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London murder rate overtakes New York's


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7 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

4. Anyone convicted of murder, 25 to life with minimum 24 years before parole

On top of which change prisons from being places of confinement into places or real hard punishment that will result in criminals having real cold fear and horror at even the thought of facing it again.  

The Idea that it is confinement being the punishment ISN'T WORKING.

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2 hours ago, P.K. said:

The "SUS" laws created division because it turned out ethnic minorities were being targeted disproportionally to their numbers. Because they were. And you are never going to get an integrated society if the rule of law is being unfairly applied.

Face it, London needs a Sadiq Khan far more than it needed a Bojo. Both Khan and Livingstone are really passionate about improving the lives of Londoners. All Bojo cared about was improving the life of Bojo.

if you have area which is non white of course more ethnic minorities are going to be searched......


khan has done zero for london apart from allow 9 fgm clinics to open......

lammy was asking not so long back for all blacks to be released from prison, failing to take into account why the prisons are full of the in the first place-they commit the most crime.....

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2 hours ago, Rog said:

On top of which change prisons from being places of confinement into places or real hard punishment that will result in criminals having real cold fear and horror at even the thought of facing it again.  

The Idea that it is confinement being the punishment ISN'T WORKING.

In a lot of cases, the prisons are being run by the prisoners. The authorities should start getting tougher.

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3 hours ago, quilp said:

A Daily Telegraph FoI request from 2016 and BBC report of November 2017 states that of all knife crime offences committed in London, 65% were carried out by ethnic minorities, 42% of whom were Black. These stats are prior to the upsurge experienced now.

So something's not right, for obvious reasons. And it's nothing new. As far back as 1995, Paul Condon, then Commissioner of the Met was lambasted by Bernie Grant, Paul Boetang and Diane Abbot for saying that 80% of street muggings and robberies were committed by black men and boys, at that time, black people accounted for 7% of the London population. Then Home Secretary Michael Howard backed up Condon's report by saying, "Political Correctness is the great discriminator, it is the enemy of the victims of crime and its supporters are friends of the criminal." The statistics pointed to unpalatable truths about crime and disproportionality, and the furore created by the figures being made public. Even back then, in 1995, a reluctance to prosecute for fear of accusations of institutional racism, racial profiling and disproportionate targeting of ethnic communities prevented street-crime being properly addressed.

In some cases, Michael Howard is correct about political correctness being the enemy of the victim nearly 30 years on. 

Deprivation has been touted as one avenue of mitigation; it appears the more deprived an inner London area the greater the population of ethnic minorities and level of knife crime and gang membership. The threat of confinement is no deterrent either.

None of which changes the fact that the SUS laws were being enacted in disproportionate amounts along ethnic lines.

Linking crime rates along ethnic lines is a very dangerous and very stupid thing to do. Because it alienates ALL of the ethnic minorities. Including those folks who wouldn't know how to fire a gun let alone load it.

Albeit as a computer nerd I was in London's Met from 1974 onwards and the " institutionalised racism" label has dogged the Met ever since. Because stupid people were allowed to do stupid things.

And like NI it's just possible that due to race and religion giving much reduced possibilities it gave folks no other recourse than to turn to crime.

History now but not one that shows UK society in a very favourable light.

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Ex PK --- "And like NI it's just possible that due to race and religion giving much reduced possibilities it gave folks no other recourse than to turn to crime."

Are you being serious?

No, really, are you?

No other recourse than to turn to crime?

I'll just say I disagree.

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My friend was born in London, but she moved out because she did not feel safe - I think it was Somalian's that scared her, they'd hang around in groups outside of shops and intimidate people (generally white women). I thought it was just gang kids killing each other until I saw an article online today (Daily Mail). Sad times indeed. 

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21 minutes ago, thebees said:

My friend was born in London, but she moved out because she did not feel safe - I think it was Somalian's that scared her, they'd hang around in groups outside of shops and intimidate people (generally white women). I thought it was just gang kids killing each other until I saw an article online today (Daily Mail). Sad times indeed. 

Enoch was indeed a wise man.

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2 hours ago, P.K. said:

...Linking crime rates along ethnic lines is a very dangerous and very stupid thing to do. Because it alienates ALL of the ethnic minorities... 

Facts need to be faced without fear or favour and unfortunately, the stats speak for themselves.

Can you explain how it, "alienates ALL of the ethnic minorities"..? There are around 50 different ethnic minority communities with populations over 10,000 in the Greater London Area. An estimated 300 languages spoken. Are these communities alienated also? The main perpetrators of the violence need to be targeted, whatever their creed or colour, without prejudice. It seems once again, the establishment's reluctance to get tough and act against criminals for reasons of misguided political-correctness, have fueled the growth of gang-culture and street crime.

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I have been to London at least half a dozen times in the (almost) two years since I have been back living in the UK (which is probably half a dozen more times than most of those commenting in this thread).

Had a lovely time every single time.  The only "aggro" I experienced was on the train from Waterloo back "down South", when all the rugby fans got on and turned all the carriages into pissed yelling fests.


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1 hour ago, RIchard Britten said:

I have been to London at least half a dozen times in the (almost) two years since I have been back living in the UK (which is probably half a dozen more times than most of those commenting in this thread).

Had a lovely time every single time.  The only "aggro" I experienced was on the train from Waterloo back "down South", when all the rugby fans got on and turned all the carriages into pissed yelling fests.


jobclub open today?:lol:

amazing how you views change when its the uk and not the usa..........not..........

17 year old girl killed last night....


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11 hours ago, quilp said:

Facts need to be faced without fear or favour and unfortunately, the stats speak for themselves.

Can you explain how it, "alienates ALL of the ethnic minorities"..? There are around 50 different ethnic minority communities with populations over 10,000 in the Greater London Area. An estimated 300 languages spoken. Are these communities alienated also? The main perpetrators of the violence need to be targeted, whatever their creed or colour, without prejudice. It seems once again, the establishment's reluctance to get tough and act against criminals for reasons of misguided political-correctness, have fueled the growth of gang-culture and street crime.

Oh do come off it Mr Quilp now you're just trying to muddy the waters.

I'm talking here about the vestiges of empire who we designated Racial Code 3 which became Identity Code 3. Primarily of Afro-Caribbean origins they knew they were being picked on by the police and the whole community resented it. And quite rightly as they were being treated as second class citizens. In the event thousands took to the streets in 1981 in what became known as the Brixton Riot.

Hopefully modern policing has moved on since then.

Personally I hate "political correctness" but I often see it used as a label for someone in authority doing something stupid. 

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Poverty breeds crime.  I spent a few years in Salford in the mid nineties when it was reported to have the highest crime rate in Europe (not many murders though) and it was all committed by white English people.  If ethnic minorities are committing the majority of crime in London the cause is likely the same as it was in Salford 20 years ago.

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3 minutes ago, Mr. Sausages said:

Poverty breeds crime.  I spent a few years in Salford in the mid nineties when it was reported to have the highest crime rate in Europe (not many murders though) and it was all committed by white English people.  If ethnic minorities are committing the majority of crime in London the cause is likely the same as it was in Salford 20 years ago.

salford? white?:rolleyes:

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