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Appalling treatment of the windrush generation

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26 minutes ago, P.K. said:

I always thought it was down to the facts of the matter...?

Of course neither the Remain camp nor the Leave camp have a monopoly on either cleverness or stupidity.

But on balance I would have to say that the Leave camp shades it on gullibility....

PS - don't bother trying to look up the word "Gullible" in the OED. It's been removed.

I don't normally need to look up definitions when bantering with you, PK.

As for the Leave camp shading it on gullibility, well you would say that wouldn't you? Perhaps you are gullible. Have you considered that possibility?

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37 minutes ago, woolley said:

I don't normally need to look up definitions when bantering with you, PK.

As for the Leave camp shading it on gullibility, well you would say that wouldn't you? Perhaps you are gullible. Have you considered that possibility?

I say it on the grounds that they believed Farage, Gove and Johnson!

The Defence rests....

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2 hours ago, pongo said:

That's simply not true. And it doesn't really even make sense. I wonder whether perhaps you imagine me to be left wing.

Anyhow you are making an argument for no reason. You've done that before. I think because I once, long ago, took the piss out of you for saying you were burying gold in your back garden.


I'm not arguing, I'm merely pointing something out.

As for your other comment, you've illustrated my point beautifully. 

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41 minutes ago, P.K. said:

I say it on the grounds that they believed Farage, Gove and Johnson!

The Defence rests....

you forget the ww3 threats and the emergency budget which made remain look far stupider......


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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

I say it on the grounds that they believed Farage, Gove and Johnson!

The Defence rests....

No they didn't. I'd hazard a guess most people would have voted Leave regardless of which politician put himself up there and whatever arguments they espoused. However it fits the narrative that most Remoaners subscribe to, which is the public was hoodwinked into voting Leave and if we could just disprove some of the claims we've got a great chance of turning it around if we're successful in campaigning for a 2nd referendum.  

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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

I say it on the grounds that they believed Farage, Gove and Johnson!

The Defence rests....

The Defence has thereby throttled itself with its own words. There are far greater issues at stake than what soundbite any career politician happens to come out with. What a shallow view you have of how people come to their decisions. This is endemic in the Remain psyche. Astounding that they continue to bask in their self-adjudged superiority of intellect. Your attempts to understand this are akin to trying to thread a needle whilst wearing boxing gloves.

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26 minutes ago, Lxxx said:

No they didn't. I'd hazard a guess most people would have voted Leave regardless of which politician put himself up there and whatever arguments they espoused. However it fits the narrative that most Remoaners subscribe to, which is the public was hoodwinked into voting Leave and if we could just disprove some of the claims we've got a great chance of turning it around if we're successful in campaigning for a 2nd referendum.  

Well, that's according to your guesswork anyway.

It seemed to my first-hand observations that they first played the totally ridiculous "£350m a week to the NHS" EU contributions card and I grant you a lot believed it. When that was quickly and thoroughly debunked they then played the "race" card. Shamefully a winner. As Roger will no doubt bang on and on about.

Personally I thought the picture of desperate families fleeing a war zone was the nadir of UK politics.

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11 minutes ago, woolley said:

The Defence has thereby throttled itself with its own words. There are far greater issues at stake than what soundbite any career politician happens to come out with. What a shallow view you have of how people come to their decisions. This is endemic in the Remain psyche. Astounding that they continue to bask in their self-adjudged superiority of intellect. Your attempts to understand this are akin to trying to thread a needle whilst wearing nocturnal boxing gloves.

Dear me Woolster!

How's the schoolgirl fiction coming along...? :)

Although I'm beginning to think Mr Quilp must be a carrier. Or maybe it's something in the water....

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2 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

It has to be said though that project fear was pretty counterproductive. Had i had a vote and could of been arsed, i would have voted leave based purely on the obvious lies of project fear  peddled by the menagerie of cunts they got to spout it.

"Call me Dave" and Gideon have a great deal to answer for.

But then maybe Cameron saw himself in the "Maggie" mould.

You know, totally polarising the country....

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26 minutes ago, P.K. said:


Personally I thought the picture of desperate families fleeing a war zone was the nadir of UK politics.

The majority of them appeared to be young men who should have stayed behind to fight said war and protect their more vulnerable family members. I wonder what would have happened in 1940 if all the young blokes in Britain had said: "Bugger this for a game of soldiers, we're off to somewhere safe where the system is a soft touch."

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2 hours ago, woolley said:

I wonder what would have happened in 1940 if all the young blokes in Britain had said: "Bugger this for a game of soldiers, we're off to somewhere safe where the system is a soft touch."

If it happened today - about half the country would probably be tuned into Lord Haw Haw. Arguing that the BBC and Reichssender Hamburg were equally biased and whining that Churchill & co were liberal elites. They'd calling for King Edward to be brought back and for a peace with Germany. Talking about how pleased they were to see a return of nationalism across the continent. And linking to stuff Goebbels would be posting at Breitbart. 

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