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Alfie Evans is fatally ill. Should he be allowed to die in peace?


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I cannot comprehend the mob causing disruption at Alder Hey Hospital demanding a child is kept on a respirator machine which is painfully destroying his lungs in a pointless effort to prolong his life.

Liverpudlian Catholic mobs.  Erm ... maybe I shouldn't be that surprised at their behaviour.

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19 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:

Thought he was off the ventilator?

He is, against the demands of the mob outside.

My understanding prolonged use of ventilators especially on the young basically shred their lungs - rather than being filled by an under-pressure from the diaphragm or ribs opening up, they have to be filled by an over-pressure to force the air in against the immobile ribs.

That overpressure blows away mucus membranes and leaves raw tissue.

I can fully understand a compassionate doctor saying keeping your child on such a machine is cruel and the best thing to do is hold him and be with him, but leave the machines alone.  Let him be.

I cannot comprehend the treat-no-matter-what mentality which would try to put him through such pain needlessly.

The catholic church of course claims this is reminiscent of the cross and is something to be welcomed.  Sick, is my only response.  Sick in the head.

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7 hours ago, ballaughbiker said:

Thought he was off the ventilator?

Almost 2 days now, they expected him to die in a couple of hours ,it's a fucking disgrace!

 I think the more serious question is , since when did the state claim  ownership of children above the Parents  ?

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18 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:

What is?

The fact that they planned for  him to die quite quickly ,but he's hung on for 2.5 days now for one.

 The fact that the state is claiming ownership of  a child and the power of life and death ahead of it's parents for two.

 A judge saying it's in Alfies best interests to stay on the medical plan devised for him to alleviate suffering  ,when the medical plan devised for him is to  put him on a  planned "Pathway to death" by taking away the treatment that may keep him alive, which is a bit of an  oxymoron in my book.

 The Authorities have made a rod for their own back over this .

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The fact that they planned for  him to die quite quickly ,but he's hung on for 2.5 days now for one.

 The fact that the state is claiming ownership of  a child and the power of life and death ahead of it's parents for two.

 A judge saying it's in Alfies best interests to stay on the medical plan devised for him to alleviate suffering  ,when the medical plan devised for him is to  put him on a  planned "Pathway to death" by taking away the treatment that may keep him alive, which is a bit of an  oxymoron in my book.

 The Authorities have made a rod for their own back over this .

Ok, that's a bit clearer, thanks.

Do you agree with Alfie's father that his child's condition has been misdiagnosed?

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