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Appalling treatment of the windrush generation

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1 hour ago, quilp said:

 The one that included, amongst other descriptive nouns like, "thick as pigshit."

The pro remain camp have pointed out that individual posters on here are plain stupid, as are certain widely held beliefs, but not necessarily that all brexiters are thick. If I myself have given that impression then I wholeheartedly apologise. I do hold however, that when someone is complaining about being called “thick as pigshit” they should avoid misuse of technical terms for parts of speech, especially an easy-peasy term like ‘noun’.


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2 hours ago, quilp said:

Didn't they? Do I have to repeat your favourite expression? The one that included, amongst other descriptive nouns like, "thick as pigshit."

In your case you were quick to adopt the derogatory feel of the Private Eye-esque narrative and the expressions used in that rag about how the little people knew not what they were voting for and if only they'd listen/known better, etc., etc. And other vain attempts to portray them as racists, greasy islamophobes, xenophobes.

I could quite easily search for your more choice remarks but I really can't be arsed... 

Rest assured I enjoyed the reaction to it. But sorry, there is no way I could ever either copy or emulate so-called "Public School Humour" so thats another dream of yours shattered.

But you ARE fixated on this. In one evening you took four seperate pops at me all for this reason. You had the decency to apologise I grant you but here you are at it again.

And no doubt it will be again and again and again.

Don't you think you're taking an anonymous forum just a little bit too seriously...?

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8 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

The pro remain camp have pointed out that individual posters on here are plain stupid, as are certain widely held beliefs, but not necessarily that all brexiters are thick. If I myself have given that impression then I wholeheartedly apologise. I do hold however, that when someone is complaining about being called “thick as pigshit” they should avoid misuse of technical terms for parts of speech, especially an easy-peasy term like ‘noun’.


Aha, Freggyragh, the thinking man's RIchard Britten. Is that it? 

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Yes, that term "thick as" has been applied rather too liberally and generally which hardly helps anything. 

All sorts of things get said on here which perhaps wouldn't be risked face to face and it's the way all social media has unfortunately gone. For example  'racist' is far too often used in a controlling way now but I don't think you can say that about "thick as..."

Just a thought, whilst not applying it to anyone on here, if someone was actually a bit thick and you had to bet which way they had voted in the referendum, which would you choose? In or out? :) 

I trust the emoticon indicates it's not that serious a question.


Edit: yeah woody, I've lined one up for you.....go on you know you want to after your liberal use of the word dumbo.

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Back to thread.

I have a life-long friend who works in the Cabiner Office. He explained it thus:

They just can't keep everything. So documents are always being "churned" as he put it. So it came to pass that the Landing Cards ended up on someones desk. They were between 60 to 70 years old. The age of the folks whose records of entry they were meant that they were either pensioned off or no longer of this world it made sense to destroy them. However this was despite the denizens of Lunar House (known to all and sundry as Lunatic House) saying they were required as proof of entry of none passport holders who had applied for a British passport ie the kids on the Landing Cards.

Once destroyed add to that Home Secretay Theresa Mays "hostile environment" and it's a free for all on the Windrush Generation and not just those applying for a passport.


Absolutely shameful way to treat people and yet The Maybot is still there. Go figure....

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57 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Back to thread.

I have a life-long friend who works in the Cabiner Office. He explained it thus:

They just can't keep everything. So documents are always being "churned" as he put it. So it came to pass that the Landing Cards ended up on someones desk. They were between 60 to 70 years old. The age of the folks whose records of entry they were meant that they were either pensioned off or no longer of this world it made sense to destroy them. However this was despite the denizens of Lunar House (known to all and sundry as Lunatic House) saying they were required as proof of entry of none passport holders who had applied for a British passport ie the kids on the Landing Cards.

Once destroyed add to that Home Secretay Theresa Mays "hostile environment" and it's a free for all on the Windrush Generation and not just those applying for a passport.


Absolutely shameful way to treat people and yet The Maybot is still there. Go figure....

labour started that according to the postman......

and the landing cards have been found.....


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On 5/2/2018 at 8:03 AM, ballaughbiker said:

 Just a thought, whilst not applying it to anyone on here, if someone was actually a bit thick and you had to bet which way they had voted in the referendum, which would you choose? In or out? 

Good attempt at rationalisation ruined by not quite being able to shake this attitude. It's like the odds of tossing a coin because in a 52 v 48 split of the population there are going to be millions of planks in each camp. Your prejudice and conditioning is seducing you into thinking that the Remain leaning side are superior in intelligence to the Leave leaning side. It isn't so. A moment's thought must surely inform you that there are irredeemably stupid and highly intelligent individuals who actually analyse the issues on both sides.

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