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London murder rate overtakes New York's


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Whatever the many factors are: Broken families; no positive male role model; an education system that has abandoned authority; hollowed-out communities; a weak justice system; the absence of any respect, positive values or morals; street machismo; the illicit currency of drugs, etc...etc...we all know (despite what you believe) them and could list them.  But no one makes anyone murder another human being. Everyone has agency and makes that decision for themselves. Most of these killings are cold, emotionless and callous, and they know exactly what they're doing - no one makes them. Pick up the ringleaders (easy to spot) and hit them hard - very hard. Only solution and it does work. Taking back control.


Edited for sloppy work - apologies

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47 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Big discussion on Channel 4 just now about the murders in London. Predictably it's all society's fault, police, government, etc. No one blamed feral youths and gang culture. It's a shame that no one thought to mention the 78 year old pensioner who's currently on a murder charge for protecting his wife and home against two armed robbers. There's your problem, right there, in a nutshell. Fucked up values, a justice system that protects the guilty,  and authority turned upside down.

so its all labours fault.......

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"Taking back control" - what an unfotunate choice of words.

In the main I agree it's the result of many factors. Lack of opportunities that foster self worth I think is a major one. Be it employment, sports or whatever. Belonging to something is important.

However I totally disagree with " an education system that has abandoned authority" because the education system is there to teach. It is not there to discipline their charges. That's down to others.

And if those others fail, well. Because discipline fosters self discipline.

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Why is it 'an unfortunate choice of words' ? Spell it out P.K. and we might get near the nub of your thinking. Do you have a problem with that sort of language ? Does it suggest authoritarianism and illiberal policies to you ? Stiff-necked right wingers with rolled up copies of the Daily Telegraph ?  

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48 minutes ago, woody2 said:

so its all labours fault.......


44 minutes ago, woody2 said:

lock them up......

deport whole families......

remove social housing from them......

it really is that simple......

Absolutely correct so simple and easy.

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1 hour ago, woody2 said:

lock them up......

deport whole families......

remove social housing from them......

it really is that simple......

Problem with that is you get labelled as a racist by Richard. ;)

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4 hours ago, P.K. said:



However I totally disagree with " an education system that has abandoned authority" because the education system is there to teach. It is not there to discipline their charges. That's down to others.


Serious question PK!

   Who should it be down to?

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10 hours ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Why is it 'an unfortunate choice of words' ? Spell it out P.K. and we might get near the nub of your thinking. Do you have a problem with that sort of language ? Does it suggest authoritarianism and illiberal policies to you ? Stiff-necked right wingers with rolled up copies of the Daily Telegraph ?  

Because it's exactly the mantra being preached by Boris " totally in it for himself and no-one else" Johnson who, God help us all, is Foreign Secretary and what a fuck-up he's making of that.

No other reason I promise you.

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6 hours ago, homarus said:

Serious question PK!

   Who should it be down to?

Well, for a start, it's not down to the teachers. These days if a teacher tried to discipline little Johnny, who's a right little disruptive shit, his parents would be knocking on the Head's door to complain about it ASAP. Which is totally wrong because why should the other kid's schooling suffer because disruptive little Johnny has shit parents?

I personally think exclusion and special schools are the way to go. 

Unfortunately a lifelong teacher I know, recently retired, used to tell me that in terms of discipline each new intake was worse than the one before. Rock and a hard place for the teachers. And it's a problem that's not going away....

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