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Gorbals Mick snuffs it.


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Michael Martin aka Baron Martin of Springburn better known as Gorbals Mick has died.

His greatest claim to fame was his outrageous fiddling of expenses that eventually saw him being forced to resign despite fighting to keep his role in spite of being guilty as sin.

Another associate of the worst PM Britain ever had, Blair, the world is a little cleaner today.

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1 hour ago, Rog said:

Michael Martin aka Baron Martin of Springburn better known as Gorbals Mick has died.

His greatest claim to fame was his outrageous fiddling of expenses that eventually saw him being forced to resign despite fighting to keep his role in spite of being guilty as sin.

Another associate of the worst PM Britain ever had, Blair, the world is a little cleaner today.

Do you really believe that? Do you ever research anything before you post. Did he fiddle his expenses? Are you sure? I thought he resigned because of his reluctance to publish details of the defalcations of other MPs or to allow a new system to oversee expenses.

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I am surprised at such vitriol from Rog at the passing away of a man who was deeply concerned about anti-semitism.

Martin never really progressed from 70s shop-steward thinking - when faced with th expenses scandal his first thoughts weren’t how to preserve faith in democracy, but to look after his co-workers. I didn’t think much of his politics, I don’t know if he was a good man, and when the snobs called him ‘Gorbals Mick’ it said much more about their weakness of character than it revealed about him. 

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Not long before Blair became PM I was in the pub with some friends.  A TV was on and Blair was holding forth.  A youngish guy staggered past, in a state of fairly advanced 'refreshment', and stopped when he saw Blair on screen.  He pointed and yelled 'SATAN!'  

My personal opinion is that history will not remember Mr Blair well.

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5 hours ago, Rog said:

His greatest claim to fame was his outrageous fiddling of expenses that eventually saw him being forced to resign despite fighting to keep his role in spite of being guilty as sin.

Another associate of the worst PM Britain ever had, Blair, the world is a little cleaner today.

When everyone assumed you had died people here were polite about you (though frankly I had half suspected that you were the figment of someone's twisted imagination).

Nice people tend not to go out of their way to be nasty about the dead. They find the good in people or seek, at least, to understand what made them how they are. I wonder what made you how you are.

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4 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

I am surprised at such vitriol from Rog at the passing away of a man who was deeply concerned about anti-semitism.

Martin never really progressed from 70s shop-steward thinking - when faced with th expenses scandal his first thoughts weren’t how to preserve faith in democracy, but to look after his co-workers. I didn’t think much of his politics, I don’t know if he was a good man, and when the snobs called him ‘Gorbals Mick’ it said much more about their weakness of character than it revealed about him. 

His condemnation of the Jew Hatred, especially where it is now being employed by Corbyn and the Corbynistra was extremely late coming and based on his probably unfounded  concern that compared to the number of seats that would be attracted to Labour even more might be lost. He was one of the notable but thankfully few really appalling Speakers. The present incumbent is in the same category.

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30 minutes ago, pongo said:

When everyone assumed you had died people here were polite about you (though frankly I had half suspected that you were the figment of someone's twisted imagination).

Nice people tend not to go out of their way to be nasty about the dead. They find the good in people or seek, at least, to understand what made them how they are. I wonder what made you how you are.

I do not and never have claimed or wanted to be nice.  

Life and its lessons made me as I am - and I have no problem with it. 

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1 hour ago, The Phat Tog said:

Not long before Blair became PM I was in the pub with some friends.  A TV was on and Blair was holding forth.  A youngish guy staggered past, in a state of fairly advanced 'refreshment', and stopped when he saw Blair on screen.  He pointed and yelled 'SATAN!'  

My personal opinion is that history will not remember Mr Blair well.

I disagree.

In the future people will remember Blair very well.

Remember him as a lying war mongering war criminal who broke Britain.

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5 hours ago, John Wright said:

Do you really believe that? Do you ever research anything before you post. Did he fiddle his expenses? Are you sure? I thought he resigned because of his reluctance to publish details of the defalcations of other MPs or to allow a new system to oversee expenses.

I not only believe it I know it.  Just tranch the records of what took place.  The man was scum.

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12 minutes ago, pongo said:

You have just written your own epitaph.

In you signature form of slightly mangled English.

Ask me if I care.  There, something to add to your proposed epitaph for me.

Because I don't care. What you see with me is what there is.

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