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Rivers of blood revisited.

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3 hours ago, Rog said:

Wrong AGAIN John.

Circumcision has been proven to also substantially reduces transmission of a  number of diseases that are caused by retroviruses.

Maybe time for your passive antisemitism to take a break?

I’m not anti Semitic, passive or otherwise. I try my best to be inclusive, accepting of diversity, and open minded.

As you’re aware, I’m sure, infant circumcision isn’t a Religious or cultural imperative of any one race or religion or group.

I accept there may be medical reasons, for circumcision, in infancy, childhood, or as an adult.

But there can be no justification for genital mutilation of infants for no reason other than religion, custom or culture.

Adult  men can choose at the appropriate time with medical advice.


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9 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

To some, it doesn't matter what you say from this point forward.

The accusation has been made, regardless of validity.


Regardless of validity - so you admit it then!

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1 hour ago, RIchard Britten said:

87% of Great Britain is of "White" ethnicity.  Meaning that 13% of Great Britain are "Other" (i.e. not White).

So, how exactly are "White" a minority or even close to becoming a minority?

The clue is in the word "becoming" ...

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1 minute ago, RIchard Britten said:

I'm not the one making spurious predictions based on fairy tales and urban myths.

But in your usual and to be expected anti British rants, you seem to indicate there isn't a problem when there clearly is.

For clarity, I fully support people moving to the UK to live, but they should be prepared to live as we do. If not then stay in the country they so desperately want to get away from.

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2 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

But in your usual and to be expected anti British rants, you seem to indicate there isn't a problem when there clearly is.

For clarity, I fully support people moving to the UK to live, but they should be prepared to live as we do. If not then stay in the country they so desperately want to get away from.

For clarity, I am not "anti-British" (what ever that is supposed to mean).

Also for clarity, you gave no supporting evidence for you claim.

Also, also for clarity, I am not getting drawn any deeper into this perfect shit storm of a thread.

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Neil you have to extrapolate over decades prior to what you fear has any relevance. 

Also we are back to the culture v. Ethnicity issue. Of that 13% what proportion do you think are well integrated. How do you think the level of integration will change over the coming decades?  Only the worst type of racist would ignore the level of integration within the immigrant populations before seeing them as some sort of threat to our society. 

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23 hours ago, P.K. said:

Our legal system is designed to protect the rights of everyone. Even you Roger.

So you would have the parents "brought to book" even if you had zero evidence that they carried out the mutilation?

Don't see that working....

It was the underpants gnomes!!

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