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Appalling treatment of the windrush generation

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36 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

They basically saved britain after the second world war. I think it's a bit unfair to refuse them medical treatment and kick them out. Amber rudd is correct

Not sure about saved GB but they made a huge contribution to it's recovery, worked hard, paid their way, and many took on jobs the indigenous population wouldn't do.  

To see them now being treated so badly in the face of the hoards of what are now being let in and have broken in yet being allowed to remain, and what so many of these modern day invaders are doing is heartbreaking.

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9 minutes ago, Lxxx said:

Looks to me like policy getting in the way of common sense. The new tighter immigration process has threw up some anomalies. I'm sure it'll get sorted.

I sincerely hope so.

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51 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

Bit of a slow burner this one, due to the right and proper bombing of the evil monster assad regime. Amber rudd describes it as appalling. Seems to be down to the iron scarecrow to me.


Assad is not an evil monster.  Attacking Syria was neither right or proper.

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1 minute ago, Rog said:

Not sure about saved GB but they made a huge contribution to it's recovery, worked hard, paid their way, and many took on jobs the indigenous population wouldn't do.  

To see them now being treated so badly in the face of the hoards of what are now being let in and have broken in yet being allowed to remain, and what so many of these modern day invaders are doing is heartbreaking.

On another thread at this forum another chap, also called Rog, has been vehemently defending Enoch Powell for condemning the immigration into Britain of these families. You two should argue it out.

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2 minutes ago, pongo said:

On another thread at this forum another chap, also called Rog, has been vehemently defending Enoch Powell for condemning the immigration into Britain of these families. You two should argue it out.

Pretty sure that is not what was being argued out...

You and Woody should share hand grenades. :thumbsup:

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2 minutes ago, pongo said:

On another thread at this forum another chap, also called Rog, has been vehemently defending Enoch Powell for condemning the immigration into Britain of these families. You two should argue it out.

I do support Powell's views absolutely which were addressing the bill going before parliament and he has been proven right more and more every day, especially in London with its useless Muslim mayor, but Windrush immigration is a different matter altogether.

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2 minutes ago, Mr. Sausages said:

Don't let him speak to you like that Rog.  Dig your heals in and fight back.

Why?  All he's doing is expressing a view.  I think that I explained myself in reply to him.

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this story has been going on for years:whistling: why labour have just picked up on it is another matter.....

all governments have failed to deal with it since 1971......

while i fully support that they should get uk citizenship, it shouldn't be automatic as labour want, to be fair to the home office they have found many cases when people are not windrush claiming to be.....

in one case the person had come in on a holiday visa only 3 years ago:o

the wider problem (not the genuine windrush before the snowflakes start:thumbsup:) it also highlight how easy it is to claim benefits, use the nhs, use council services, get social housing all without having any legal right to be in the uk.....

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massive backfire on labour:lol:

on sunday labour mp's and corbyns cult all started tweeting about this despite the fact its been going on for years....

this morning labour asked for rudd to be sacked for destroying the cards.....

turns out labour ordered the destruction in 2009:lol:

PM says landing cards decision taken under Labour


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this shouldn't be about political point scoring which labour have turned it into, everyone should want it sorting out straight away......

the labour run unions are the ones making these errors, instead of been sacked for incompetence they are asking for a wage rise.....

since when has paying more to a incompetent worker made them better at the job.......

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