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Rivers of blood revisited.

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Here’s a summary, for those who can’t be bothered reading: If we don’t stop immigration and protect racial discrimination by law then we will end up living in a land where black children chant ‘Racialist’ at old ladies and white children will be enslaved by black adults with whips. We live in a world where different races inevitably post shit through each others letterboxes and this will inevitably lead to rivers of blood. By the way, I not only pander to your worst prejudices, I’m posh, but I’m willing to listen to the proles, and a vote for me will ensure you get special treatment, even rent rebates, just on the basis of your skin pigmentation. Vote Enoch. 

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10 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

Here’s a summary, for those who can’t be bothered reading: If we don’t stop immigration and protect racial discrimination by law then we will end up living in a land where black children chant ‘Racialist’ at old ladies and white children will be enslaved by black adults with whips. We live in a world where different races inevitably post shit through each others letterboxes and this will inevitably lead to rivers of blood. By the way, I not only pander to your worst prejudices, I’m posh, but I’m willing to listen to the proles, and a vote for me will ensure you get special treatment, even rent rebates, just on the basis of your skin pigmentation. Vote Enoch. 

And he was absolutely correct.

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8 hours ago, La Colombe said:

Yes, he had a dream alright. He had a dream that one day, those little white girls, and those big black boys would be able to join hands and oh hang on, wrong speech. 

You mean the one that Michael King jr. plagiarised? 

Hardly surprising, his doctoral theses was riddled with plagiarism as was his 'course work's.

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12 hours ago, Albert Tatlock said:

This speech is part of history. We shouldn't forget this. Some of it is true, some of it is false.

But it is part of our history, just as Guy Gibson's dog (Damnbusters) was called nigger.

It might not be appropriate now, but it was appropriate then...just as gassing jews and ethnically cleansing most cities in europe in the 40s was to some. Just as bombing millions of muslims to death by the USA/UK/France goes unnoticed today.

You can't reinvent history or pretend it didn't happen.

History happens...it's the shit that is going on in your name now that you should be worried about.

And few of us are doing anything about that. And, it's right in front of our eyes.

The bombing and other attacks on islamic terrorists and their even greater number of supporters is absolutely justified as it is essential self defence. 

The actions of the Nazis was absolutely not.

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3 minutes ago, Rog said:

And he was absolutely correct.

If he, a classics scholar, a professor of Greek at 25, can get the context of the foaming Tiber reference wrong ( which he did ) I’m not certain how much of the rest of the speech can be relied upon.

He did identify problems of ghettoisation, but there’s more than one way, of stopping that. You don’t need to stop immigration to avoid ghettos, you can disperse and integrate. Avoid concentration. “White” Anglo Saxon streets can only become ghettos if “whites” refuse to buy or live there because there’s one West Indian, Jamaican, African, Asian, Chinese, Pakistani, Indian, Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, Jew, Irish or Gay resident.

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2 minutes ago, John Wright said:

If he, a classics scholar, a professor of Greek at 25, can get the context of the foaming Tiber reference wrong ( which he did ) I’m not certain how much of the rest of the speech can be relied upon.

He did identify problems of ghettoisation, but there’s more than one way, of stopping that. You don’t need to stop immigration to avoid ghettos, you can disperse and integrate. Avoid concentration. “White” Anglo Saxon streets can only become ghettos if “whites” refuse to buy or live there because there’s one West Indian, Jamaican, African, Asian, Chinese, Pakistani, Indian, Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, Jew, Irish or Gay resident.

Why not just stop immigration altogether and so avoid the need to deal with immigrants the way that polution has so often been dealt with by dispersion and dilution?  That particular way of dealing with polution is now coming home to roost as is evident by the massive polution by materials that will not integrate with our seas and is seeing plastics present and causing harm in the whole environment.

People, at least most normal people WANT to live with and near their own kind. It's human nature. 


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29 minutes ago, Rog said:

Why not just stop immigration altogether and so avoid the need to deal with immigrants the way that polution has so often been dealt with by dispersion and dilution?  That particular way of dealing with polution is now coming home to roost as is evident by the massive polution by materials that will not integrate with our seas and is seeing plastics present and causing harm in the whole environment.

People, at least most normal people WANT to live with and near their own kind. It's human nature. 


OK, Rog. When did your forebears arrive, where from, why? Would/should you be sent back.

Ghettoisation happens to groups other than coloured, Muslim, Hindu, Sikhs.

it happens to Protestants, Catholics, gay communities, as a limited example. The causes and solutions are identical whether the marginalised group is native, immigrant, black, white, Christian or Muslim.

Of course you pass because you are white and probably don’t  have an identifiably Jewish name and say you don’t practice your religion. Just shows how arbitrary it all is.


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4 minutes ago, John Wright said:

OK, Rog. When did your forebears arrive, where from, why? Would/should you be sent back.

Ghettoisation happens to groups other than coloured, Muslim, Hindu, Sikhs.

it happens to Protestants, Catholics, gay communities, as a limited example. The causes and solutions are identical whether the marginalised group is native, immigrant, black, white, Christian or Muslim.

Of course you pass because you are white and probably have an identifiably Jewish name and say you don’t practice your religion.


Where my forebears came from is immaterial. As for ghettoisation, other than the Vikings all waves of immigrants started as colonies but  colonies that had as aim to fully integrate with the host nation and the culture of the home nation, not to predate off it which has been the  case especially after the influx on the infamous Empire Windrush and became infinity worse with the importing of millions of immigrants  who not only will not but CAN NOT integrate with the host nation. 

Do I have an identifiable "jewish" name?  Actually no because when my "forebears" came to England they adopted an English name and decided from the very start to fully integrate with and add value where they now lived.



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11 minutes ago, Rog said:

other than the Vikings all waves of immigrants started as colonies but  colonies that had as aim to fully integrate with the host nation and the culture of the home nation

You totally made that nonsense up.

It's also utterly contradictory since a colony, by definition ...

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