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Royal Wedding


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10 minutes ago, NoTail said:

After the Royals ....

What a fecking awful life being a Royal. I wouldn't do it for any amount of money. Life in a goldfish bowl. Independently wealthy but you can't enjoy it because you have to take the path mapped out for you until you die. Poor bastards. If I were them I would tell the government to stuff it.

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35 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Hes part of the landed gentry you fucking moron, the worst benefit scroungers going.

Hardly benefits. Farming subsidies, payment for environmental protection special measures, compensation for protection of SSSI, and the like.  Unlike on the island these things have to be demonstrable AND ARE periodically audited. I've bought a few hectares of land over the years which I rent out and based on the income of my couple of tenants they would be financially better off sitting on their backsides watching TV and claiming scrounger scum benefits.  The latest problem one is facing is the loss of 50 spring lambs, it coincides with a bunch of Pikeys moving on. It's easy to loose sight of return on investments and ROCE. With agricultural land hereabouts valued at around £16,000 per hectare (a hectare is just under 2.5 acres) owning just a few hectares soon adds up, and people want to earn from their capital. Then there's the evil EU quota system to be fought against.  Benefit scroungers? I don't think so.

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20 minutes ago, woolley said:

What a fecking awful life being a Royal. I wouldn't do it for any amount of money. Life in a goldfish bowl. Independently wealthy but you can't enjoy it because you have to take the path mapped out for you until you die. Poor bastards. If I were them I would tell the government to stuff it.

Are you kidding? No private life?  Get real.

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Just now, mojomonkey said:

I wouldn't vote for Corbyn and didn't ever vote for Blair.

Well done. Actually in your case I'm not surprised. You come across as someone with a functioning brain

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19 minutes ago, woody2 said:

next pm is jrm......

Very likely. And possibly the best way of finally silencing his bluff. Like when Tsipras took over in Greece.

And was then quietly shown what he needs to do. 

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May won't be going anywhere. Front runners on both sides know it's a shit sandwich and they are quite content to let Theresa have it, and for that matter to leave Corbyn in place too. That could well run for the full term of the parliament.

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12 hours ago, woolley said:

Nope. Not kidding. I wouldn't live their lives for ANYTHING.

The "royals" certainly do have a private life outside of the press vision. "Saint" Dianna was notorious as became clear once she'd been bumped off, Phillip the Greek was also very well known in a number of West End clubs quite apart from the excursions he made overseas, even Lizzie is said to have had - dalliances - some years ago, all kept out of the press of course.

Wouldn't live their lives? If what we are told is taken as being all there is then that would be one thing --- but it isn't as always comes out and in all cases but usually only many years afterwards.

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