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Royal Wedding


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16 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

I would start by looking a few posts up...

Which posts?

You have levelled a accusation that I claimed that the white races were superior. Show where and when.

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To get back on topic, I watched a bit and thought the Queen looked somewhat disenchanted during the ranting sermon and the rest of the family looked on the point of rising hysteria.  The bride looked lovely and so did her mother, so it went well.   The guests are now offering their lucky bags on eBay......says the lot really.

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57 minutes ago, Barrie Stevens said:

I have heard it said that Madame Tussaud's created a "Meghan Markle" by way of melting down a "Wallis Simpson" ?? An omen?

C'mon Barrie - you must have a witty tale to tell from when you cleaned there

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17 minutes ago, kevster said:

C'mon Barrie - you must have a witty tale to tell from when you cleaned there

OK! A special request. For you and only for you!

I was not a cleaner at Madame Tussaud's!  In shock I hear you cry "Nay lad! Nay!". But I fear it is true...Verily, verily I say unto you.

I was not a cleaner at the waxworks.

But save the while good people for I did once pose as a waxworks! Unkind people may say that my working as a cleaner was not much better. 

They had a display near the entrance to the show of two men on a park bench each reading a newspaper and which was changed daily. I went and sat between the two waxworks also with a newspaper and went very still. People came up and took photos. Several said "That one (Me) looks so lifelike!" 

At this point I jump and shout "Boo!"...People scream....And they did not have public defibrillators in those days.

And that my children is what Daddy in the Great War. Now up the wooden hill or no more bedtime stories!

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The guests are flogging their "lucky bags" from the Royal Wedding? In 1953 and the Coronation I was presented with a scale model die cast metal gold coach and team..A silver medal...A book...a badge with the Queen's face on it and any number of plates, cups, mugs, spoons etc. It was lost on me and I kept none of it. The model gold coach issued in limited numbers by Essex County Council is worth some money now!

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1 minute ago, hissingsid said:

Barrie, in one of the photos taken of Meghan , with her hair pulled back, I remarked how much she resembled Wallis Simpson and people agreed, a bit prettier but then again much younger, I think you may be spot on with this one.

I think it was staged on purpose. She is a bit of an actress. As it is written, "God is not mocked...….."

I wonder if she really understands the constitutional set up behind all the ceremony and show? She is now British (She switched sides), converted to C of E and has a title. Presumably if she does Public Duties they both will get money from the Sovereign Grant. If they undertake public duties they then become under control of the politicians ie Planned trip to Australia etc.

Harry may be trained up to it but in the USA this would seem very strange. Once anyone take the "Queen's shilling" (Or how much it is the Royals get doing public duties) then they have to keep in line or are in some way restricted. Diana got ratty with Charles over his insistence: "I must do my duty". She thought it boring. I hope Charles meant his public duties and not those to Camilla!

Wallis Simpson never understood the constitutional monarchy. Americans forget we had a revolution over "No taxation without representation"  long before they did. They just pulled down a lead statue of George III whereas we cut the King's head off.

During their time of troubles Wallis would say to Edward (Known as David) "David! Send for the soldiers!" Well, Edward VIII (David) knew that he had no power to do anything without the PM's agreement despite all trappings and Empire and all. This was the end product of our Revolution. A constitutional and bit of a pretend monarchy recognisable as like today's version as from George III onwards.

Wonder if Meghan really understands what she has joined? And will she accept the restrictions because behind the showbiz side of Royalty there are some powerful and watchful people.

That security details is in part there in order to see what the Royals get up to off-duty, who they mix with and what they do with the money! 

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trailer park trash wins golden ticket- what's she not going to like bazza......

only seen the clips on the news but after the trip around windsor her head when forward as soon as they went through the gates- very telling.....


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