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Gorbals Mick snuffs it.


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2 hours ago, Rog said:

His condemnation of the Jew Hatred, especially where it is now being employed by Corbyn and the Corbynistra was extremely late coming and based on his probably unfounded  concern that compared to the number of seats that would be attracted to Labour even more might be lost. He was one of the notable but thankfully few really appalling Speakers. The present incumbent is in the same category.

I thought for a minute you might be appreciative of someone in very poor health doing something in their last few days to protest anti-semitism. Of course, you don’t care. All you can base your political judgments on is hatred of Palestine and anyone, particularly any politician, who recognises a two-state solution as a just solution. (That’s your only real rationale for the antI-EU vitriol).

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13 hours ago, pongo said:

You have just written your own epitaph.

In you signature form of slightly mangled English.


13 hours ago, Rog said:

I do not and never have claimed or wanted to be nice.  

Life and its lessons made me as I am - and I have no problem with it. 

"Under this sod lies another"?:lol:

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11 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

I thought for a minute you might be appreciative of someone in very poor health doing something in their last few days to protest anti-semitism. Of course, you don’t care. All you can base your political judgments on is hatred of Palestine and anyone, particularly any politician, who recognises a two-state solution as a just solution. (That’s your only real rationale for the antI-EU vitriol).

My life, you have a vivid imagination. Totally wrong of course, but a vivid imagination nonetheless!

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12 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

I thought for a minute you might be appreciative of someone in very poor health doing something in their last few days to protest anti-semitism. Of course, you don’t care. All you can base your political judgments on is hatred of Palestine and anyone, particularly any politician, who recognises a two-state solution as a just solution. (That’s your only real rationale for the antI-EU vitriol).

SCUM,the "mick" was waaaay beyond his mental capacity anywhere beyond Glasgow.

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