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London murder rate overtakes New York's


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24 minutes ago, P.K. said:

What an appalling assumption....

LOL!  It's very far from an assumption!  Just follow the press.  If you want to see the latest atrocity he attempting just check out how the foul SOB is trying to deny the will of the UK population by attempting to get Merkel to in some way use her "influence" to deny the British people their democratic reached decision to GTFO of the dreadful EU. 


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1 minute ago, the stinking enigma said:

Is peter sutcliffe dead? Why didn't la colombe tell me?

Sutcliffe is far from anywhere near the head of the queue of hated people in the UK.  That position is held by Blair and #2 whoever that might be is far behind Blair.

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5 minutes ago, Rog said:

LOL!  It's very far from an assumption!  Just follow the press.  If you want to see the latest atrocity he attempting just check out how the foul SOB is trying to deny the will of the UK population by attempting to get Merkel to in some way use her "influence" to deny the British people their democratic reached decision to GTFO of the dreadful EU. 

"Just follow the press"


Just follow the most rabidly right-wing press in Europe for their "opinions" then...?

You're having a laugh!

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2 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

I'd rather invite tony blairs round mine for some late nite vol a vents and a game of table tennis after the pub than peter sutcliffe. That's all i'm saying

how many has blair killed by his spin....

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21 hours ago, thommo2010 said:

Now may is saying police need to use their stop search powers. She was the home secretary when she criticised the use of stop search. Make up your mind you either want them used or not


6 hours ago, woody2 said:

did she.......


28 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

so when did she say she didn't want them used.......

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11 minutes ago, P.K. said:

"Just follow the press"


Just follow the most rabidly right-wing press in Europe for their "opinions" then...?

You're having a laugh!

Not Right Wing, PK, patriotic and supporting of the UK and fighting against Socialism and the disasters that Socialism always creates and now fighting for the restoration of sovereignty to Britain. 

Once we get our country back we can move onto the next essential step. It won't be pretty but my life, it's desperately needed.


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22 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

I'd rather invite tony blairs round mine for some late nite vol a vents and a game of table tennis after the pub than peter sutcliffe. That's all i'm saying

I'll take Sutcliffe in preference to Blair.

Come to think of it I'd take John Prescott over Blair and I really do loath that slob and his pretentious wife.

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1 minute ago, thommo2010 said:

Stop being pedantic you know what I meant. She was critical of stop search powers and one of the reasons they dont get used as much now shes backing them 

which is why i asked when she said she didn't want them used......

clearly she has never said that......


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