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Has anyone really looked at the amount of posts regarding the government on this forum when you sit back and look at it is scary.


If this was the UK it would be major news.


i want to know whats going to happen to the sick and elderly when the prices of electric goes up and gas.


Profit by name profit by nature

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But have you noticed the amout of posters that have been quiet since the Ban on Government employees.


Government are ti increase the total allowances payable by £100 this year to the needy only after being meens tested.


Three weeks ago an elderly gentleman was placed in Glenside due to not being able to look after himself and a shortage of home helpers, the only family he has live away and do not have the money to pay for the Care, Government are now going to sell his house, and I this information was given by someone who visits the old man

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Disgusting aint it what ever happened to caring for the older generation.


The elderly need to be cared for not put in a home to rot the world these days is digusting towards the older generation.


The scary thing is we will all be old one day

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I think we should all talk about pubs and clubs and sex and stuff. And even thenm boriing farts who go on about trams and airplanes spotting. Its all pretty good stuff really I suppose. And then there is ocasional manx culture and farms and cows flicking their tails in the milk.


Better than politics which is just boring really.


to mention nothing of the tent at the TT

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Three weeks ago an elderly gentleman was placed in Glenside due to not being able to look after himself and a shortage of home helpers, the only family he has live away and do not have the money to pay for the Care, Government are now going to sell his house, and I this information was given by someone who visits the old man


So the point that you're trying to make is that this elderly gentleman that can't look after himself and doesn't have any family living near by. He owns his own house and the Government feel that his house should be sold in order to provide funds for him to be given suitable care. In receiving this suitable care, his family, that do not live near by will not be able to receive the benefit of the proceeds of the house when this elderly gentleman dies.


The elderly Gentleman receives the care that he is entitled to and he keeps his dignity by being able to provide the funds from the sale of his house. He hasn't made suitable provisions for his retirement and old age but he has the assets of a property which he can use to release capital and fund a standard of living that he needs.


His relatives that do not live near by do not receive as much as they thought that they may get in his will. Tough!


If everyone had the outlook on life that they should be able to receive full time care and assistance when they are older and unable to look after themselves whilst still being able to retain all of their assets. Can you possibly imagine the amount of money that each person would need to contribute to the state in order to be able to fund this kind of care?


We only pay tax for the facilities that we use. We only pay NI for the health care that we receive. (On the Isle of Man I think that we have a very good health care system) Where does the contribution come from that provides full time care when we are elderly and unable to take care of ourselves? What happens to our assets, our homes when we go into a care home? Are they just to be left to relatives whilst the rest of the community fund our care?


I don't fancy paying for this elderly gentleman to be in a care home whilst his house sits there waiting for his relatives to get their hands on it when he eventually dies. Put it to good use and you never know, it might just free up some of the housing stock that you've been moaning about!



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National Insurance contributions have obviously been worthless for this man ! Surely the NHS should have some responsibility.


The government is a disgrace for not providing facilities and letting private care homes from fleecing the old and needy.

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but maybe the level of gov employees work output has gone up.


a girl in our place spends about 90% of her time doing forums and personal emails /silly chain letters and stuff. She looks busy though.


I don't think i want to pay taxes for someone to winge on about wurlitzers and that.

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Ans I was having a look today and it does appear that site traffic has dropped considerably during the day. You will obviously be able to get the facts and figures which could be quite intresting.


It's summertime. Figures always drop in the summer. They did last summer, they have this summer and they will again next summer. We weren't talking about traffic though, FCMRMCMRMC specifically said there was a number of posters been quiet since this forum was blocked on the Government network.

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How do you know that he ever paid any?




He has worked all his life as a manual worker, paid all his ni and taxes, brought his kids up without any help from the state, done national service, paid for his own home instead of living in a house funded by other taxpayers, and because the mans body and mind is xxxxed from years of hard work his family dont get the benifit from it

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How do you know that he ever paid any?




He has worked all his life as a manual worker, paid all his ni and taxes, brought his kids up without any help from the state, done national service, paid for his own home instead of living in a house funded by other taxpayers, and because the mans body and mind is xxxxed from years of hard work his family dont get the benifit from it


The moral of this story is, when you get old "sell" your house etc to your kids, and they'll let you live in the house rent free. That way, the government don't have anything to take from you. Obviously you need to have kids you trust in case they decide to evict you. ;)

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