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London murder rate overtakes New York's


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London’s current wave of knife crime is still mild compared with the situation in Glasgow ten years ago. The situation in Glasgow has improved so much it is hard to believe. Mostly, it’s been down to Scottish Government and Glasgow Council initiatives, such as a £1.5B investment in social housing and a radical policy of treating knife crime as a health issue. Stop and search and tougher sentencing helped, so too did law enforcement, health and education services working together. In London, there seems to have been very little improvement to social housing provision over the years, and a tendency to shrug the shoulders and blame knife crime on skin tone rather than do something about it. London obviously needs more investment in its people, but it also needs to have a bit of faith in its police force, who are a very different Met these days, to target suspects for stop and search. 

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34 minutes ago, Mr. Sausages said:

Poverty breeds crime.  I spent a few years in Salford in the mid nineties when it was reported to have the highest crime rate in Europe (not many murders though) and it was all committed by white English people.  If ethnic minorities are committing the majority of crime in London the cause is likely the same as it was in Salford 20 years ago.

ethnicity breeds crime.....

take the 2011 riots......


Unemployment is still usually cited as the main correlate of the riots. Indeed, black people in all London boroughs are much more likely to be unemployed than whites. But their overrepresentation among rioters is even greater than their overrepresentation among the unemployed. That means unemployment and poverty do not entirely explain black rioting. Lambeth and Wandsworth did experience particularly intense rioting, but otherwise there is no correlation between inequality in unemployment and riots.



Lower employment, wealth, education all correlate with the riots. But they also correlate with ethnicity. No major social group (unemployed, poor, undereducated) has such a small population as black Britons, yet is so unusually prominent in the riots. The social groups are spread across the UK, but the riots are concentrated in black areas. As shown in the previous article, many poor and unemployed areas had no riots: Northeast England, major cities in Wales, North Ireland, Scotland. In London, all major riots were predominantly black. Lambeth is particularly dramatic, with blacks constituting 82% of the arrested and whites only 10%. 


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35 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

London’s current wave of knife crime is still mild compared with the situation in Glasgow ten years ago. The situation in Glasgow has improved so much it is hard to believe. Mostly, it’s been down to Scottish Government and Glasgow Council initiatives, such as a £1.5B investment in social housing and a radical policy of treating knife crime as a health issue. Stop and search and tougher sentencing helped, so too did law enforcement, health and education services working together. In London, there seems to have been very little improvement to social housing provision over the years, and a tendency to shrug the shoulders and blame knife crime on skin tone rather than do something about it. London obviously needs more investment in its people, but it also needs to have a bit of faith in its police force, who are a very different Met these days, to target suspects for stop and search. 

glasgow just started locking them up even for just carrying a knife- which caused the drop, none of the other mumbo jumbo......

london has labour's lammy who wants lower sentencing and the ones locked up set free.....

add in a muslim labour mayor= nothing will be done......

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21 hours ago, Rog said:

The reason that "ethnics" were focused upon was because they were responsible for most crime.  

Londontoday may well want (need?) a Khan creep today because he represents the interests of the troublemakers.

Sssshhh....we don't do uncomfortable truths around here.

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2 hours ago, Mr. Sausages said:

Poverty breeds crime.  I spent a few years in Salford in the mid nineties when it was reported to have the highest crime rate in Europe (not many murders though) and it was all committed by white English people.  If ethnic minorities are committing the majority of crime in London the cause is likely the same as it was in Salford 20 years ago.

Which is exactly what people are saying. Let's not pretend young, poor kids from ethnic minorities aren't committing crime when in most cases they are the only people who live in certain areas.

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3 minutes ago, Mr. Sausages said:

You really think that's going to solve violence and crime in poor areas?  Bless.

It'll be a good first step on what now must be done.  


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Just now, Mr. Sausages said:

You really think that's going to solve violence and crime in poor areas?  Bless.

I'm not bothered about crime and violence in shithole areas. I grew up in one and got involved in the criminal aspect before thankfully dragging my arse out of it. There will always be deprived areas of any country and with that goes crime and violence, you'll never eradicate it. What you can do however is try to stem the sheer number of them by gaining control of the number of people in the country and basing your infrastructure and services around a sustainable amount of people and try and make it work. At the moment we have too few of everything for the amount of people we have living here and not enough money to go round. You're not going to solve inner city poverty and all it causes by importing more of it.  

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21 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Ask him if he has a solution for it...

Wouldn't really matter if anybody had a solution, you'd manage to find an argument in it...

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36 minutes ago, Lxxx said:

At the moment we have too few of everything for the amount of people we have living here and not enough money to go round.

QE has clearly demonstrated that there is no shortage of money.

Govts can create liquidity it by simply spending it - there is no need for govt to pay to borrow. Exactly the same as the banks are allowed to create money currently. And govt can control inflation by collecting back some proportion of what is created via taxation. There is always a surplus - for example fractional reserve allows banks to take a profit from some of what they create when they lend.

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1 minute ago, pongo said:

QE has clearly demonstrated that there is no shortage of money.

Govts can create liquidity it by simply spending it - there is no need for govt to pay to borrow. Exactly the same as the banks are allowed to create money currently. And govt can control inflation by collecting back some proportion of what is created via taxation. There is always a surplus - for example fractional reserve allows banks to take a profit from some of what they create when they lend.

Quite right. What's your point.

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