roof" and have the hair locks and skull cap etc but some family groups were just as nasty and violent as anyone else. Shattered my illusions of "nice Jewish homes" etc...Some of the wives were nasty if I ran out of papers..

But it was the unexpected bad behaviour that surprised me. And I soon got to learn that in the Jewish community they also have their gangsters and racketeers as well despite the long beards and furry hats and long black coats.

LOL!  You must have met some of my relatives!

However I can't recall widespread knife crime or attacks on Joe Public or drive by shootings or grooming Goyim kids and so on.

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23 minutes ago, P.K. said:

98% is my final offer.

There's just no published figures but the distribution is no more homogeneous that the amount of criminal behaviour.

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3 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Well I am not the only to notice this from you.

With me what you and others get is what I am.  How you and others choose to interpret what you get which so often is what you and others WANT to get is not my concern.

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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

Dear me. I'll bet you any money you like that young blacks in places like London are born there.

Dream on...

If they think it's better somewhere else outside of UK then let them go. In fact it would be a huge savings in benefits if the government paid for a one way ticket to a country of their choice. All fantasy of course because all the "yoof" of today want everything and give next to nothing. One reason alone why National Service should be brought back

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1 hour ago, woody2 said:

home office doesn't have control of police budgets or the number of police officers.....

crime dropped massively under bojo, why hasn't it continued under this muslim mayor......


It does not control the budget directly nor the number of officers, but central government is a major contributor to the London policing budget. Reduce that contribution, and numbers fall.  The real terms cut as against earlier years answers the second part of your question too. Here is what the 2017 budget submission for policing said:

"As part of the production of the GLA Group budget MOPAC is required to submit a budget proposal to the Mayor. This paper sets out the proposed revenue and capital budgets for the period 2018-19 to 2021-22. It proposes a balanced resource budget in 2018-19. It supports much-needed investment in a transformation programme to replace outdated technology and provide officers with the tools they need to do their job, plus rationalises and modernises the estate to support more effective working.

This budget has been prepared against the backdrop of increasing demand faced by the MPS. Total recorded crime in London has risen by 5.7% compared to the previous twelve months, as at Quarter 2. Crime has risen in complexity as well as the volume. High harm crimes are up, for example knife crime offences in London are higher than at any point over the last three years. London has faced four terror attacks in 2017. Experts have described this as an upward shift in terror related activity rather than simply a spike. Meanwhile government funding has been reduced in real terms and Counter Terrorism funding is set to fall by 7% over the coming three years.

Despite this increase in demand, the government’s Autumn Budget did not announce any additional funding for the police and the MPS face real terms reductions in their central Government core grant. Furthermore the Home Office continue to underfund the National and International Capital City grant by around £170m per year compared to the recommendations of Sir Richard Mottram’s expert panel.

This budget submission has been developed in an ongoing challenging period during which the MPS have faced under-funding from central government, increasing demand and the complexity of crime and non-crime demands growing substantially. The MPS are undergoing a significant programme of transformation to alleviate these pressures but there remain significant future budget gaps to be met.

The proposed revenue budget for 2018/19 meets the GLA budget guidance and matches the cash sum allocated by the Mayor from GLA resources for 2018-19 of £645m, including the Council Tax Freeze Grant. This is an increase of £24m compared to 2017-18.  Due to the underfunding by central government the Mayor has been forced to abandon the strategic target of 32,000 officers, whilst MPS focus on protecting those most vulnerable and tackling the most serious of crimes.  

MOPAC will continue to work with the MPS to transform the way it works to deliver savings and efficiencies and ensure that the front line is protected as far as possible. But in the absence of an increase of additional central government funding this budget has to assume that officer numbers will be reduced to an average of 30,000 in 2018-19 in order to balance the books."

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19 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

National Service served one purpose...feed the meat grinder.


So that's the reason... Richard "Lord Haw Haw" has spoken

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1 minute ago, Neil Down said:

So that's the reason... Richard "Lord Haw Haw" has spoken

As someone who served (recently as opposed to some of the old duffers in MF), the general mood in the Forces is that those serving don't want National Service.

Reservists are a burden enough as it is without adding to it with National Service.

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5 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

As someone who served (recently as opposed to some of the old duffers in MF), the general mood in the Forces is that those serving don't want National Service.

Reservists are a burden enough as it is without adding to it with National Service.

Good to note that you have now taken the title of Armed Forces spokesperson. For a really useful insight, just how many did you consult to arrive at "general mood"

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