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Alfie Evans is fatally ill. Should he be allowed to die in peace?


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2 minutes ago, woody2 said:

nobody owns a child.....

you really need to lay off the angkor in sexpat......

Why? It makes reading your shite more bearable!!

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5 hours ago, homarus said:


  Pope Francis himself stated that only God should determine life or death ,this in my opinion  set the scene for a  Faith v  The State battle.

God or Nature or Fate had already decided on death. 

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3 minutes ago, Declan said:

God or Nature or Fate had already decided on death. 

The Doctors and the courts between themselves decided on death .


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6 minutes ago, Declan said:

No the doctors intervention had delayed it by many months. 

But they eventually stepped in and decided to end it ,in effect playing god ahead of the parents wishes .

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The Doctors and the courts between themselves decided on death 

Only the time of it. As Declan correctly observes, without the doctors skill, he would have been dead months ago. They therefore delayed his death, not hastened it.

Why is intervention then not 'playing god' (not that I agree with that opinion anyway.)


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Hopefully soon people will realise that there is no god.

No god, no heaven, no hell, not even oblivion.

Just nothing.

A brief moment of awareness from being born to life ending.

That's it.

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What is interesting is the US response to all this.

Some are using it as an example of why free healthcare is bad (incorrectly I must add).


All the more amusing (in a sigh worthy way) are thos saying if we had the "2nd" in the UK, Alfie could have been rescued at gun point (although the irony of saving a life destined to die shortly by ending other lives is utterly lost on the people making the statement.

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1 hour ago, ballaughbiker said:

Only the time of it. As Declan correctly observes, without the doctors skill, he would have been dead months ago. They therefore delayed his death, not hastened it.

Why is intervention then not 'playing god' (not that I agree with that opinion anyway.)


Err!!  Because they were carrying out their duties as per their oath!!

 Once they decide to end life rather than save life they are playing god!!  As you yourself say  ,they decided on the time of death!


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15 minutes ago, homarus said:

Err!!  Because they were carrying out their duties as per their oath!!

 Once they decide to end life rather than save life they are playing god!!  As you yourself say  ,they decided on the time of death!    

Personally I don't feel it's right to get all judgemental. I'm a parent and I simply can't even imagine what it's like to lose a child. I think it's one of those things in life you actually have to experience to understand. There but for the grace etc etc.

I do know that when you take your child to hospital you are entrusting your child to them. That they will do everything in their power to care for them in a way that's in the child's best interest.

I believe that's exactly what has happened here so it really could have done without the media circus imho.

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Err!!  Because they were carrying out their duties as per their oath!!

 Once they decide to end life rather than save life they are playing god!!  As you yourself say  ,they decided on the time of death!

Well if you are on about the hippocratic oath, I think that has been replaced sometime ago with more up to date guidance. However if you don't accept that, and are thinking along the lines of what it used to say with reference to doing harm then harm needs defining legally.

Keeping an otherwise terminally ill body ventilated for years would do harm in some people's eyes. Even if you can't accept that then would you agree that it is doing no good ?

And there really is no need for "Err!!"

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