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London murder rate overtakes New York's


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1 hour ago, Shake me up Judy said:

The point is also being made that social media is an insidious factor in these cases. It certainly acts as a potential multiplier,  empowers youth, can stoke conflict and is a 'soft weapon' to the sort of young gangs who control some of the streets.

Looking at some of the media coverage there's also far too many lazy arguments which blame government and the police.    

Tonights Newsnight, admittedly from that insidious Fifth Column that is the BBC, would tend to disagree with you.

Although the "institutionalised racism" of the Met got more than one mention.

Hear that Mr Quilp...?

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13 hours ago, P.K. said:

Well knife crime is viewed as pretty much a problem with young blacks.

Hey, you don't suppose that they are about eight times more likely to be found carrying a knife do you?

Well I never....

If the "young Blacks" kept it to carrying blades then that would be one thing, but unfortunately they use them. 

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32 minutes ago, Rog said:

If the "young Blacks" kept it to carrying blades then that would be one thing, but unfortunately they use them. 

Well, as I finally managed to get across on here, too many people, especially politicians, think it's a problem predominently with young blacks. But as young blacks are eight times more likely to be S&S by the boys in blue the data is completely skewed.

And if you don't know what is causing the problem then you can't come up with a solution.

This isn't rocket science....

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6 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Well, as I finally managed to get across on here, too many people, especially politicians, think it's a problem predominently with young blacks. But as young blacks are eight times more likely to be S&S by the boys in blue the data is completely skewed.

And if you don't know what is causing the problem then you can't come up with a solution.

This isn't rocket science....

it is.......

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My solution?

I think the cause is down to lots of reasons hence I suspect, because I do not know, that there isn't a "one size fits all" type of solution.

I'm certain that cuts in police budgets, social services budgets, benefits etc etc have something to do with it. Basically a rise in poverty.

But they probably don't vote tory so fuck 'em a la Margaret Thatcher....


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12 minutes ago, woody2 said:

its a small section of society- in this case black gangs- its time to stop all the pc bollocks and start locking them up.....

And reporting wherever possible.

As I wrote and took a lot of stick over, it's time to undertake some serious social cleansing.

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Sorry P.K. but that's bollocks. I thought you might have better than that. The old canard about poverty and crime has been done to death and disproven every time. The vast overwhelming majority of poor people - black or white - don't commit crime, and it's always been that way.

Edited to add:

Do you seriously think that these young gang members are politically aware ? Aren't they motivated by much more basic motivations and drives; the competition for dominance and power, narrowly defined goals and the getting and taking what they want ?

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18 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Sorry P.K. but that's bollocks. I thought you might have better than that. The old canard about poverty and crime has been done to death and disproven every time. The vast overwhelming majority of poor people - black or white - don't commit crime, and it's always been that way.

Edited to add:

Do you seriously think that these young gang members are politically aware ? Aren't they motivated by much more basic motivations and drives; the competition for dominance and power, narrowly defined goals and the getting and taking what they want ?

Did you read the Grauniad piece from the url I posted up and if so what did you think of it?

Yes I know that unlike most of the UK press the Grauniad is not rabidly right-wing but I thought that particular article was very informative.

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so someone enters your house and is attempting to rob you,you resist,burglar (one of them only unfortunately) is killed, homeowner 78 years old is arrested, WTF is this country coming to,i would've run the bastards through with my fairbarnes.



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The comments underneath have got it right. The utter stupidity of this will only reinforce the idea that the law is on the side of the criminal, and that basically you're on your own if ever you're unlucky to be the victim. More homeowners will be keeping the baseball bat handy because of fuckwittedness like this. It's your only chance of justice. I certainly wouldn't hold back whatever the consequences and would rather go to gaol than offer the burglars tea and biscuits before waving them cheerily on their way. 

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