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34 minutes ago, Rog said:

Not Right Wing, PK, patriotic and supporting of the UK and fighting against Socialism and the disasters that Socialism always creates and now fighting for the restoration of sovereignty to Britain. 

Once we get our country back we can move onto the next essential step. It won't be pretty but my life, it's desperately needed.

Give it up.


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Reference is being made to the UK popular press being very Right Wing and it's usually the Daily Mail that is used as an example. Sometimes the Daily Express and The Sun are also put in the frame.

What is overlooked is the popularity of these papers which means they must be doing something that the majority of the public support if not sales would fall, advertising revenue would fall and what would follow - well go figure.

It's not the popular press being Right Wing that matters, it's that the British public and especially the English that in spite of the attempts by Blair and his cabal to destroy an English identity, and he certainly did, so many people refuse to be shouted down, retain National pride, are proud of their English identity and values and despite so much legislation to force acceptance of social engineering

They are now pushing strongly to get their country back and start rolling back the clock to when an Bnglish person could live as a British person in his own country behind his own borders and kick out all those with absolutely no right to be here.

And most of all GTFO of the disgusting EU.

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Or they're buying the papers for other reasons other than politics - the sport, the gossip, TV listings or crossword puzzles and the news slant influences their opinions. 

In any case, most people don't buy a newspaper, and circulations are falling. 

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Well Roger, you're certainly in the demographic that would vote Leave for all the wrong reasons.

I didn't want this thread derailed. So I will leave it with a post I made a year ago on the UK so-called "free" press:


On 03/04/2017 at 6:30 PM, P.K. said:

This is the sort of thing that irritates me about the whole Brexit farrago. This chart shows the amount of In or Out propaganda as fed to the Great British Public before the referendum. You will notice the Leave lot overwhelmed the Remain lot by 82% to 18%.




The top four Brexit supporting papers (and presumably the most influential) were as follows:

The Daily Torygraph - owned by the Barclay brothers - status Non Doms

Daily Excess - owned by Richard Desmond - status Non Dom

The Sun - owned by Murdoch - 'nuff said

The Daily Wail - owned by Lord Rothermere - status Non Dom inherited from his father FFS!

Then you get this:

Daily Mail Brexit coverage praised as it is named Press Awards Newspaper of the Year for 2016

As I can scarcely believe it myself:


It's enough to make you weep....


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4 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Well Roger, you're certainly in the demographic that would vote Leave for all the wrong reasons.

I didn't want this thread derailed. So I will leave it with a post I made a year ago on the UK so-called "free" press:



The fact remains that the popular press reflects popular opinion or it wouldn't be popular and wouldn't sell.

Nearly overlooked leaving for all the wrong reasons.

There are no wrong reasons to get out of the EU only right reasons.

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But it only sells to sections of the public. Its not the majority. 

And a lot of those that do, do so for other features. Most people are somewhere in the middle, but if they see the EU or Corbyn or anything criticised unfairly as they turn to the sport that informs their opinion.

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13 minutes ago, Rog said:

The fact remains that the popular press reflects popular opinion or it wouldn't be popular and wouldn't sell.

And it doesn't occur to you that it's extremely difficult to make money out of newspapers these days so the current proprieters keep the presses rolling for a reason.

Can you guess what that reason is?

Let me give you a little clue, known as a cluette.

Rearrange these words:

benefit their to opinion popular sway to

A lot like your take on the matter. So it obviously works.

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17 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Well Roger, you're certainly in the demographic that would vote Leave for all the wrong reasons.

I didn't want this thread derailed. So I will leave it with a post I made a year ago on the UK so-called "free" press:



what was the impact of cameron's pro eu propaganda leaflet sent to every uk address........ 

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2 minutes ago, P.K. said:


And it doesn't occur to you that it's extremely difficult to make money out of newspapers these days so the current proprieters keep the presses rolling for a reason.

Can you guess what that reason is?

Let me give you a little clue, known as a cluette.

Rearrange these words:

benefit their to opinion popular sway to

A lot like your take on the matter. So it obviously works.

so how about the sun and the times? both owned by the same person.......


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On 4/4/2018 at 12:33 PM, Shake me up Judy said:

The comments underneath have got it right. The utter stupidity of this will only reinforce the idea that the law is on the side of the criminal, and that basically you're on your own if ever you're unlucky to be the victim. More homeowners will be keeping the baseball bat handy because of fuckwittedness like this. It's your only chance of justice. I certainly wouldn't hold back whatever the consequences and would rather go to gaol than offer the burglars tea and biscuits before waving them cheerily on their way. 

any jury could nullify the charges based on self defense and entitlement

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1 hour ago, woody2 said:


"Jury nullification occurs when a jury returns a verdict of "Not Guilty" despite its belief that the defendant is guilty of the violation charged. The jury in effect nullifies a law that it believes is either immoral or wrongly applied to the defendant whose fate they are charged with deciding

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