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Appalling treatment of the windrush generation

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36 minutes ago, quilp said:

This, after you casting aspersions about "simpletons" lol. 

I'm surprised that you are amused by so little. But happy for you of course.

Did I direct that comment at a particular poster? Oh no, I didn't.

Just spur of the moment what I can remember being directed at me for today:

snowflake (naturally}

thicko (for a typo)

libdum (but of course}

I'm sure you know the rest only too well....

Incidentally, who/what do you mean by "Better People" below?

5 hours ago, quilp said:

Oh dear, here you are again trying to pass yourself off as one of the 'Better People.' 


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Self-righteous, smug and self-regarding individuals who instinctively see themselves as something they're not. Champagne socialists, preening liberals full of virtuous outpouring. People who see themselves as better and more sensible than those oiks beneath them. You know the type.

Or do you? 

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I'm not sure you can be a liberal AND a socialist.

But your description pretty much fits my better half's brother in law. Whom I despise and so does she. But equally he is a VERY big scorer on The Hare Scale. Especially "self-regarding individuals who instinctively see themselves as something they're not" is a classic and labelled "Grandiose Self-Worth" which I think is a wonderful tag line.

Got to take issue with  "preening liberals full of virtuous outpouring" because I'm a liberal and preening  and virtuous outpouring is definitely not my scene. As my wardrobe and anyone who knows me can attest to. It's certainly not a liberal trait either. Although you could swap "liberal" with "tory", "socialist" , "monarchist", "republican" or whatever and be spot on in certain cases just like everywhere else. Although the classic has to be "Degsy" Hatton who tried to create The People's Republic of Liverpool and was a male model in his spare time. Dear me, what a shambles he created around him.

" People who see themselves as better and more sensible than those oiks beneath them" ahhh yes, the Jacob Rees-Moggs of this world from a class "born to rule" and all the rest of the privileged BS. Hopefully they're dying out. But surely they don't use the expression "oiks" any more? Not even in Eton you would hope.

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As I posted. You could swap "liberal" for just about any other shade of politics and find examples galore.

Which makes the description a bit meaningless really.

ETA although how Mr Quilp can think they're somehow "better people" is completely beyond me.

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I don't think they're better people! Are you having a laugh now or did you miss my point? Generally I find most of the people I've described wouldn't recognise these traits in themselves. 

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3 minutes ago, quilp said:

I don't think they're better people! Are you having a laugh now or did you miss my point? Generally I find most of the people I've described wouldn't recognise these traits in themselves. 

That depends entirely on the person as you know very well.

You keep coming back to this fixation you seem to have that somehow the Remain camp look down on those who voted Leave. I for one am fully aware that neither side has a monopoly on either cleverness or stupidity. Despite all those idiots who phone James O'Brien at LBC and make themselves sound really really stupid. 

You keep banging on and on about those who voted Remain should "Get over it" and so forth. Well guess what?

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Just now, P.K. said:

You keep coming back to this fixation you seem to have that somehow the Remain camp look down on those who voted Leave.

Didn't they? Do I have to repeat your favourite expression? The one that included, amongst other descriptive nouns like, "thick as pigshit."

In your case you were quick to adopt the derogatory feel of the Private Eye-esque narrative and the expressions used in that rag about how the little people knew not what they were voting for and if only they'd listen/known better, etc., etc. And other vain attempts to portray them as racists, greasy islamophobes, xenophobes.

I could quite easily search for your more choice remarks but I really can't be arsed... 

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3 hours ago, P.K. said:

Where is your PROOF that because they were ALL members of the PCS they DELIBERATELY SET OUT TO DECEIVE.

Come on, put up or shut up!

they set out to deceive rudd, cooper had a copy of the memo.......

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2 hours ago, quilp said:

Self-righteous, smug and self-regarding individuals who instinctively see themselves as something they're not. Champagne socialists, preening liberals full of virtuous outpouring. People who see themselves as better and more sensible than those oiks beneath them. You know the type.

Champagne socialism sounds fun.

You should get that chip looked at.

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17 minutes ago, quilp said:

You're another one... 


So what I get from you is that your politics is defined by what you don't like.  And that you feel that you are unfairly looked down on.

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Just now, pongo said:


So what I get from you is that your politics is defined by what you don't like.  And that you feel that you are unfairly looked down on.

Nah. I don't take it personally. Isn't everyone's politics partly defined by what they don't like?

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